I am a girl (female) let us have a conversation about anything

I am a girl (female) let us have a conversation about anything.

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Okay. What color are your panties?

Is fishdude your lord and savior

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do you do the benis???

What's your bmi
How would you rate your face 1-10

Why do you have to lie about your gender on a site filled with faggots just for attention?

Let's talk about why you shouldn't be on this board. I'm done talking. Please leave thanks

Got any struggles in your life you wanna talk about? Insecurities, friend/relationship stuff?

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Is it weird to try and chat up a girl who seems like she's by herself at the movies?

Will you please be my gf? You have been muted for 2 seconds,

If you were a book character or a girl, no.

In real life as a non-Chad guy, yes.

of course
hm, i am straight but I have yet to do a benis
i think about 20, and probably a 4? I don't have any acne and not many blemishes save for a scar on my cheek
I am not lying
after this thread, i will leave
nothing in particular. have anything you want to talk about, user?

Post picture

seems like or is alone? if she seems like it wait and see to make sure she is, it isn't weird as long as you don't make it weird
that depends, why do you want a gf?


Do you have high standards? Would you date a 385lb neet or am I doomed to spend my remaining time alone?

How old are you, where are you from? What do you do in life (neet, highschool, uni, job, if the latter two what kind)?

Why did you come to this board/website?

love Sex and companionship

Why do you think you deserve special attention? Additionally, could you please end your life?

Why do I get turned on by emotional pain, insecurities, emotional instability and other things of the sort in females?
also do you think that's weird?

Not op but it's because you're insecure and you think that you can't attract or deal with a mentally healthy girl so you're looking for a "broken" one that could get attached to you and would be undesirable for most other guys so she wouldn't cheat on you

Want to commit suicide together?

I don't think asking for a partner to be a reasonable weight is having high standards but I don't believe you are doomed to spend your remaining time alone if you start to take care of your body anyway being as overweight as you are your weight might kill you early
I am 22 and I am from Minnesota. I am almost done with my degree in a stem related subject and I am also wagecucking at a retail clothing store
I have been on Jow Forums for 8 or so years now and I occasionally just go through random boards
I can perhaps provide the love and companionship but not entirely sure about the sex

What do you think of 4.5 inch penises?

>I am 22 and I am from Minnesota. I am almost done with my degree in a stem related subject and I am also wagecucking at a retail clothing store
That's a shame. I'm a 23 year old decent looking dude wrapping up my med degree but I'm all the way in euroland

>but not entirely sure about the sex
Why? isn't that the point of having a gf/bf?

I am not deserving of anything, that you are giving me attention is out of your own volition and sure, maybe in a few years
what said, I don't think it's very weird but I don't think that is very healthy for yourself or the mentally unstable girl you interact with
Sure, what is your timeline?

Is Being tall Actually Instantly atractive? and i dont mean Lanklet tall i mean broad shoulders and all that jazz but with a beer belly

there's nothing wrong with them as long as they function?
ah, what country? what made you choose medicine and what branch of that?
I don't think the point of a relationship is sex, user.

I have a theory that I want your opinion on. I believe the input from a real life female would be beneficial for the testing of my hypothesis. Let me explain to you my theory, me to share my thesis, and then for you to give me your critique and input, your anti-thesis, and for our ideas to meld into one beautiful and factual synthesis of ideas.

My premise is that black dick is the most powerful force of change in all of human history, more so than any technological, societal, and intellectual idea or invention. The evidence is how women, especially white women in particular, are drawn to it and protect it even at a danger to themselves. Look at how they willingly forsake and happily destroy their societies and nations and how they put themselves in danger just to experience one for themselves. Black dick is quite literally conquering all of Western civilization. It's very ironic that the civilizations that conquered, dominated, and tamed the world through force, both militarily and culturally, and brought the entire planet together into the future is now succumbing to and worshiping black dick and throwing away their past and future for the pure ecstasy that black dick gives to them.

As you can see, based on the fact, black dick certainly is the most powerful force of change in all of human history. It is quite literally conquering those who once conquered the planet. Every Western nation is projected to become majority African and brown by 2100. Every Asian nation will still be Asian. Every African nation will still be African. Every Hispanic nation will still be Hispanic. But every white or Western nation will be black or brown. It is really quite amazing at the speed and dominance of black dick, how it spreads so rapidly and how fully women surrender to it. Speaking of which, black dick is physically larger and more pleasurable for women sexually, so that explains why they desire it so much.

I eagerly await your thoughts on my arguments, my dear.

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I'm depressed because I drove a girl away by not finding her face attractive but I did later but it was too late and she left because she thouht that's what I wanted and despite her not saying so I feel awful because I know I made her hurt.

I've been in a funk for a week or so now.
What can another of your kind from here do to alleviate this pain?
Or would the less selfish option be how to relieve her of her pain, even though I believe in her when she says she was fine and I can't contact her now anyway?
Or is being concerned with the former just prove my selfishness?

>ah, what country? what made you choose medicine and what branch of that?
Crappy south slavic one.
Mostly job stability, decent money and status. It's a fun science too.
I graduate as a general practitioner, I can apply for a specialty residency afterwards. Idk what I'll pick though. It probably won't be surgery because that shits stressful and depressing long term

Thank you for the catgirl picture.
Would you dress up as a catgirl if you were held at gunpoint?

>i don't think the point of a relationship is sex, user.
If you have a gf and don't have sex with is she even your gf? but why don't you want sex?

>I am also wagecucking at a retail clothing store
I sense anguish in your tone.
Perhaps you should ask Mr. Skekelstein,
for a bone?

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Will you marry me? You have to quit your job and be a stay at home mom though.

I mean, that depends on each person's personal preference. I have female friends that are more attracted to men only a 3-5 inches taller than them and others who prefer much taller
>my premise is that black dick is the most powerful force of change in all of human history
I stopped reading there, sorry
you must overcome the guilt you feel by yourself, finding another female to "help" won't do anything except be a distraction for what you should address I don't think you can relieve her of her pain considering she is likely to be an insecure girl
ah, do you speak russian? That is a sound reason to pursue medicine. I had considered it, but I really do not want to end up having to live in a city for work, haha. That's awesome, are you excited to be finishing up? Yeah, if someone passes away while you are operating I can only imagine the weight you will feel upon yourself
yes, I would do so even without the gunpoint

Maybe, but I can't have children. I'm not that kind of 'girl'

Okay. Can you insert something into your urethra?

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I am not saying that sex would be off the table, just that I don't believe relationships should revolve around sex. anyway, I would ideally like to wait until marriage
there is lots of anguish, haha. ironically enough, a jew owns the store I work at
sure, but how many children do you want? I want at least 3

>ah, do you speak russian? That is a sound reason to pursue medicine. I had considered it, but I really do not want to end up having to live in a city for work, haha. That's awesome, are you excited to be finishing up? Yeah, if someone passes away while you are operating I can only imagine the weight you will feel upon yourself
Russian is from a different slavic language group so I can only understand a bit of it if I'm reading it. If someone actually speaks it I won't understand shit.
And yeah, I'll try to pick a field where people don't die often because high stress fields either make you an emotional wreck or more likely numb you completely and I don't want to be one of those doctors that are completely indifferent to human suffering. Anyways I gotta go now, good luck with your degree and the job hunt that follows

> I would ideally like to wait until marriage
Me too but i'm too fucking horny (sexually frustrated) to do that.

no? lol
I just wanted to ask because Russian is a language I would like to learn. That's usually how it goes with languages within the same family. Smart choice, I hope you enjoy whatever you choose to specialize in. Thanks! I appreciate it. If you do read this last message, I can leave my discord and we can be friends if you would like.

Well, it is a weekday,
you must be getting sleepy,
tomorrow you have to sweep up all that peepee!

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Where do I find girls into watching lots of anime and playing shitty weeb games? all the girls I find are into tweeting dumb stuff and not playing enough video games.
Surely you must know where they tend to hang out.

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The guilt I feel but I also feel empty and that the person out there for me doesn't exist.
I've been going light on and outright skipping some workouts and found myself really happy playing Danganronpa for the first time but on a trip now and being away from it I feel hollow again.

With that incident I just feel like my standards are too high and idealistic and that 2d haa warped my perception of attraction and love and I just want to kill my soul slowly with carnal acts of lust but I'm not a chad and the women who actually match don't respond.

Could you tell me you love me?

>yes, I would do so even without the gunpoint
I don't need to know what you'd do out of gunpoint.

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What do you like about being here?

I haven't worked a day this week, user jokes on you
probably Jow Forums otherwise in person I have no idea to be honest
well, what are your standards and what is it that you have to offer? I could tell you I love you, but would that make you feel better?
just laughing at random threads

how do i find a girl to love and cuddle and take care of and other sweet things

Are you a virgin? If you aren't then you know what to do.

It's my pleasure.

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Same here, just laughing at random threads. Im a neverposter.

>If you do read this last message, I can leave my discord and we can be friends if you would like.
You seem chill but unfortunately, a few years ago I got into a bad habit of being a degenerate that treated every girl I met online as a personal sex slave/nude dispenser which was a pretty big time sink as well as being unhealthy for me (and the girls that I talked to), so as part of my recovery plan I deleted all my non normie social media

>I haven't worked a day this week, user jokes on you
Vile twat!
beg for mercy,
or a lesson you will be taught!

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Hi user.
MY INTERNET BF SEEMS TO BE AVOIDING ME. I don't really know if he's even my bf because he hasn't even said so but he said he loved me one time and that he stopped talking to other girls (even though I know he's lying). He said the other day that he only ignored me for a couple days because he was trying to be alone to figure things out. I sent him a bunch of embarrassing messages because I thought he blocked me so I was just venting which I guess is also what I'm doing now. Anyway I know he's told me a bunch of lies but when he talks to me it seems like he does care. I wonder if he's using me to stroke his ego sometimes but all the messages lately have been him expressing concern about me and answering some of the trivial questions I send him. Have you had an internet boyfriend? Did you like him? Did the relationship last? Should I just give up and accept the fact that I will be alone forever?

How can I contact you? If you're fine with that

>sex slave/nude dispenser
>post nuds my dud

user I'm also going to need your very valuable thoughts on this. Please help me.

I delete them after I lose touch with the girl because the pics/vids themselves don't turn me on, the act of getting a girl to send them to me does. I've probably gotten them from 30+ girls at this point. It's pretty easy if you have Kik, decent social skills and looks but it's a degenerate waste of time

I guess my standards physically are a cute face and not being a fatso.
Though I do appreciate bigger buxom and thighs looking cute is a one way shot into my heart. Also on the 2d side I like kuuderes so I also like women who look cool and aloof while being cute but these women don't exist irl anyway.

Apparently for myself in interactions I am cute and funny, I study and try to practice music.
Physically I was told by her I was cute, I am a normal weight with fairly low bf but a bit of a belly that I'm working on and a beginner lifter with beginning noticable muscles. I think my face is ok, but I grew to love it. My peepee is a good size too.
I think the best I offer in my relationships is a genuine and sincere person who is fun to be around and can make you laugh.

Also I would very much like being told said loving words.

If you never met irl it's not real. You should have made plans already.

Internet relationships aren't real, don't waste your time. The only conceivable way it could work out would be if you met each other irl on a regular basis. But yeah, don't fall for the long distance meme

That might be a challenge, but I think a girl would really love that just keep looking for a sweet girl
Yeah, I am
Here is another (you)
What threads do you like?
Oh gosh, that sounds terrible, user. I am glad that you have chosen to stop doing that, I hope it has helped you in the end. So do you just refrain from interacting with women?
sorry sorry! I beg I plead I implore
You wont be alone forever and perhaps you should talk to him about how you both view your relationship. I have not had an internet boyfriend.
here is my discord bug#8669

>Here is another (you)
Dress up as a catgirl for me.

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Why would you post your own contact information? You have to know you're just going to be inundated with friend request from thirsty betas.

Are you even a real girl or just a guy looking for amusement?

Exactly this It is why I have never had an internet boyfriend. It is not real unless you see each other frequently in person.

Checked. Thank you for your input. I know this lesson already but I really needed a reminder. I am too old and quiet to make anything happen irl.

Kek, she must be new

This all sounds very reasonable, user. Why dont you look for someone in person instead? That would be much more valuable and worth while as opposed to online girls. I love you.
user! I was not expecting the gunpoint so quickly!
I know that, but it is a throwaway. I also do not have an obligation to respond to everyone, anyway. I will try, but it is not required

What qualities do girls truly like in guys?
I keep getting told by old women that I'm handsome, but girls seem to like guys that have acne and man buns, rather than a long haired 80's looking metalhead like me

>Oh gosh, that sounds terrible, user. I am glad that you have chosen to stop doing that, I hope it has helped you in the end. So do you just refrain from interacting with women?
I refrain from interacting with women online since my nude dispenser mentality only applies to inconsequential online stuff. But yeah, apart from some steam buddies and shitposting on Jow Forums I don't really interact with people online, I try to focus what little free time i have on hanging out irl, it's much more rewarding

I like your thread. I like when people post true stories. It's an underside to be seen.

I am sure you are a lovely girl and can find someone nice if you perhaps put some effort into talking to a few males you deem attractive, women are less likely to be rejected to be honest
I am not new, I am just not a 16 year old girl that is apprehensive about deleting/blocking

>I was not expecting the gunpoint so quickly!
Qu-quiet. I'm in charge here. Put on these cat ears and tail.

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How old are you? Genuinely interested to know.

>just keep looking for a sweet girl
that hasnt worked for the past twenty years

Can you play stardew valley with me? We can build a cute farm and get some cows.

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So when do we start trying to impregnate you? 3 kids is a lot of work

Well, that depends on many things user. It seems like you are asking about physical things in which case that I cannot give any sort of generalization. If you mean personality, I suppose in general women like someone that can protect them and is supportive. Being forthright about your thoughts and feelings I think is important, too
I can understand that, being stuck behind a computer screen talking to intangible person is not really ideal. You definitely get a lot more out of irl interactions.
Well, I appreciate you liking my thread user
o-ok! I-is this good?

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Trips of mercy,
always in the nick of time,
to save the purrty girly

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>Why dont you look for someone in person instead?
I do like the idea of an already "corrupted" person on Jow Forums and such gives better chances at introverts moreover the people I know irl are Jow Forums people so it just feels so natural.
But I will make an effort irl I think, maybe.
Preying upon local weeb girls and molding them into shining gems is always an option

Thanks. I am not a lovely girl. I am a stupid, mentally ill, decayed, lumpy sack of meat. The only men I meet are thrice my age and married with grandchildren. I've only really dated one person, who I met online, took my virginity, and ghosted me. It's fucking over. I am fast approaching the wall and my looks are not improving in a timely manner. It will only get worse from here.

22. Please marry me.

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I wish you could just feed me hourly catgirl pictures.

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I will marry you but I'll have to take your anal virginity.

>22. Please marry me.
Really? What exactly are your issues if you don't mind my asking. I'm not a very judgy person so don't mind me.

Not her but I have quite the supply of catgirls

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What places have you been looking?
Sure! I have never played that, but I think it could be very nice.
Probably after I finish my degree, preferably haha
s-sorry user I have work on the weekend so thats worse I guess
Oh gosh, preying upon girls sounds a little ominous but as long as you can attain happiness eventually and do not do it on the expense of others, I encourage you find someone in person! I understand the comfort with 4channers though
I am sure that is all in your head and you arent hitting the wall as quickly as you believe. If you have had one successful relationship prior, although it failed, it is likely you are not what you think you are. Just put yourself out there, I am sure someone will see the sweet person you probably are

Will you give me the big sex, cutie?

Catgirls are the only thing keeping me together.

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I'll date you qt, give contact or info like where you live in the States.

>o-ok! I-is this good?
Very good. Good girl.

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Sorry i can't play stardew valley with you if you never played before. You would ruin my farm. Start playing after 2 months send me a pic of the farm you have and then we can talk.

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Please keep dumping catgirls, I love them. It is my guilty pleasure, haha
No, sorry

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Maybe you should get some tape then user

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That's not a girl you retar orgenali

How do robots like me find fembots like you?

Men of great taste. Catgirls are the best, aren't they?

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How do I know you are not trying to con me out of my pure, pristine pooper?

A host of meme disorders including (but not limited to!) bulimia, AvPD, depression, BDD, and excoriation disorder.

Being used and manipulated for sex does not count as a failed relationship. There was no real relationship to begin with. He obviously never intended to stay with me otherwise I wouldn't be on here anymore. I'd be happy.

Same question. How do I know you are not trying to trick me?