What do you think would help prevent school shooting from happening Jow Forums?

What do you think would help prevent school shooting from happening Jow Forums?

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Government mandated gfs of course

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People being at least decent to each other

The end of absolute moral degeneracy in todays society and more traditional christian families.

Decreased urbanization. You pack a bunch of kids together in a public school who aren't familiar with each other, export parenting responsibilities to teachers, and you get socially isolated kids with no support network or sense of community and have mental disorders who are allowed to just get worse and worse until they snap.

Gun control cause I'm a pussy

The Columbine shooting was mostly caused by bullying, but I feel that more recent shootings are caused by other things.

Lets give every kid gun and end of school year purge all weak kids.


This too


I think it's rather silly when people suggest we arm teachers. eventually the schools will resemble prisons. schools for teens should be more like university. barriers of entry. tuition. etc.

other kids can do trade school. military etc.

the adults don't care really. parents are happy to drop their kids off somewhere while they chase the US dollar around for 8hours a day.

staff at school are happy with comfy salary and summers off. kids get killed. public property always turns to shit. even the schools.

private schools is the answer.

maybe offer people short term wealth in exchange for getting sterilized?

Armed guards in schools is the answer.

We should euthanize everyone at birth, that way there will be nothing for the shooters to kill.

We arent letting you near that child, stop asking

Restricting or banning guns is the obvious answer that has worked in every other country in this planet

Government issued GFs is truly the only answer

Have actual counselors who check in on the obviously depressed isolated boys. stop letting ppl go under the radar.
Let security concealed-carry. Hire more SROs. Ppl forget theres already security at every fuckin major school. let them carry. there is no big leap.

takes higher budgets but, of course. if ppl want to throw kids in cheap wannabe prisons go ahead but don't complain about shootings.

Well the problem is kids being bullied and pushed beyond the edge by their piers and themselves
I have no idea how we can stop kids bullying eachother

Ban children from watching Quentin Tarantino films


Man, as a former shooting planner (since this shit is anonymous, I planned and prepared a bomb explosion in a very dense stacy-kind drug use party), but I never got the balls. This was a decade ago.

If someone in my high school just understanded me. If school psychologist could see anything beyound ridiculous normie advice.. Much thing happened after.. But ALL my experience with social assistance and psychologist is that I encounter so unprepared personal. Its offensive how unaware they are of the entire robot cast.

Help the kids who are getting bullied

nice bait, care to share which organization you are with?

Why is bullying a problem now? what happened to standing up for yourself?

By exposing the Jews who are making anti depressants and other mental health related medications.

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No, they simply were one of us in mind.

There are several things we can do to help prevent it.
>convince media outlets to stop reporting on it
this will stop copycat shootings, a major cause of subsequent shootings.
>moar guns
this prevents the shooter from killing as many people when it happens. and it WILL happen, guns or no guns.
>better methods of helping depression
One thing I've learned from here is that medication doesn't work with depression. People with depression are very self consious. They understand that the drugs are only supressing their depression. Drugs often lead to deeper depression if the user gets off them. What needs to be developed is a way of permenantly getting rid of this illness.
I don't know how, but I'm really interested in this mental illness. I want to know what goes on in the brain of a depressed person. I want to know how to help.