What's the deal with white kids trying to be niggers, hating law enforcement for no reason?
What's the deal with white kids trying to be niggers, hating law enforcement for no reason?
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>What's the deal with white kids trying to be niggers, hating law enforcement for no reason?
To be fair I don't think American law enforcement is terribly popular right now with any demographic besides old white boomers.
>he trusts law enforcement
Law enforcement is actually a joke though. It's 90IQ school bullies power tripping on the ability to give people parking tickets.
What kind of cuck unironically "likes the police"
Should I not?
Thread theme music
pretty true. I'm a 21 yr old boomer and i love the police
What does that have to do with the price of milk?
The real redpill is hating both cops and niggers.
Your point being what exactly????
I don't know if your stormnigger buddies ever informed you of this but you can both dislike other races of people AND dislike police officers ALL AT THE SAME TIME :D
That 27 year old Boomer who pleasures himself watching cops beat up darkies on LiveLeak
That doesn't even come close to answering the question you dense motherfucker
Christ. Do you really believe they are there to protect you?
I will ask the question again. Why do white kids who are trying to be niggers, hate cops so badly all of a sudden?
No, no, have faith in cops, the FBI is just there to keep everybody safe dw sweetie :)
It has nothing to do with Jews dumbass
Cops are pigs
Cops deserve to be treated like shit
Fuck police
You are the exact person this post is aimed at
Because they should have been hated from the beginning
You are the pinnacle of human degeneracy and your legacy will be a testament to endless misery and pain. You deserve the chamber.
For what reason do you base this off. For fuck sake, you argue like a nigger.
Why are you defending these high school dropout dumbass power tripping faggots? Are you a cop?
Law enforcement is what failed white people do
I will answer again, not so subtly this time because you don't seem to get it:
Not everybody who hates cops "is trying to be like the blacks"
>Everybody who dislikes the state's paid mercenaries is brainwashed by the Jews
This is what Jow Forumstards actually believe
I thought that title was reserved for infantry?
because we get mad when we get busted for drugs
What do Jews have anything to do with it though?
So don't get caught you Fucking mongoloid.
Did you read the post that I replied to?
ye they get paid around min wage.
white kids in my town ride wheelies. I cringe everytime i see it
It's those kids that need to be sterilized. Otherwise we get Tyrone spawn like Danielle bregoli running around.
>liking cops
Found the boomer
>You make fun of us now but if we were gone, you would miss us!
>Stop laughing!
I hate them for a reason. They're prejudiced against the mentally ill and I'm schizophrenic. I've had confrontations against them.
It would be anarchy and you know it. Have you never seen the purge?
I like this version better
Don't ever let those glow in the dark CIA niggers get you Terry.
Welcome home user, we've missed you.
Found the spic, nigger or sandnigger
Glow brighter cianigger
Right wing suburbanite white boys
>we are the new counter-culture
Also right wing suburbanite white boys
>police are our friends and deserve respect
What a bunch of cuckolds.
>hating trigger happy violent thugs in uniform is being a nigger
Yes user, yes it is. Because it's the niggers who fear them most.
>Found the spic, nigger or sandnigger
none of the above
Found the bootlicker
There are only three types of people who end up being in the force
1. Twelve year olds whose only conception of working toward the greater good is enforcing the laws of the state for a putrid salary
2. 90IQ overweight failed white dudes who have never contributed to society and couldn't find a job outside of the public sector
3. Power tripping former high school bullies who have the job because they like to take their court-assigned firearms and shove them up the asses of the public for minor infractions
Tyrones and nigresses need to be cleansed from this planet.
my keks have been topped
Your characterization is reprehensible.
Nonetheless, remember, "the enemy of my enemy is my friend", is often a short sighted sentiment.
So the cops are my friend then?
If you're short sighted. Are you short sighted, user?
>Hurrr Durr black peepul dont like famine so I'm gonna go be pro-famine
No, I'm just strongly against the nigger ideologies that are propagated by the leftist Jews.
Get the fucking fuck out you inbred white degenerates
What kind of a summary is this you ignorant Faggot.
Actually a lot of black people were doing nothing whatsoever and still were getting shot at/beaten by police. It's just the US cops, man. Try to learn from Japan maybe.
>Implying this is not a politically charged board too
What the fuck are you talking about
>good work fighting the good fight brother
>19 posters
>59 replies
White people have hated police since the 70s
Even us natsocs are against American police
White person who hates niggers here. I also hate the cops. They infringe upon my freedom.
Thank you
There's good and bad ones hating all of them is the same as hating a race which I think is funny because most of the people hating them are because of muh racism.