Mexibois love BWC

Mexican bois are meant to be sissies, their mongoloid genes make them short & feminine just like their asian cousins. Macho culture only exists in mexico because the superior spanish conquistadores fucked the aztec "men" & women into submission. If you are a mexi boi just accept your place as an inferior sissy male and serve the superior white males bwc, you already lost, you speak a european language, have a european religion & your own women prefer white blue eyed men over you. Accept your place as a sissy and you will be much happier :)

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the mental illness of white boys surprises me each day

imagine being this insecure on a croatian flutist forum

At least is not nigger trannies this time

I'm 6'3 though, ese. :(

There is nothing wrong with subjugating inferior races
You must have lots of superior spanish conquistador genes in you.

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Damn that looks so sexy. Geez

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It's okay. Just shave your asshole. You can still pull it off if you have a thin build.

This is your future brown boi stop ressisting.

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But can you find a mexi sissy fucking a white transgirl? No, you cant because our women dont like small brown mexi sissy clitties

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Ho he ha ho

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Wtf? Mexican sissies are hot.

>mentally ill jew poster now attack mexicans
Does this gay man not have any shame? Is there any race you won't attack with your degeneracy? Are asians next?

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>Oh no! Not our precious Mexicans!!!
No no no no no no no

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You no you want this, just imagine the ecstasy you'd feel when a big superior alpha white male grabs your fragile little sissy body and thursts his bwc inside your boipussy

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UuHHH HAHAHA brown bois are such sissies!!!!

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ew. fuck offnigger

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White bois make better sissies

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I sincerely beg to differ

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True, thats why you should get one & make her your bitch

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>Cant fight against the negro apocalypse of the white man
>tries to make something out of nothing

In my 27 years of life i have yet to see a gay Hispanic dude.
In my 27 years of life ive seen countless white kids wear skirts/makeup and act faggy.

Tfw mexican and into sissification. How do I get started. 5'6'' also so I'd make a cute girl

Just make a thread about it, im sure many robots will want to make you into their own personal sissy slut

They exist theyre just less degenerate and up front about it. Actually Hispanics are more likely to be LGBT. Im Bi so yeah theres alot of Hispanics but theyre usually quite ashamed.

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Im sure there are, i just find it funny how OP cant fight against the BBC menace so he takes out his anger spending his time collecting pics and making an actual thread.

OP has a thread open pretending to be Black cucking white men user. Some people just want to watch the world burn.

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well i am a mexican basedboy whos doing his best to lift increase testosterone and get rid of those hips. I have family units in mexican areas in el paso and I have seen lots of mexican gays, I myself have discovered that im bi but I dont plan on turning sissy. I just have a more chad face with wide shoulders and large hands and it wouldnt work out so i gotta lift more and more.

hm this is strange, when i type onions it turned into based but thats what i was trying to say

holy fucking shit this word is illegal it gets changed i didnt know that this is my first time getting on r9k in a while

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t. butthurt Hispanic bitch bois

white men get all the boi pussy including black

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id say americans are the most hostile group of white people in this day to other races, I'm not renouncing IQ differences and the fact that racial purity is important and shit but in places like russia where it is more homogenous than in america there is still less racism happning. who knows, maybe this is a tool of the jew to deter people against christianity bye creating a degenerate redneck subculture. even nazi german segregation policy wasnt as bad as the jim crow days and their armed forces were less hostile. One thing for certain is that they have a collective mindset to KILL.

>nb4 shut the fuck up brownboi ill simply flee to another country like thailand and then mexico or spain or some shit you cant catch me!

Would do it but family would disown me.

That's because being around other races makes people more racist

a nice idea id say, thanks for that input this could be a really big contributing factor and i never thought of that.

It's pretty obvious. From an evolutionary standpoint you have no reason to be racist if there's no other race around you to have to compete with.

We can talk about it, whats your discord or kik?

You know you want this to be you, stop repressing

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do it in secrecy

on their websitesandblogs thethe

Cool, you made the thread, you showed your insecurities the the world.
Now I know you're scared of being perceived as a feminine white male by society.

lol Hispanics are effeminate baby dicks

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You're weird man. Find meaning in your life instead of race baiting.

Turn into a girls and get fucked in the ass by white guys.

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