Some one you wish you can see agian

All the threads right now are trash so I'm here to improve board quality. Here's how this works,just tell us of someone nice you knew and wish you could see again. They can be dead,alive,no longer with you,or actually still a part of your life. here ill start
>be me
>be half spic kid leaving school bus to our drop of zone
>I could walk to my apartment but nah I want to play on the swingsets
>I go to the swing sets and I find a lone girl looking bum
>of course being the nice guy I walk up to her to see if she was fine
>proabally should of mention this but I'm six and the girl was my age.
>she seems nice and a little cute(I do like me blondes)
>she dindnt tell what's wrong so i decided to play with her
>honestly have one of the best days of my young life
>we where playing everywhere
>slowly she starts opening up to me
>when we take a break she tells me why she was bum
God damit Jow Forums you will not understand how depressed she looked at that time. Honestly heart breaking.
>says her parents have been fighting and yelling at each other
>says that her parents pick her up late at night instead when she got off the bus before.
>while wactning her talk about it have the most gut renching felling and a felling to help her out
>proudly claim to her that's its ok even though I don't really understand what's happing to her ill make today her best day ever.
>spend more time toghter eventually my mom comes to pick me up at sun set
>before I go i see her back at the swing set bum out
>walk up to be and smile say "don't be sad ill be here tommorw to make it a great day too" she than gave me a smile that made my heart warm and said "ok".
>I never see her again
Whelp I hope she's ok but back to you anons any story's from you.

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can't say i feel this way about anyone, but i hope she's alright too. sounds like her home life was really horrible.

dang maybe she died...

Thank user I hope so to. Also heres a image that makes me chuckle so have it for free

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There is a chance of that being the case but I like to be optimistic

really sad story
nice to see OC from r9k from time to time

Technicality I did the exact same thread a few months back but that was when everybody was asleep

I would say my romantic love but I think it's honestly my best friend, his boyfriend wasn't being honest with him and he went to see him, i'm not sure when he's coming back

My ex, her name was Oona. I havent talked to her in years. I was a kid and didnt realize the power of the L word so I went a little too hard on itand she got scared. I got pretty creepy and weird after that so she eventually cut contact with me entirely. Closest I ever got to getting laid.

Do you have time for green text user

I do, but I'm not gonna talk about my best friend behind his back
>do you have time for a green text

Well dam user I hope that you would get another good hot at a relationship here have a anime girl

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That's fine I just like to hear people story's its pretty nice to hear them

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My buddy Jake. We met in Thailand and spent two months traveling together. The circumstances made us really close, and even though I haven't seen him in over a year I consider him one of my best friends. Geography keeps us from seeing eachother, but we exchange messages sometimes and both wanna travel together someday.

A more generic answer would be my ex, but that door is closed.

Any nice storys user or would you rather keep them private

Honestly I'm too lazy to greentext tonight, but I can talk a bit. We just became really close on the account of being two guys alone in a foreign country. We were also both dealing with personal problems (for me a relationship, and for him a drug addiction) and helped eachother with some difficult shit.
Also, partway through my trip I had problems with my bank and had basically no way to access money, and the dude payed for the rest of my trip after only knowing for a couple of weeks. We had to cut corners and do things like share beds, but it was the most generous thing anyone's ever done for me.

He's back in Asia now, and I had plans to join him but they fell through. I'll see him again eventually though.

Thanks buddy. I hope I get GF soon too.

I have a few stories, but this ones on my mind constantly.
>be me, 17, senior in high school.
>go to this stupid leadership camp
>be disinterested and introverted
>this girl comes up to me while waiting in line for lunch
>really cute spic girl, bangs, sunglasses, metal band hoodie
>says "nice shoes"
>say "thanks" and we start talking
>we become friends and hangout for the rest of the camp
>literally becomes my camp crush
>whole time i'm with her try not to rush things because I didn't want to ruin our friendship
>I was the only guy she talked to
>we bonded emotionally
>made her laugh and comforted her when she cried, had the happiest time iv'e had in a while with her
>I asked her about past relationships, it goes downhill from here.
I've got a feeling she's a fembot because of what she told me.
>told me shes never kissed a boy before, neither have I, guys have asked her out before but she just isn't interested in them,tells me that she doesn't want to be in a relationship with them
>took that as red flag
>told her about my failed relationship
>laughs abut, kinda feel bad and we don't talk until we came back home
>part ways
>miss her
>get her instagram, talk to her immediately
>invite her to one of my tennis matches at her home school
agrees to come
>never shows up
>feels bad
>she just gradually stops talking to me
>eventually ghosts me
she blocked me on everything without any reason

I just want to know why.

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Nice and wholesome I like it
Your welcome user

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>tfw can't think of anyone because everything has changed in the time that has passed since I've last seen the people I cared about
I got in contact with one of them, but we barely even talk. Don't have much in common anymore, and don't know how to talk to each other. Used to be we could start a conversation instantly and go on talking all day, but now we barely say three words before things go silent for that week.

Still, he offered me a roof over my head if ever I need it. Albeit out of my way, over in Boston. Scared to take him up on it, because I'd just be empty weight.

You know user sometimes you have to let a good thing go you know. I bet something good is aroud corner all you have to do is work for it

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user I cent really comment on the first part but I can on the second. You have ti look at your self more in a positive light even if your really physically or emotionally dead wight you have to work though it to prove to yourself and people you can do it

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A girl named Bri. We were best friends in middle/highschool and had strong feelings for each other. I dodged many of her invitations out throughout school because of my declining mental health and domestic violence episodes. Eventually things got so bad that I dropped out and I haven't seen her since my last day of school. She gave me a hug and a cute goodbye letter with her number and a gift card but I never called her..
This was 7 years ago and I still miss her, think shes married with a kid now.

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user I feel bad for you. I hope that your live from this point will be filling and you have the motivation to move and get your life rolling. Maybe ill add you to my nightly prayers if I ever do that agian

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>be 18 year old me
>just graduated high school
>get real suicidal and get sent to a psych ward
>first four days spent in observation
>three weeks in the actual place
>in the second week a real qt gril came in
>introduced myself seeing as how we were the only ones under 30 years old
>find out a lot about her
>anorexic, work(ed) at an animal sanctuary, came in to the place because she was gonna OD to die
>absolute qt, looked plain on the outside but very quiet, sweet, and had a smile that would garner a wall of replies on any board
>spend a lot of time together
>one morning I was sitting on the couch in the TV room
>she walked in and sat right next to me
>actually touching a girl for the first time
>idk how I did it, in the psych ward I became chad
>she was the reason I got out of bed
>but in the meetings with doctors, it became apparent they didn't wanna see me anymore
>they just muttered out a few words at meetings and told me I could leave soon
>my last day
>qt anorexic hugs me real tight
>slips me her number on a piece of paper
>so excited to leave, so sad to leave her
>wait two weeks
>text the gril
>this is gonna be the shit
>she only replies with one or two words
>wait no this can't be happening
>tell her we should hang out or go to a concert or watch a movie
>then she just shoots me with the ":)"
>I got a few of those smileys
>until no replies at all
plz amber, I have a few ideas why but I need to know

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Oh just in case anybody was wondering the swing set art was made my a artist called nhienan he has a deviant art for his works (heres another one)

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Feelsbadman hopefully you find someone as special as her again

user I don't know how psych wards actually work but if its posibole why don't you have a personal meeting with her to get the answer. Its better to know than not to know

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It's not possible though, that was four years ago and I don't have her number anymore. I could have deleted it to not think about her or it could've gotten lost in the few times I replaced my phone.
But I still think about her

I miss my mom It's been 9 years since she died. Granted, my quality of life improved once she did since she wasn't doing the best financially, but I still would have wanted her here. But to prevent this from becoming too much of a sob story about my mom, I'll give a less significant story about a girl.
>Be me
>Senior in High School
>Was a chorus kid since Freshman year, on account of being one of the few boys there that could actually sing
>Had a credit open and figured I should take an Engineering class
>Have always wanted to try engineering but it would always clash with chorus class
>This was the only time I was actually able to take one
>Unfortunately it was in the last semester, so I had to wait a whole semester to take it
>It was alright. Teacher was pretty cool and actually seemed to enjoy the subject
>I was the only Senior since it was an intro class
>The rest of them were either Freshman or Sophomore and a couple juniors
>Got along with a couple pretty well, including one kid who acted hot shit but was really a bit of a wimp, but he was pretty cool
>Would always partner up with this black freshman girl
>She seemed really into it and was always smiling while she was working
>would always greet me with a smile
>even offered to use her old ds to take apart for our final project
>We got along pretty well from what I remember
>I don't think she had feelings for me, just that she looked up to me as a Senior, even though I probably had less of an idea of what I was doing than her
>Even then, I was a Senior and she was a Freshman, so it wouldn't be right to start anything
>Said our goodbyes on the final day of the year, and that was the last time I saw her
>Fast forward to this previous January
>I've officially given up on college for the time being and have dedicated myself to finding a decent job
>Being scolded for one thing or another was pretty much how I started every month for the first quarter of the year
>Always think back to her, even if I

Ah dam oh well guess that advice flopped hard. Well I hope your live ended up better in those 4 years user

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Someone on here once posted a story about how they stood up to their abusive dad one time as a child, I think they stabbed him with a pencil, then their dad stabbed them in the eye with a pencil in return. This was posted here over five years ago now IIRC and I still think about them and wish I could have become their friend.

>always think back to her, even though I don't even remember her name
>realize she was the last bit of optimistic contact I got from a person since I flunked out of college
>By a stroke of luck remember the password to the e-mail I used in school (on gmail)
>Find the project where we reconstructed her old DS in 3d modeling software
>look her up
>facebook doesn't tell me much. Looks like she never uses it.
>Find out through a little more snooping that she was a cheerleader
>She would have graduated by now
I don't know if she even remembers me, but I think she's a great person and hopes she succeeds in whatever she decides to do.

Well that's nice user. Its always a pleasant felling to look back on a good memory
Who knows user fate,destiny,or luck works is mysterious ways user

My brother who passed away when I was 8th grader. If he's been alive longer he would have passed on his knowledge of being a chad to me, unironically.

missing Jocelyn

I know it's cliche, but my oneitis. She was pretty much the only good thing in my life and I always enjoyed being near her, even if I knew our relationship would never be what I wanted it to be. I ruined it by talking about ny feelings though, and she distanced herself. I still consider her a very special person and keep her close to my heart, even if she doesn't want to be around me anymore.

There was this girl Lisa who i went to high school with. She was a decently cute Chinese girl who was pretty reserved, but super smart and did really well in school. We had a bunch of classes together and became friends after a while. She once wrote me this incredibly sweet letter when i went on this class retreat thing. I wrote her back when it was her turn and when she returned from the retreat she gave me the most wonderful hug ive ever received. We even spent our prom night together (neither of us went to prom) and I shared things with her that ive never talked to anyone about before or since. Despite all this, idiot me was too blinded by my own pointless crush on some other girl to even consider asking Lisa out. The last time i saw her was our gtaduation day. I have no idea what shes up to these days, probably a doctor or something. I tried to find her online a few times but was never able to. If only i could go back i wouldnt be so stupid.

>slips me her number on a piece of paper
>so excited to leave, so sad to leave her
>wait two weeks

holy fucking shit dude why did you bother so late

I sent her a message the day I got out knowing that she wouldn't see it for a while. I waited the two weeks to make sure she was out of the psych facility when I sent her a new message.

My ex girlfriend. She was really cool to hang out with. Some of the times I had with her were some of my happiest. She turned into a cunt after the break up. I'm fine with that though.

>be me, 16 in highschool
>waiting in line for something during lunch, i dont remember what
>called from behind
>turn around and see cute girl
>shes popular, i know her and we talk sometimes during the class we have together
>says if im waiting for something
>we proceed to make small talk
>i remember her eyes for some reason
>they were a pale blue
>her skin a pasty white and her face dabbed with a hint of freckles
>her lips pursed when she spoke
>bright pink led to vibrant words no matter what she said
>the conversation leans towards the summer
>she asks if im going to this guys birthday party over the weekend
>"id love to see you there, user"
>i reply trying to sound cool, "ahh no thanks, i dont really go to parties"
>her eyes show signs of confusion
>"really? just come to this one, for me?"
>"i'll think about it because i have stuff coming up"
>just as the conversation fizzled out the bell rang, both of us said our goodbyes and hurried to our classes
>didnt goto the party, didnt see her on monday either
>news spreads around like wildfire
>hear that she died in a car accident while riding home with her friends
>cant remember exactly but they were riding home and their car veered off into a river or something
>if they didnt get killed on impact then they drowned
>horrible feeling in my stomach
>up until now i didnt have feelings for anyone popular
>but she was the only one that showed me a modicum of interest among my many bashful peers
>what a horrible way to end a life
>may your soul rest, sydney

I don't want to see anyone again. Or more precisely, I don't want them to see what a mess I am.

My personal trainer.

>be me
>always feeling weak and lethargic
>get a job which requires me to be awake and active
>parents hire personal trainer
>pretty old but really fucking fit
>train with him for a year and eat right
>much healthier
>parents suddenly break it off with him because too expensive
>ensure personal trainer that I will hire him sooner or later
>keeps texting me for the next few months asking me how I'm doing
>never reply because I'm an awkward dumbass thinking he'd ask when I'm hiring him again
>a couple months pass
>his wife texts all of his current and former clients that he passed away from cancer

I'm such a fucking idiot. I never got to properly say thank you for all the time I spent with him. Appreciate the people in your life while you still can, anons.

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Rip thread was good while it lasted

start making gains, do him proud my dude.

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>mfw I recovered contact with her after 6 years

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I was homeless and walking down the highway one day. This woman pulls over and offers me a ride. Thing is the moment I saw her I felt like I already knew her. Like we'd been friends our entire lives, however this was the only time I can recall meeting her in my entire life. I seem to remember the both of us smiling as we walked up to each other. We had a bit of pleasant conversation about various things, then I got off and never saw her again. One of the things that she told me was that she originally thought I was her son. Apparently we both have curly hair and walk with a cane. Some heavy ass door apparently fell on him while he was working some job and somethings been wrong with his back or something ever since then. Meeting her was the first time I was ever able to get along with someone that easily since my early childhood.

A girl named Sarah. We used to walk around the entire school holding hands and talking. Then I started my descent into becoming a total cunt and she stopped talking to me. I eventually moved to a completely different district and never saw her again. I don't really want to see her again but I just want to relive that memory.

Hmmmm.. nobody really. My consciousness outgrows so called friends at a rapid pace.

Maybe that 70 year old asian woman I met on a dark night in a hidden jackshack next to a chinese restaurant. Absolutely ancient. Scurried into a backroom, I wondered what mistake I made. Until she got out her very large very perky firm breasts. Amazement.. "because i never have child" she say. I stuck one finger in her pussy because that's all that could fit. I think she had a medical condition down there. Had to close my eyes to cum because she was that ugly.. but those breasticles.. oh my. "I don kno u" was her curt reply when I said let me fuck that pussy. If I met her again, this time she would know me. And I would not let her go.

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thanks user (ariginal)

>Be around age 6
>Have to spend about 3 weeks in two hospitals in London because a body organ didn't like being where nature intended
>In the first hospital get friendly with a girl a year or so younger than me whose bed was opposite mine
>Watched cartoons together with her parents and also remember looking out the window at all the aircraft going past and asking the mother what the different planes were
>Vividly remember that and also watching Tots Tv with the girl

>Get transferred to a different hospital when I was recovering
>Remember being friendly with a different girl
>We hung around the ward a lot
>Vividly remember looking out the window with her and seeing garden like areas with what looked like a single floor house
>Also vividly remember one of the main doctors doing his rounds who tickled both me and the girl

I would really like to know what happened to those two girls. I hope they recovered OK and I hope they are leading good lives now. All I know of them is that my dad says he thinks the girl from the first hospital was from somewhere in Essex but he can't be sure. Still, I hope they are both ok now. They should be in their 30's or at the least very late 20's

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My only gf I ever had, I was twelve and told her to fuck off for no reason and now I don't even remember her name

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