Where have all the good games gone

Where have all the good games gone

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I stopped playing video games when I was about 15, which was 11 or so years ago. I don't miss them at all. It's amazing how much free time opened up for me when I gave up video games. I recommend embracing it, if you feel like it's something that you don't enjoy as much any more.

I just bought Final Fantasy XV, it's on sale for a deep discount. I played the demo and it wasn't that great, but whatever. I'm gonna use it to practice Japanese.

Grow the fuck up. Video games have always been trash

i wouldnt know what to do with that much time user. inb4 pick up a hobby, i live hours from civilization

Video games went through the (((McDonaldization))) phase in the last decade. It's why you don't see anymore unique and interesting games anymore by large companies. The only unique games you get now are from random autists making video games in their mothers basement, but the problem is 1 nerd can only do so much.

In the 90s and early 2000s there was huge companies who had that same unique creative mindset for video game development. That was back when the corporate world had yet to fully take over the video game industry.

Now that it has, and the video game industry went through it's (((McDonaldization))) period the games are built specifically around creating profit, not about giving an interesting and unique gaming experience.

They first started this smaller applications, but have now moved this method to triple A titles.

Why not try the game of life OP? Surely you're equipped with the skills to succeed BY NOW

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Oh fuck off, games like Witcher 3 are insane, I can't ever have imagined games like that existing when I was a kid. It was literally like falling into another world.

Exercise. Read. Take up painting. Learn how to play an instrument. Write. Draw. Start collecting something. Listen to the radio instead. You can even do something like taking up whittling. Do a combination of the above, or choose from lots of other stuff. There are lots of options that you don't need to be near people to do.

read the second sentence of my post

Minecraft is still pretty fun, and there's a colossal amount of mods

Mostly gave up video games at 25. Eventually you just figure out that you've played every game out there before and it's just time wasting not very entertaining stuff. I'll still game socially and the last game I'm finishing on the last console I bought is Breath of the Wild for Nintendo Wii U.

heres the thing user - i can gather 8000+ blocks and place them in a box formation with space in the middle like its nobodys business but when it comes to creating things im just awful at making it look good

Read the last sentence of my post.

so the last sentence was the only thing relevant in that post, thanks

What the fuck are you even talking about? How do any of those suggestions require you be anywhere near civilization? If you have access to post on the internet and play fucking video games, not a single one of those options is out of reach for you. They're all solitary hobbies that don't require other people. Unless I'm missing something, it sounds like you're just making up a bullshit excuse.

all games nowadays are battle royales or some disposable FPS game

I'm pretty much fucked for life so I just use video games to pass the time even though I cant really get into them like I used to.
Really goes to show how awful this society is becoming, cant enjoy something if it gets too mainstream apparently.
Life ain't good

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The Witcher series is CD Projekt's only title and they were a fairly small independent studio who found financial success back in the 90s doing things other than actually creating games. They broke into the actual game market with the first part of the witcher triology back in 2009 and that game was nearly 10 years in the making and only happened by chance becuase they had Bioware and Interplay at their backs as they were initially working on Baldurs Gate. The engine and the inital coding was for Baldurs gate.
The other user is talking about giants likes Activision and EA from which the vast majority of triple A titles come from who inevitably buy up any successful and creative studio and suck the life and talent out. Not only in circumstances but in their origin and entire philosphy CD Projekt is a huge outlier in the industry today. There are plenty of small devs out there who make interesting games but as things are they very rarely end up with the funding needed to create a game that can utilize modern hardware to it's full extent.

Will Cyberpunk 2077 save the industry?

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I don't follow games anymore so I don't really know anything about it beyond it being the same studio. It and Anthem are the only titles I'm aware of at all and I don't have any confidence in Anthem. Bioware is dead in all but name.

XV is great. Takes a bit to get into combat and quests but the bromance between the main cast is max comfy.


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And where are all the Todds

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PS4, my lad. PC gaming has been dead for a long time.

No, it won't.
It will have standard formulas implemented to pander to the biggest market, the mainstream market and everything else that would be interesting but hinders it becoming a success in the mainstream market will be streamlined regarding gaming mechanics/elements.

I disagree.
I prefer PC gaming because of all the choices and emulators.
I respect your preference though

>instead of doing this useless activity you should do these equally useless ones (except exercise) instead!