God I want to jack off and its only the first night. This nofap better not be a meme

God I want to jack off and its only the first night. This nofap better not be a meme.

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>This nofap better not be a meme.
oh dear..

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I did nofap for a week and the most amazing thing happened. I started fapping to just really vanilla pics. Women with their tits out, some real family friendly material. The old shit that used to get me off like trannies and piss fetish didnt even appeal anymore. It's like I restarted my fetish cycle.

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It's not a meme but it has its limits. About 7-10 days is the sweetspot. Any more than that and you are just torturing yourself. For the past few months I've only been jacking off at around that rate and it's been awesome. I can actually beat it easily to vanilla porn again and I cum like a faucet.

it is a meme bro, just release your nut

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That depends on what you're looking to get out of it. What, exactly, do you hope to gain? There are things that it can do, and things that it can't do.
I've never understood this. I've never really fallen into the weird fetish rabbit hole, but I've never had any trouble maintaining my attraction to vanilla stuff, regardless of how much hardcore porn that I consumed. I've been jerking off multiple times a day since I was 12 and consuming porn since I was 14, too.

not him but people are all different

How old are you? how often do you jack it?

Fog brain makes me seem like an idiot in social situations and decision making at work. I can't focus. Plus I always feel exhausted.

OP here. Heading off to bed without jacking off despite all the lewd shit on r9k. Going to set my alarm so as soon as I wake up I won't have any time to contemplate jacking off before work. Hasta la vista.

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Do you smoke weed? if so cut it out, or cut it down to once a week or something. Weed is the worst culprit of brainfog

godspeed bud.

26. Less than I used to in my teens and early twenties, but I still probably average 2 or 2.5 times a day or so.

I think that you're likely scapegoating masturbation rather than targeting more likely culprits.
Do you exercise? Do you read? Do you eat well? Do you take any medications? Do you consume drugs or drink alcohol regularly?
I'm not saying that cutting down on excessive masturbation won't help your problem, necessarily, but there are other more likely culprits.

Damn. I'm 27 and even doing it once per day caused me to go down the degenerate porn rabbit hole. Are you uncut? My dick is mutilated so maybe that's the reason.

Nope, I was circumcised as a baby.

I'd also throw in excessive time spent playing video games as a potential cause, if you do so.

if you ever wanna feel these in your hands instead of watch some other dude play with em then you need to stick with it and use that pent up lust to change your life so you can get it for real

it is most certainly a meme just touch your dingus and you'll feel better user

If you fall for the no fap meme you're a sheeple

It is a complete meme. The test boost will be the same after a week if you fap or not. Fucking read up on it and don't believe shit autistic shitposters throw at you

Do not fall for these treacherous lies user. They deceive you and tempt you for fear of what you might become; can become. Best of luck to you user.

The healthiest way about this is to fap once a week to renew semen and avoid testicular cancer. There's no point in keeping your sack full when there's no benefit to it.