Old guard of Jow Forums from before the normalfags flooded this board

>old guard of Jow Forums from before the normalfags flooded this board
>been away for a while
>now I am a turbo-normalfag who is progressing in life, improving in hobbies, no vidya anymore, and meeting people/females
>investing shekels, saving for a house, want a wife and kids (gl finding one that isn't 30+ and used up though)

Robots, if you haven't left already, do it. Force yourself into social situations like I did. I was a giga-autist who couldn't go more than one word without stuttering or spilling spaghetti. You don't need to be the most extroverted guy.

Also, do not socialize with other guys is what I've learned, they will betray/ditch you after they get a girl. Likewise for females, they will dispose of you after they start taking some cock. Don't invest yourself into other people until you know they're worth investing in, it will take off a lot of stress of socializing if you know they see you as expendable and you can therefore treat them the same. Normalfags are scum and are just cattle for the enlightened to use, realize that.

Attached: 7e74fe705308e6219218163a58b73f07.jpg (500x500, 25K)

I was in /gif/ right now wondering how shit my life had turned.

I was once a hard wizard apprentice, a legit piss bottle collector which does not owned a cell phone and doesn't knew one single person. I even passed months without ever seem the sunlight. I was very underweight and problrmatic in every way u can think of (except for drug addiction, because I was so beta virgin and unexperient which at the date I had never got even drunk).

I changed... a LOT! Got a gf, then starting to hit chicks, fuck women, well dressed, work out, chad walk, care with aesthetics and details, organized, responsible, clean.

I sunk. And today i am in a relative low vicious on porn and lefting girls unanswered here. Niihilistic describes well me right now.

Tell me nice user, at which age your change happened and what sparked on?

24 y/o is when I finally started getting my shit together. Before that it was a slow build up for a year.
After serious suicide contemplation, boredom, and hating myself because I felt I am worthless to the world.

I also was a piss bottle collector.

>a legit piss bottle collector
>I also was a piss bottle collector.
who do people do this? it's disgusting, just go to the bathroom

I hated leaving my room because I knew my dad would say something to me, so I would just piss in 2L coke bottles instead.

that's utterly fucking insane, did your dad beat you or somehting? I don't get it

It's a cultural thing.

Really. No joke. If you consider that the similarities and robot traits and likes compound a legit culture, it's just a cultural attribute or ritual.

I did that only because other robots do, and alone in my room i feel acting towards to value of my own people.

Man, I am the guy of the t3xt above.

I am almost achieving 22 and becoming increased shocked by the age.

24 it's inspirational. Much ppl with less than that think it's to late here.

I'm happy for you, but I think that you're projecting your own desires on to everybody else in the world. Everybody's different, and that which makes people happy varies.
In my own case, I'm not really a typical robot in many ways, but I much prefer relative solitude to regular socialization. Following your advice of "be as normal as possible" is something that I did earlier in my life, and it made me fucking miserable. I'm much happier now than I used to be.

I really want to do some kind of free coaching when I achieve better stability in the normie realm. Its necessary to inspire hope. Show to these people that they can too

>I did that only because other robots do
but I've been on Jow Forums for years, before the Redditfrog invasion and I always just saw it as an inside joke. I never expected people actually did it.
oh God I hope no one did the poop jug thing

It's nice to hear your happy and doing good user
''Origamo origano''

How did you turn your life around the first time user ?

I remember shitjug guy. he posted pics, too.

I don't know. There was a time when I was "progressing in life" in the same way, and I basically quit and went back to the neet life because it was too much work and not at all fun or rewarding.

>There was a time when I was "progressing in life" in the same way, and I basically quit and went back to the neet life because it was too much work

Attached: I know that feel.jpg (512x512, 28K)

Completely agree with this. Just make yourself a priority in life and do what makes you happy, not "normal"

Noo. Let's keep the room bad smelling to overused clothing.

wtf are you even trying to sya here? Are you drunk?

Not kind of inspirational to other ppl man.

Something of the divine providence genre.

A 9/10 conservative alt-right 19y redhead got in love with me on the street and not only push me to a date, as gave me first kiss, first sex, a new home, guidance, love, tips to live a life, and when all was so perfectly good she disappeared (actually she got in love with another guy and kicked me).
We stayed together for 5 months.

The level of my transformation with just 1 month with her is incredible, although, 100% artificial.

I will only start to integrate and settle all this changes into my personality after her, when the depression of losing her destroyed me savagely.

The really really personal changes started only after I got a catharsis phase of the break up.

Really. What happened to me is something to be absolutely grateful. It was given by me. By a redhead angel.

>progressing in life
to old age and the grave

considering some people outright drink piss I think collecting it in a bottle to dispose is pretty moderate

nobody cares dude holy shit

Some times I see how lucky I was and try to not fuck the whole process. I was given a gift.
Because that I want so much to help up level another robots in the next years when I better settled myself in