I thought it was just a meme, but the only thing anyone talks about at my new job is sex.
I just want to do my job in peace.
I thought it was just a meme, but the only thing anyone talks about at my new job is sex.
I just want to do my job in peace.
Quite the bummer! Oh well, try to enjoy you're next shift. Someone's gotta go to work around here! :)
what are you a faggot?
Use their method of using sexuality and the conquests that come with it, as measures of self worth and social standing to your advantage and let it motivate you to get laid and have sex with fine as bitches.... take pride in yourself and not only your work idiot
God you robots truly are getting lamer and lamer (more lame?) with every passing year
Absolutely pathetic and haram
Im issuing a fatwa on ur ass nigger
This is why I fuck with everybody at work.
>"So, I was with this girl, last night..."
>She had a dick, didn't she?
>I was the girl.
File a sexual harassment report with hr
this user gets it
>saying something this socially adjusted
do you belong here boyo?
>talk to HR about how you're uncomfortable working with people constantly talking about their sexual exploits
>get a letter the following week
>"We regret to inform you that your employment has been terminated."
>tfw lost job for infringing on the sexual freedom of my female coworkers, something akin to rape
Start doing the mummy cummy meme to shut them up.
"Oh mommy, you make my peepee so happy! I wanna make cummy in mummy..!" Usually shocks and horrifies normies the first time.
>not filing an anonymous report
I'll just say this... I'm what you'd call a Beta Chad - I talk down to people, but I never get any girls... or is that called something else?
Pretty sure it's called "having autism"
This but unironically. Or flat out narcissism.
I don't think autistic people are the dominant type.
fuck off normalfag seriously why are you even here? do you enjoy being a faggot on a board that isnt meant for NPCs like you? is your life really so bland that you need to ruin other peoples experience with your shitty "be yourself bro trust me" advice
nah, mom incest is the most popular non vanilla porn on pornhub and xvideos these days, and its been memed to hell. I make joking references to shit like that both at work and with my normie friends all the time
>I don't know anything about autism, the post
You know me so well, user...
fuck you stupid kike cock loving bitch
I used to be king of the spergs not even a decade ago, and I still got laid eventually... trust me if you idiots didnt hold onto robotness as something to be proud of and hold onto and actually listened to those of us who have become socially adjusted youd be a lot happier and wouldnt have panic attacks about who you are at night... idiot
oh but I dont know what Im talking about because Im an NPC who doesnt matter... meanwhile Im winning the game... if youre such a Player controlled character then why isnt life geared towards your success faggot
go reach for that baddragon and a noose nigger loving queer
No, you misunderstand. Just like it's not courageous to do something if you're just too stupid to understand the risk, it's not dominant to be autistic. They're too socially retarded to understand that what they are doing is outside of acceptable social boundaries.
why are you calling your friends normies when you're a normalfag yourself?
>I'm winning the game because I got my dick wet
Lad, if that was how you win the game then it would be as easy as going out and fucking a prostitute. You aren't special just because you diddled a whore.
an ugly douche?
You should meet my coworkers, some day. They're no different from you and I when it comes to discussing anything inappropriate.
I did it in my car while I was looking at some high school tails @ lunch.
When I looked up some roastie bitch had heard and was staring at me in horror. She stopped loading her Cobs bread or w/e into her suv and was standing motionless with her mouth open at the horrible Freudian things I had said.
Fucking normies :D
great answer to my original question, normalfags like you aren't welcome on the board now fuck off with your nonentity successful life that nobody give a fuck abut
Ugly? Maybe; douche? You bet.
>Fucking normies :D
Or so it would seem, to the autistic eye.
>being this narrow minded
I also am chapter president of the Presidents, meanign 150 grown ass men look to me for orders
front a local misfits cover band
make decent money as an electrician
have a very healthy and happy social life
get laid regularly enough to not lament over it like you faggots
am able to express myself to almost every degree besides the most intimate to all my social circles without being ousted as a retard
yes Im losing sorry
normie-ism isnt whats going on with your life, you could be a richfag kid of jew parents who gets laid and has friends because of money, robotism isnt even a mentality... its a type of spirit in a person
You were right to hit me.
why does P r o u d b o y s correct to presidents???
So, you're saying people talking about scat orgies, at work, is within social norms...?
Oh gee, you sure proved me wrong. I didn't laugh at all at the first two things you listed, nor do I pity your decision to become an electrician. Not at all.
Because even your phone knows you're a disgrace, and is trying to give you a boost.
I should mention I work in a pizzeria.
real robots end up realizing that people dont matter at all and that becoming a NEET is the ultimate endgame
>imagine caring what some sadcryboi faggot cares
itd be like seeing some helmetwearing mongoloid at the mall laughing at me and getting bootytickled over that
Youre a fucking cuck
>You dont belong here
yeah my first post wasnt
Lot of assumptions you're making there, friend. Air must be mighty thin up on that high horse.
Were social creatures user, Im no philosopher, nor am I a psychologist but you guys seem like the type of people who shun first to avoid the pain associated with being neglected
but meanwhile Im just here pissing u faggots off with my normie presence and havign a giggle, listening to normie tier ass alestorm and drinking nigger tier steel reserves
no one cares about your meaningless low tier proletarian life
I didnt come with the whole holierthanthou posting first bitch
and if I make assumptions its because instead of listening to something someone else may have to say, youre doing the typical loser bullshit of assuming you have all the answers and clinging onto this weird paradigm of "social ineptitude = cool in my safe space even tho this percieved outsider knows what that mentality gets you in the long run"
Youre a coward
>low tier proletarian life
did you mean patrician or bourgeois? are we confounding two different incompatible ideologies here faggot?
great quads but you're just a nuisance to everyone here, your the kind of faggot that enjoys ruining other peoples enjoyment of communities with a specific culture, you're just an outsider that wants attention
>head of local proudboys
>thinks this is an achievement
If they know each other well enough, yes.
>yet another assumption
Starting to look like projection there. Let me clear something up, just in case you've gotten twisted around. was my very first post. Very hard to confuse it with the person you responded to before I popped in, as we type very differently.
>electricians are bourgeois or patrician
Absolutely hilarious.
Im literally not an outsider, if youve noticed a pattern, Im only responding further to those who call me that. Ill claim robot til death... yes Ive become more socially adjusted through the days, dont act like you know me completely... there will always be that tiny bit of ineptitude in me... am I a nuisance? no... not really you queers are the ones who dont do what a normal robot does and just ignores what they dont wanna see
Imma shut up now, but dont expect me not to lurk queerbait
okay then leftycuck queer... where you at, Ill have you killed within a week bitch
>make decent money as an electrician
you're an electrician right? then in the social hierarchy you're a menial laborer and thus a proletariat
electrical lineman in los angeles are the highest paid skilled trade other than fisherman, and if you dont include them (because they arent paid in a typical wage fashion) then yes it is pretty patrician... I could easily clear 200k this year with minimal overtime and asdues you fucking dipshit.... I swear people way underestimate what skilled tradesmen in this country make, especially as of recent
>Imagine studying marxist ideology your entire life and think 1860s industrial hierarchies are anywhere near similar to modern economies and workforces
do you know how godtier skilled laborers are looked as in the workforce now?
>and if you dont include them
You bet your ass I'm including them, because that made me laugh pretty fucking hard. You can't go on about how patrician your job is and then list fisherman as just below you. That kind of kills your entire point and just makes you look hilarious.
>godtier skilled laborers
Pretty fucking lowly, in the United States. There is a major reason why it's in such a decline. No one respects it, and for good reason if you're representative of that work force.
what you do is a skill that is easily acquired but it is undesirable for the higher classed individual, you are literally a blue collar worker which means you're type is the easiest to replace in any given workforce just like plumbers and mechanics you represent the bottom feeders of society who use their undesirable job to charge people with absurd prices
>no one respects it
neckbeard tier autismo atheist level of reasoning, the real reason theyre in decline is because our generation literally has 17% of males willing to replace the gen x and baby boomer ages people in the field... we literally have twig armed, fat bellied faggots who cant turn a wrench
then go ahead and do it... I know its blue collar and Im proud of that fact... to top it off I live in a trailer... I still make more than most of my peers who went to college for bullshit non stem degrees
i agree but think of your peers who did go to collage to get a real stem degree they're the ones who are actually successful in society
the funny thing is neither of you would say this to my face... guaranteed I could murder you both with relative ease with my bare hands
I guarantee your hands are soft as fuck from lubing up them bad dragons all day
what a buncha cucks
kinda... My cousin, also works for the department as an electrical engineer, and while his base salary is higher than what my normal hourly wage would be at 2080 hrs a year, he doesnt make overtime and typically works 80 hour weeks
yeah he's viewed as worth more, but you also have to realize were churning out way more intellects today than ever before... almost to a point where theyre becoming the factory workers of the 40s... and people willing to pick up a wrench, rifle, hammer, drive a big rig, etc. are getting rarer... why do you think those fields are filled with foreigners from hypermasculinized nations
user, what exactly do you do on a day to day basis? Step by step from when you wake up to when you go to sleep. Do you actually contribute anything substantial to society? Are you part of the machine?
Must be only women or niggers. My white male coworkers talk about a bunch of stuff, the blacks always go muh dik when in conversation and the women are just fucking cancer.
I sometimes wonder if the fags who post this are actually rich NEETs mocking us.
Autist cant feel embarassment or shame so they can be very dominant.
lol we gotta wokefag here
Not really. That's just what the workforce comes out to being. The machine that drives and sustains the community. You wouldn't have your NEETbux if everyone in the world stopped working. You wouldn't even have food, water, or electricity.
I just told you Im an electrical lineman
NEETbux? nah homie thats you leeches
>you leeches
I'm a Director of Operations, but sure.
is that some robot owned startup or real actual company... makes a heap of difference, I also was Chief Operations Officer of a 17 man organization... so???
also what is your MBTI
It's nearly multiregional. Based in New England and might expand into the Mid Atlantic. Definitely not robot owned, but there are a couple employees who might qualify as robots scattered around.
>COO for a 17 person organization
There's a distinction between COO and Director of Operations, whereas COO is more for large scale companies. Got to say, DoO to Electrician is also a really weird career change.
no, I was using it more as an example that jut saying your position within a company doesnt mean anything... it was my fathers company, and while its grown to over 200 employees operating all over southern california and parts of nevada and arizona, I just couldnt work in that field and capacity anymore
ESTP here
they are and im one of them now piss off summerfag