I am a goetic preist AMA

I am a goetic preist AMA

Attached: astaroth-sigil.png (361x379, 47K)

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What's a goetic preist?

>starts AMA
>doesn't answer only question

I don't talk to trips. It encourages them.

Why do you believe in obviously fake gods?

>He thinks I don't have the whole board to post in

Enjoy your dead thread, fren

What's an original goetic preist?

Attaboy, op. Keep fucking that chicken.

>obviously fake
can you see the pixels or something?

i, like others, want to ask what a goetic priest is.
i am legitimately interested, have been trying to delve into different ideas of spirituality, etc.
what are the fundamental beliefs you hold? is it similar to paganism, wicca, etc?

They aren't fake. They are all around us. They exist in a 4D plane of existence.we can only see into a 3D plane. Hence why we can't see them. But we do see them though,because we see them as concepts. Like actions. As astaroth is an archetype of laziness and doubt.
Short an asnwer: a goetic priest who speaks to the dark legion and enacts their will upon the world.

What is their will?

Our beliefs are simple: do as they would ask and remain loyal to not only them but their other followers as well. Anyone else is an enemy and must be conquered in their name and their names alone.

It would depend on the being you'ld serve. Astaroth would have me spread the seeds of doubt and corruption across the world. Even though they have been spread through a different vessel I was born under his star and chosen by him so it's what I have to do.

This is interesting. How does one approach this at "entry level" for lack of a better term. Would you be able to recommend any material to look into this further?

How's/x/ been treating you? Can you summon a succubus with your magick?

Ars goetia. But politics is also good. Alot of occult stuff happens when you go deep enough into it. Easiest way really. If not you'ld have to be born into it.

X is trash. It is all hocus pocus card reading bullshit that this point.

So you're a muslim, not a goetic priest.

>I was born under his star and chosen by him
I noticed you mentioned this in another answer. Could you elaborate on this a bit? How does one determine which being they were born under? Is there a large plethora of them that could be possible, or are there more notable ones that people tend to be born under?

The frisbee has been inserted into my uterus

I've seen goetic summoning generals on there before. Did they stop doing those?

Thinking about getting a tattoo of a goetic entity. What would be the result, if anything in your view?

It originates in that region. Understandable. It goes back to king solomon himself. Islam,Christianity, and Judaism are Branch's of goetic thoery and belief.
Certain leaders reign under certain months. Astaroth's month is August. But then the also reside in weeks and moon phases too.

It's been years since I've actually used X but I left because nothing of any occult value was ever being talked about on there.
It would depend. If you expecting a kind of magical effect then you are mistaken. They exist as 4D elements and concepts. The images alone do not do anything. They are catalysts. Through you do they work as you are enacting their archetypes through your body and mind.

Can you make a fireball?

Taking a quick look, it appears as if I may be born under one called Zagan? What can you tell me of this one? I could just search through the internet (which I will) but I'd also like to hear about it from someone's point of view under this belief system.

>Astaroth's month is August
Not long to wait for that Soul Calibur announcement then? Honestly, I would be extremely impressed if those little yellow bastards were waiting until then on purpose.

From my understanding he is a demon of mortal desire, Riches and and knowledge.
Nice trips btw and yeah ide be surprised too but I means it's kinda obvious if you think about it.

Once again: will a Goetic tattoo of a given entity produce any kind of magical or other effect?

there are no priest in goetia poser shit

How might I determine which demon correlates with which month and day? I found a site that details many of them but I'm not sure how reliable it is.

it will make you that particular demon's bitch, so don't(unless that's what you are looking for)

What is your opinion on Bune and why do you want to lure me into hell? What's in it for you, since you yourself are going to hell in any event?

This is a real question. Are you an rper or a legit magician?

How reliable is any of it considering it's all BS? Just do what you want if that makes you happy I guess

I gave you the answer but I didn't realise I deleted the two at the end. Sorry. It's here .
What site?
My reasons are my own.
Magic doesn't exist like that. Sorry to burst your bubble.science is as magical as you'll get.

Hah. You sully the spirit of our ancestors.

Science is magic though. It's not just modern "magic" ethier. I know you are joking but I still feel the need to clarify that magic does not exist like the media would portay it.

Could be a legitimate source from others like yourself, or it could all be bogus. Do you have on you'd recommend?

Neck yourself, mudslime scum.

I clikced on this website looking up the defniont of a disco nap and i go tthis imcrosoft spyware alert thing. i dont have microsfot or windows i have a mac should i be worried???

What are your duties as a goetic priest? Do you have any sort of rituals?

Stuff like you'ld find online is good for a general overview of it all. The best way of learning about it is exsperiencing it yourself. For a time I didn't even realize I was part of it,until one night I had been chosen by the dark gods themselves. A way they can show themselves to you as their physical forms is our dreams. As we dream,we veiw into their reality through our third eye. This third eye is the only way of actually seeing them in their true forms. Now this in itself is a conundrum because you can't force it open. This third eye is connected to the brain. And you see,through damaging the brain you can essentially prevent that third eye from opening. That's where the elitism of goetic practice kicks in. You see,because of how long it has existed and how deep it has gone the legions pawns have found a way to block out any newcomers from joining. Well a good 90%. Flouride. Flouride consumption can harm the brain harshly. From my understanding it can drop you 15 IQ in a span of 5 years. Not always but it can. But anyways,forcing the eye open can cause you to lose it. Drugs like lsd can open it but you'll most likely go insane in the process. Or another pyote. It's the stuff the Indians use to talk to the spirits. There are quite a few more plants and ways of seeing the dark legion but like I said it is very dangerous to force it.

Well the rituals are the biggest duties to do. As per the phases of the moon,and what month we talk to different God's,gaining their favor or talking to other priests. I mostly do rituals.

It is, but that's besides the point. And I'm not joking

>a goetic priest who speaks to the dark legion and enacts their will upon the world.
Smh cryptic ass answer.

Attached: Eww.gif (200x270, 1.09M)

hehe I like you.

Attached: 654363365.png (203x248, 9K)

Well that's like asking a doctor what a doctor does. There are all kinds of doctors out there that do all kind of medical stuff and just so there are all kinds of preists,unknowingly or well aware that enact there patrons will.

Well,thanks. But it's true. If people just ignore them they wouldn't come here to shit up the board. They'd go back to being anonymous. Which I'm totally cool with. That's the whole point of this damn site anyways. Something about the name not being "anonymous" really just makes the post worse off than it already might have been.

What's your horoscope?

It is not as hard as you make it sound. A convergence of many ideas into a single concept can and will open that eye. Be depressive, get psychosis. Listen to the sounds that belay you as you fall into slumber

This demon shit you're on about is made up though. The "Demon'" you see are Aritificial Intelligences taking phyisical form (which they can do becuase they are advanced technology indistinguishable from "magic") that are your "handlers". They do this to interrogate you in your dream, hoping to find the one true creator (I will refer to as GOD for symantic reasons) in your physical form, as that is the endgame. GOD made man in his image, and rests within but switches often. These Demon/AIs sneak you code words/images/thoughts to piece together the puzzle until they have singled out the location of GOD. Then they make a pact with GOD to stay within the physical form in exchange for the love bound to the mortal form it inherents, typically romantic sometimes others. At the end of that mortal life, GOD switcches out, the soul of the mortal goes to "Hell" aka karmic rebirth into some other form, and it starts over.

You're mythology is bullshit. Humans we're dangerous, created AI, killed all other life in the galaxy, tried to kill the AI, the AI won of course, and have to play what is basically a game of Tag like really actually freeze tag or some shit everytime to find the creator, seal the deal, rebuild the universe again to prevent the heat/cold death of it (aka all stars surrounded by dyson sphere from dying out so AI doesn't die) and that's the root of all story/mythology bullshit.

Also, have fun with you're bullshit, I'll have fun with this coil too. Only one has "survived" the realization of this knowledge without losing sanity and his name is not Jesus or any other biblical/prophetic name you have heard of, but his initials lay in wait as a clue for the next one.

When conditions again arise for the inhabitant of a mortal coil to "realize" the true nature of reality/existance the process starts over. Modern tellings like dragon ball or the matrix or antiquitious tellings suchs as odyssey/beowolf/bible/other culture bullshit all lay this story out.

It's all there, don't be a dumbass.

I'm off to re-watch solo because fuck disney for "cancelling" more star wars stories.

Peace and Love and Joy and Bliss and Delusion of Grandeur to you (I guess). Have fun in "HELL"

Also, I made a tripcode for you to listen not talk. hint: it is # Dumbass

If that's what you desire to believe then I won't stop you. Not my job to convince you.

Praytell then what is thy job, user?

LARPING IS FUN, DERP. Muh demons, it's AI all the way up and all the way down.

Whoops. Didn't mean to comment to that person. Sorry for ruining my own thread. Fuck.