My favorite kind of cocks are the ones that are like 6.5 inches, thick and veiny...

my favorite kind of cocks are the ones that are like 6.5 inches, thick and veiny, where the foreskin stilI covers half the head when erect and end up facing downwards because they're so heavy

Attached: image.jpg (1373x1372, 148K)

Good to know user
Mine is a tad bigger than that (8.5x6.25)

You just described mine, the curve makes me insecure tho

Curves are common bro

Yeah I guess but it still its a downward curve and it doesn't look perfect you know

>end up facing downwards because they're so heavy
Perfectly describes mine
A crude slab of man meat

I read this as
>my favorite kind of socks
and I got really confused.
That's all, bye.

Attached: Cake.png (370x246, 139K)

You shut your lying, self-doubting mouth right now you fucking faggot. Downward curves are hot.

Yeah but you're not a girl so your preferences there don't mean shit. Have a dick chart though.

Attached: 1520824130081.png (1055x1395, 237K)

How do downcurve-fags do sex?

I'm 5'8" with a 7" peen and this looks accurate to me

upside down i guess

>How do downcurve-fags do sex?
or just doggy style obviously

Chaotic evil btfo

Doggy must massage that prostate real good then

ITT: 12 year old orbiters who want their shota cocks sucked by a 250 lb larper

>tfw can't bend dick down
>tfw it always points up because it's so thin and lightweight

Is the weight meme really what determines if your dick points down or not?
I mean Im a bit over 8" and really girthy so it weighs a lot and for me it points downwards

Makes sense to me but is this common to all big dicks?

Foreskin is the best

Decent taste OP
But not big enough

>6.5 inches

Could you please translate that to non-burger english?

No, freedom units only

Paladin big dick swinging. Disregards THOTS, acquires spiritual currency.

wonderful taste

That is mine, but 7 instead.

>6.5 inches