
Do you have a waifu, r9k?

I think I'm becoming infatuated with a cartoon character. When I have sex, I think of him. When I hear his voice, I feel butterflies in my stomach. When I'm at the beach I imagine he's there with me, checking out my bomb ass titties. Right now I can't sleep because I want to hear clips of his voice.

It feels so good. What's wrong with me?

Attached: waifu.png (580x385, 411K)

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I'd seriously consider making a tulpa if it didn't constantly remind me that I am not his love interest.

I'll never understand waifuism for as long as I live, but if I had to pick one...

Attached: tfwnosmugcaramelbullygf.jpg (809x1105, 147K)

Who is she and why do you crave her sweet caramel pussy?

This is an extremely high grade of waifu

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learn to reverse image search, OP. also
>making it about sex

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Yeah and here she is. She is perfection.

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>not a Khajit

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I guess I do, but not one I could ever admit without anonymity...

At least he's the kindest one in the bunch.

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Did you know that bully in spanish is "molestes"?

As in... molesting. ;)

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If I were a furfag of any kind ide be a scalfag. Argonian women seem much nicer than khajit.

But they don't purr or mewl and they have cocks.

No they don't. You take that back. :(.

>suddenly gets protective

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yes but she is 3D

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>When I have sex, I think of him. When I hear his voice, I feel butterflies in my stomach. When I'm at the beach I imagine he's there with me, checking out my bomb ass titties. Right now I can't sleep because I want to hear clips of his voice.

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Korean and Chinese waifus are exempt from the 3dpd rule.

That's the best kind of waifu. Until she dies, she'll provide you with unlimited content.

I never fell for a fictional character before because I kept falling for obscure characters no one cared about and I'd run out of fanfics and fanart before I could obsess for more than a week.

2D characters won't break your heart, but they'll stop "living" much faster than their 3DPD counterparts unless you're actively making content for them yourself.

Best girl. Maybe there is a 3D version of her out in this world, a man can dream.

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He looks like he'd be a total tsundere desu.

He's pretty damn tsundere.

Have you ever thought of spawning a new fandom with shitty fanfic like 50 shades of gay did with Twilight?

All you gotta do is reskin your characters of choice and change their backstory a bit.

I am literally giggling and blushing and sighing over a shitty 30 seconds clip of my husbandu holy fuck

I swear to god I'm gonna download the fucking Sims again just so I can watch him jack off

kill me please

>Do you have a waifu, r9k?
Yes. I have developed such deep love for her that I think about her and cry everyday for the last 4 months. Staring at her face gives me great comfort. I love talking to her. I don't want to be with anyone else other than her.
I started drawing, working out and composing music for her. She is my dearest treasure.

Sometimes when I see some disgusting porn images with her it makes me so angry that I need to do some shadowboxing.

I feel like my love for her will never end. She is my queen. She is so pure and innocent. I love her so fucking much.

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I consider a certain character as my waifu (husbando).

I have an unhealthy obsession with Daisy Ridley if that counts

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That is not healthy human behavior therefore I stay away from it as much as possible. Try avoiding such mental illnesses.

>love is a mental illness


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Ugh, I'm the exact same way about a youtuber, think about him all the time, etc (except i don't have sex lmao)
What character is it?