Why are smart people not getting laid constantly?

Why are smart people not getting laid constantly?

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>tfw too high iq to care about females

i-its not like i wanted to experience love and intimacy anyways, baka~!

Greater self-awareness, and nobody wants to date someone significantly stupider than they are

We can't just BE ourselves, user.

people with an 80-90 iq have the best odds of having had sex?

isn't someone with an 80 iq a borderline drooling mong?

But they are. Why are you lying? Are you a brainlet or something?

Because women aren't attracted to intelligence, they're attracted to height and loudness.

For women it's 80-90
For men it's 90-100

Ethical restrain

Wrong. Most women are attracted to intelligence. Height is irrelevant. Loudness is unattractive.

80 to 90 is your average shitskin, so yes.

have you ever met a chad

Yes, I am one as well.

probably because they want to marry high IQ people just like them

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>if women cared about intelligence more than Grug's brute strength, we would have faster than light travel RIGHT. FUCKING. NOW.
>if Shaniqua cared about how much brains Tyrone was packing instead of how much cock, we could have equality of opportunity and equality of outcome
Why do women ruin everything?

ITT: Dunning-Kruger brainlets who think they can't get laid because they are smart

my IQ is a million hahaha
fuciking ROASTIES hahaha

Smaller pool of favorable partners, greater sense of responsibility, more likely to be distracted by other things.

I find it really interesting that women get hit way harder by being at either extreme.

>still nobody has posted source
Jow Forums is truly the most gullible board

>mfw a mentally retarded man has a higher chance of getting laid than me

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if you duckduckgo "ahpvt figure 2" you get this

Which shows you that this graph only applies to underaged teenagers. But OP is too stupid to understand why this makes it completely worthless in the adult world. Proofs that intelligence gets you laid here - OP cannot get laid because he is a brainlet.


>Height is irrelevant.

You know this is one of the few things scientifically proven to be an attractive trait to women, right? Along with facial symmetry.

Or hes one of the many many underagefags who infest this board and constantly cry that they're STILL A VIRGIN AT 17

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I think the reason for this has a lot less to do with female choice and a lot more to do with chance. Smarter people are more rare than average by definition, and will have much less of a chance to come across each other. People are usually attracted to those with similar levels of intelligence, so it makes sense that the average would have the most amount of pairs. This also explains the dropping of pairs made at the low end.
Remember robots, the best way to increase your odds is to meet more people.

A girl passes you with some slight smile

>you: overthink the consequences of every move, tally up all the things that are good and bad about both her and yourself
By the time you have made up your mind, she sits home and chats with her bff about the guy ignoring her signals

>dumbfuck: grabs her ass and says "Hey sexy, I am Mr. Hot-stallion! Ya want sum fuk?"

You know it's been scientifically proven that the most attractive height for a male is between 5'8" and 5'10" right?

And the dumbfuck gets slapped. And "you" still have an IQ of 80.

Insecurity is not a sign of intelligence

Citation needed Mr Davis.

>ywn have a 90-100 IQ and be totally in sync with normies

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105 senpai.
You want to be rushing, not dragging.

Holy fuck this shit gets annoying. No one is asking you to get invested in the discussion. If you have the time to reply asking for sources you have the time to look it up yourself to see if it's true
>hurr durr burden of proof
Yeah, we should all follow a set system of rules for intellectual discussion on fucking Jow Forums. Exhilarating.

How can that be when the average IQ of incels is about 80?

am i a brainlet? i read the opposite, males 80-90, females 90-100

When people post things that are totally incorrect, it's more fun to have them cite their source or explain their reasoning.
Just doing this isn't nearly as enjoyable.

Attached: donald_wrong_trump_by_chriskogos-db1zv5h.jpg (2357x1954, 1.74M)

Go sit a while in some busy downtown area and watch people. You will be surprised.

But evaluating the consequences of your actions is.
Why do you think so many people actually need to get drunk before they can manage to scrounge up the courage to talk someone up?

I don't know, I was sort of friends with an actual genius in HS and he never had issues talking to or approaching girls, but he was also very picky about the girls he was interested in.

I can guarantee that a guy who grabs a girl's ass that he has never met before and asks her for a date or fuck is not going to get either. When's the last time you left the basement?

Really I just think you're confusing thinking about consequences and insecurity. Someone who thinks about consequences knows there are not many downsides to taking a chance while someone insecure would blow up the negative consequences to being things much worse than they actually were

Exceptions always exists.
Also were those cold approaches to a stranger on the street?
Or are you talking of "Eh hello, didn't I see in Ms.XY class? Did you perhaps..." approaches where his memory gave him a foot in the door beforehand and he managed to use that in a smarmy way?

You must murican, I see rapefugee youths pull that sort of shit all the time.

You just gave yourself away as a burger who doesn't leave his basement and gets his news from Jow Forums.

He would go up to groups of girls in public and talk to them if they were taking glances towards our group. I never spent a ton of time with him because he was in college while we were in high school (except for one class he had to take because of weird state requirements) but he could literally pick any girl he wanted. A lot of girls in our school were wondering why he wasn't dating any of them. He was a pretty great guy.

Id say this would have been true a 100 years ago, but nowadays sex has taken the prominent position in directly determining behaviour (you know, before more people wanted to get married and then have sex, now people just go straight to habe sex and marry less). I can't site any studies now with my phone, but most sexual parters nowadays are not "romantical" in any way, which undermines intelligence as a factor.

Is this post from 50 years ago? That was one peak of degeneracy, the number of sexual partners has steadily been decreasing.

How can that be when the average IQ of your family is 63

Even so, I feel like the most and least intelligent people in society are less likely to engage in the very average practice of hook-up culture.

Perhaps so but intelligent people will find a partner they will marry.

Maybe quite but that seems like a rather blatant statement

Intelligent people are able to get what they want. So if they want a partner, but don't find anyone who meets their standards, they will just hook up for a while.

Maybe intelligent people don't want hook ups, and try to see the value in patience.

IQ is a meme
Maybe high IQ=/=smart

If they don't want to spend a long time alone and eventually want sex they will go out and get it. Wanting or not wanting hookups has nothing to do with intelligence.

maybe sex =/= smart

A pretty big if, there. Some people are content with the companionship of friends until the right person comes along. You shouldn't project yourself onto everyone else.

How come no one has pointed out how terrible this plot is? The values go from 0.22 to ~ 1.02 on a log scale with no helpful tick marks, half the plot is empty, and even the author knows it sucks because they have to write the numbers on the plot.

Maybe they have a smaller libido on average

Nothing points to that.

>How come no one has pointed out how terrible this plot is? The values go from 0.22 to ~ 1.02 on a log scale with no helpful tick marks, half the plot is empty, and even the author knows it sucks because they have to write the numbers on the plot.
It's standard in medicine and psychology

People don't like smart people, men or women, they're intimidating.
imagine actually believing this.

People do like smart people. But you're not smart. Or likeable.

Being smart makes it harder to be likable, because being likable includes a degree of deception which smart people are more likely to realize.

What would you know about being either?
What would anyone here really know about either, for that matter.

I have an IQ of 155. I am guessing that is quite a bit higher than yours.

People like people who agree with them. When you agree with someone, you are smart.

I am both smart and likeable, actually smart people are intimidating to many people. I've been told this countless times.

Literally disproved by OP's pic

Did your tiny brain not understand that the graph of high school students does not show that in the slightest?

Nice try, but mine's 156

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Wrong. Being smart is only a positive thing. If you are smart but unlikeable, it's not your intelligence that makes you unlikeable but your shit personality.

Why low iq people not got laid?ree


bluepilled as fuck
women may say they are attracted to intelligence, but they aren't.
They are attracted to FACE, FRAME and HEIGHT. All other characteristics are mostly halo'd by FACE. Chad can have an average IQ of 100 and women will like his "intelligence"

because it's not, going by observed values it fluctuates in the +1 standard deviation range with some +2/3 outliers

not him but my IQ is 152 and I agree with him. Harder to connect with people too

You meant in the negative direction right? Because incels are much less intelligent than average people.

You have never had sex or even a date. Why do you think you know anything about what women like?

you're coping hard here m8, might want to return from whence you came
You may not like them, but they're usually of above average intelligence

my physics department (average IQ ~130) is ~50% incels tbqhfamalam

Dysgenic policies that reward the breeding of stupid people and punish breeding of intelligent people.

>be dumbass
>drop out of high school at 16 to devote life to sex and drugs
>no protection/birth control because what is that
>have 8 different kids from different fathers by 30, but it's okay because the state will take care of them

>be intelligent person
>work hard through high school
>get into a top college
>spend most days and nights studying
>graduate at 22
>look for job
>spend a decade paying off crippling debt
>too proud to take government assistance
>wait too long for the perfect time to have kids
>oops, too late, now I'm infertile

Those are not incels, they are volcels.

It's not possible for an incel to be above average intelligence.

>getting sex is easier than ever
>if you are not getting sex at all you're not trying
>those who get sex aren't given it for free, they made some effort for it

Yet incels do not understand this simple truth. Not understanding it is only possible for people of low intelligence.

you dumb ass normies with your perfectly up to standard faces look at a graph that shows you who are getting laid the most are below 100 iq, and still don't fucking understand all that matters is your face. you can be a goddamn super genius and girls won't want none of it if you're some fugly subhuman.

It's because intelligence isn't actually a positive trait for getting a mate, women don't care. Why are you continuing to deny this?
Almost every woman will pick a tall handsome average intellect guy, over a short average looking high intelligence guy.
Not understanding this is only possible for people of low intelligence. It's easy to see and you see it all the time if you actually have any experience dating, which you obviously don't.

>essentially throws "just bee yourself around"
>thinks other people are low IQ and not him/her/xer
oi i am laffin
technically everyone is a volcel as prostitutes are accessible, but I'll go ahead and redefine incel as someone that wants to date his looksmatch

You're not even reading the graph correctly, and it's been explained many times why it's not applicable at all in the real adult world. You're another specimen as proof that incels are of low intelligence.

The definition of incel is a volcel in denial.

Many don't find it validating so they don't bother.

>intelligence isn't actually a positive trait
That is the most retaded thing I have ever read.

If intelligence didn't influence mate preference even slightly then how did intelligence evolve?

>... for getting a mate
It's not, it's very low on the preference lists for women. The most important thing is height, over all other traits.
Now all things being equal, a woman will pick a smarter guy over his otherwise equal but dumber competitor. But intelligence ranks low on the list of things they consider.
The most intelligent men are, on average, between 5'6" and 5'10" and not necessarily attractive (nor are the necessarily ugly). However, that puts them at an extreme disadvantage.

Intelligent men simply figure out ways to kill other men and take the women regardless of it she wanted it.
Rape is one of the most common methods of procreation in the animal kingdom.

Look at this brainlet in denial. You have zero experience with dating and yet think you know what women like.

care to link all the times you explained, oh higher intelligence one?

the idiots died. It's not comparable to the modern world where everyone survives. Women sexually select for dysgenic traits (regarding modern society) : low inhibition and low intellect.
Denying this is pure cope.
152 IQ physics PhD checking out
face is the most important thing by far. After that comes height.

>The most important thing is height
>Virgin robots are clearly taller than average

You're forgetting that when you go into broad statistics like that you're basing the findings off of the average. Smarter people tend to like smarter people best. People in general prefer people who have similar intelligence. Of course, by definition those who are smarter are going to be in the minority, meaning the majority of women (who are not as smart) prefer height over intelligence. You can't hold a list like that as absolute truth.

>be smart
>shy and never had gf/bf
>shit happens that give u trauma
>know that relationships cost a lot financially emotionally
>feedback of being desperate and being rejected
>just waiting until drugs kill u