Is there a point of living if you are too ugly to get a gf?

Is there a point of living if you are too ugly to get a gf?

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Yeah. The point being hiding your gay ass posts and mocking you for doing this stupid shit.

Im gonna take a gander and assume thats you, you arent unattractive but try a different hairstyle, you look like a serial killer.

Go find yourself a bf then?

Mogs me. You have nice cheekbones

You could choose to revolutionize Zen Buddhism.

Mate just grow your hair a bit and get it done in a fade type of thing and grow a bit of facial hair it will make you look significantly better

Pardon me mr fag. Please stop

id be your gf but i might be too young for you

wow I knew it was gonna be that
you guys predictable as always haha

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Why most people here think that having gf is the most important thing in life?

How old are you? I like younger girls usually.

>might be too young for you
I guarantee OP is a pedo so no worries.

I recently turned 18 two days ago.. How old are you?

Stanley, you shouldnt have gotten a buzzcut, lad.

Im 28. If you wanna talk add me on discord, tacitus#6125

Confirmed for 15 year old gtfo

No, dont let stanley have you, he is a chad that preys on young, impressionable girls.

I am 28 too, but a true gentleman, pick me instead honey. I promise I will be gentle when I deflower you.

Because they never had one to see how horrible it is, so they still believe in tv, movies and anime.

ill message you in the morning. im going to bed in a few
lol what?
>preys on young, impressionable girls
sounds like youre projecting a bit there, user

you look like you're about to cry right before you murder some woman

Stanley did it again, I am sick of this chad stealing all the fembots from Jow Forums and /soc/

You're not ugly though, you just have a shitty haircut.

You can do scat porn

Stfu you know got damn well you aren't ugly, fucking ATTN whore

Nigga u look like 45

>all these newfags

Damn, really? I didn't think it was that bad

Yes. You can acquire as much wealth as you can so people who do get gfs will struggle more.

Janitors dont even bother banning stanleyposting anymore. He is truly the /queen/ of the board.