Hey Jow Forums get in here and come listen to my comfy internet radio station for robots!
Give me suggestions and I will play them on air!
Also since there isn't a /nightfeel/ thread going lets get some comfy images tonight.
Hey Jow Forums get in here and come listen to my comfy internet radio station for robots!
Other urls found in this thread:
unlike you poorfags i got my own site
come talk if you want but its broken rn
Tell me about your day anons. I also just added a chat feature for the radio site btw,
hey if you have shekels to offer i'm all ears Bibi
Bump for late night comfy. Listen to this in the backgroung too.
link related
This is still MY TURF. stream.midnightsnacks.fm
Stop posting this, brainlet. nobody cares about your shitty broken stream. Robot Radio is picked entirely by r9k not your
never seen someone else posting my pics, thank you user for that
My mother died around 12 years ago. She loved squirrels and always put some nuts in our garden, for them to pick it up. Well now my father is keeping up her tradition and still places nuts around her grave for them to get them. It's strange but every time i visit her grave, even if my father hasn't been there for some time, a squirrel is watching me. I'm not into all that /x/ stuff, but it is always a heartwarming experience. Here is the first picture of the squirrel that was watching me at the graveyaed
My life is hard at the moment and i don't enjoy living as much as i used to. It's probably because of my breakup, but i hope to escape these feelings at some point. Loosing your first real love is a really unexplainable horrible experience, especially after 3 years in the relationship. Jesus damn, i hope you anons feel better tonight, here are some of my landscape pictures
another one from the same location
You've got some good shit my dude. reminds me of this hill that high schoolers go to that overlooks the city. Perfect place for a nightwalk if there werent tons of cars there full of people smoking pot and making out. One of my favorite memories was going with 2 good friends up there for a meteor shower, realizing it was a shitty place with all the people/light pollution. We ended up driving to some dark as fuck park and ate chicken nuggets and watched the stars for like 4 hours. That picture really stirred up those memories. Sometimes I wish I could just try High School again. I graduated only a little over 2 years ago but theres so many choices I would have done differently. I guess what I'm trying to say is that if your shot can get me to break down crying then its a damn good shot
Very good shots, that kind of wallpaper/candid look is awesome.
>3 years in the relationship
Wow. I may be a dummy for saying this since I've never had a relationship before but Maybe the winnie that winnie the pooh quote something along the lines of
>How wonderful it is to have something so beautiful that losing it makes things so sad
I'm willing to hear more if you feel like talking about it.
hopefully this thread is still alive later on, them i'll have time to dump some more stuff and maybe talk a bit about the relationship on here. I suppose i have posted most of my pictures here already, but maybe some haven't seen them yet and might enjoy them
ahe is on the left side btw. Kinda ironic how she is facing the opposit direction of me. Kinda like we're seperating our ways
this is also her, if anyone wonders. It was taken during a blizzard in a forest and i never had the chance to show it to anyone (or post it on my instagram). Now she is posting the pictures i've taken of her.
Damn what sort of camera do you have? I have a DSLR but yours looks like it's a mirrorless?
>embedding a coin miner script
kinda cheeky, at least tell people about it
"look like" user you can take good pictures with every camera! this one was taken with a 12y old Nikon D80 and a really cheap 50mm lense.
lighting 70% of the pic
lense 25%
camera 5%
This one was taken with the same canera and same lense. The camera is a tool, you have to be the creative mind behind the camera. Seriously an expensive brush won't turn you into a painter. Many pics above the portrait were tsken with my newer Nikon d7100 + 17-50mm f2.8 sigma lense. Got these two really cheap, for around 350 bucks
From which website?
This one was also photographed with the nikon d80
well i gotta go now, because the weather has cleared, hope you enjoy the thread brobots
sorry forgot to mention it
Hopefully you'll play this
Glad the chat feature is available now. I wasn't able to post in the last thread because the mods here decided to ban me for saying "the N word". Jow Forums going to shit. Everyone says it. All of a sudden its a problem?