Letter Thread: Modern Edition

Otherwise known as the 'people may be lurking' edition. Write a letter to someone who may or may not be lurking...


It's been getting a little too spooky... You've mention several suspicious words. Hopefully, you're an elaborate troll; otherwise, "summer is over and gone."


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I hate you. I hate you with all myself. I wish you were dead. Cunt.

Sincerely yours, anonymous.

Hey lu, I hope you're not a fag. I'm kinda throwing all my money down on you having a vagina so maybe rip to that but still don't be gay.

dear andrea
ma ustura cand ma pish
fetele de la sibiu
spala pizda cu rachiu
si lindicu cu cernut
ca sa pot ca sa le fut
nu da tare ca ma doare
nici incet ca n-am rabdare
haide asa bag-o scoate-o
hai motor motor motor
haide fetele ca mor
mananc corn si cu iaurt
si imi vine ca sa fut
pe elena tot odata
c-are pizda tot mai lata
haide asa bag-o scoate-o

I hate you so much. Why did you have to fuck everything up? Don't contact me ever again.

Hey user, get some help. You're not a fucking girl and you'll never be one. Your "breasts" are just jew tumors.

Sincerely, God.


You're the only person I could open up to without fear of judgement. It's a shame you were toying with me the whole time, I thought we were better than this




i miss you so much, please forgive me

One more time can't hurt

Dear Anna,

It's becoming harder and harder as the days go by to continue to pretend that you exist.

I can't convince myself.

I can't stop my mind wandering into the past.

I truly miss the days I had you in my life, you made more of a difference to me than you'll ever know, and it kills me that you're no longer around. I can't stand it. I'm a broken person.

- J

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I've tried really hard to hide this from you, but I'm actually disappointed in you and feel ashamed when people ask me if I'm your friend.

forgive you for what?

original also

Dear S,
Please dont ignore me today, I will say hi to you and we can talk if you like. Sorry about yesterday

Attached: frogburg1.jpg (500x327, 158K)

Dear r9k and everybody who posts here,
Fuck you for ruining my life by driving my mental health into the gutter.

No initials
I feel bad about your ex friend, few people believe most abusers are your friends.
And to redacted; I still miss everyone back then, no not really I hate them and the person who brought us together. everyone was right and I shouldn't be allowed online, I just can't handle living. I'm always gonna want you back? maybe? But I know I can see you anytime I want from a distance. and I don't want to see anyone irl I think, I just can't tell a lie. no, not this time or the other times.

If you are so weak minded to the point that Jow Forums can change your emotional state, then regardless of your environment, you would end up the same way.

Get your shit together user

I wish you got out of my life sooner, but I can't stand being without you. Hope you're happy, you fucking cunt.

Of course I am. Why don't you stop being a fag and come back?

I spent my whole life on this shithole. Being able to do nothing all day except browse here and read posts from deranged freaks because your parents don't let you do anything outside of home is guaranteed to fuck you up for good. Honestly, I shouldn't blame Jow Forums for all of this, but it's a letter to r9k thread so I'm going to.
How do I undo everything

Happier than I ever was, all you had to do was show the most basic compassion and you'd have had me. Oh well, see you never.

You don't deserve anything but to be treated like the worthless piece of shit you are. Why are you even here, cunt? All those years living and you din't get the idea that you are unwanted by everyone?

Welp, if you hadn't rape me, maybe it would've worked out.

You know you liked it. Why don't you come back for more?

we both fucked everything up

Yeah, I know, but I wasn't talking about you.

goodnight, I love you, see you tomorrow hopefully

too bad, I am already projecting

I can project too: I'm actually happy that you replied to me instead of the random user I was trying to bait.

I honestly don't want anyone else to see this, I kept it to myself.
I'm sorry I couldn't get you, I'm such a beta and would have supported you. I really just wanted you to be happy, but that's just my projection and I actually want everyone to be happy. Other people will get to you when I couldn't