Is this a trap? I see this all the time on ads and I'm unsure bots

Is this a trap? I see this all the time on ads and I'm unsure bots.

Attached: Screenshot_20180622-111113_Facebook.jpg (1080x2220, 631K)

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if they're that cute, does it really matter?

Yes it does ya faggot.

that's a Homestuck cosplayer, 100% tumblr

Tbh i dont think it matters either way. If that person had a dick I'd suck the shit out of it, and I'm not even gay

>I'm not even gay
that's where you're wrong kiddo

Attached: turtlehead.jpg (480x346, 57K)

>Suck dick
>Not gay

You got the name of this fluid druid?

Grill. Can tell by the shape of the hands/fingers

Would help if you posted a name, dumb shit.

Bumping so this doesn't die before I get to type out the rest of my autistic reply. I didn't have time before to fully explain my reasoning.

If you have to ask, it is

Replying to my own post because ded thred

I'm like ~85% confident that this is a grill (female).

A lot of the superficial attributes (s)he possesses in these images can be achieved through some sort of photo editing, regardless of gender. However, this person doesn't seem the type to be doing CIA-level photo-manipulation, so I'm assuming that (s)he used (a) filter(s), some blur/blemish correction, and favorable lighting/angles, max. Plus, it doesn't have any of the telltale signs of image manipulation of that degree.

Some of his/her characteristics in these photos which would otherwise take very, very high quality photo-editing point to this person being biologically female. Take, for instance, the shape of the head and neck. It's hard to see too much due to that hair and scarf, but from what I can see, they're rather sleek, and while the chin isn't exactly the epitome of femininity, it doesn't look like a MtF chin, since the hormones end up making the face as a whole look a lot chubbier (usually, at least), versus what we can see here. So, though this person has a rather 'strong jaw', it isn't very masculine. Additionally, the thickness of the neck, or really it's circumference, I should say, points to this being a biological female. Obviously there are outliers in both sexes, but I'm just going off of past experience and averages in biology.

Additionally, as stated before, this person's hands, fingers, and even upper limbs in general make me believe that we're dealing with XX chromosomes here. The slim, rounded look of this person's fingers (which can be seen to be especially prominent with regard to the thumb) is extremely common in females of this body type. I will concede, however, that I have known some males to have similarly dainty fingers (they were all gay/trans, if that's of any interest to you). But, combined with the fact that the palm is very small proportionate to the fingers (males tend to have fingers around the length of their palms, or possibly even smaller, especially if they have a lot of stout, Germanic/Middle European ancestry - very "manly" hands), and, quite extremely telling in this case, the circumference of the wrists, I am still leaning very much towards grill.

Image to speed up posting

Attached: 35d619c069b012e319b9fb521d1943fb.gif (561x461, 145K)

In a trap/MtF trans person, in order to achieve that small of a circumference on his/her wrist, (s)he'd basically have to be anorexic, once more exceptionally so due to the proportionality between that, the hand size, and the finger shape. This simply isn't the case here, as this person's eyes aren't sunken in, nor are the cheeks hollowed out, and (s)he appears to have moderately sized breasts (though this variable ought to be weighted extremely lowly, as this is incredibly easy to fake, especially beneath clothes in staged pictures). Even her biceps and extensor muscles/wrist area, while small (though still proportionate and within the expected range for a female of this build), clearly have a good chunk of flesh to them - not what one would expect of a spooky anorexic skeltal.

Really, the only warning sign screaming out to me is the person's attire. It can very much be described as a "trap aesthetic", and may be indicative of someone attempting to overcompensate his/her masculinity with an overabundance of femininity. HOWEVER, the reason that traps so often emulate this style of clothing is because those females who do choose to dress in this manner are often extremely attractive (at least with respect to their target audience).

So, my overall judgement is a relatively confident, though certainly not conclusive, judgement of female. You may fap without remorse, my friend. Not that it matters either way in the first place, though.

Another image to speed up posting.

Attached: OwO.png (500x522, 220K)

OP here.

After some sleuthing I've found the username of @BonbiBonkers. The Instagram says he/she so it would appear she is a trap...also underage too so the quest ends here I'm afraid

Things we are forced to do in this modern world of progress

But if your gonna jack off to it its not gay if you dont see the dik or know that its a degenerate

>admitting to wanting to sexually please another man
>not gay
oh boy do i have news for you
pRetty sure it's an actual female
and they're the tumbler type, so they're GenderFluid, which is why they're saying "he/she".

I'd give em the dickens either way, lad.

no. if it has tits it's not a trap, it's a tranny. Traps are still male

Eh, it's kinda fun. Satiates my 'tism.

However, Asians are the only race for which I can't reliably do this. I met this Asian trap/femboy at uni, and to this day I have never seen, let alone encountered, a person as androgynous as him. Not even in fucking 2D. It's ridiculous (in the best of ways, though).

Now that you're done having your 3 pm breakfast consisting of a quest bar and soilent, I'll let you know that you are a degenerate.

Nothing gay about going down on a cute smooth boiclit

Why do you even care to label it? I don't want to sound like one of "those people", but does that label really define you - either way? It's kind of pathetic if it does. There ought to be more to your personality than just your sexuality.

Just say how many times you beater off to that already