Men should be fit. Women should be fat. Discuss.
Men should be fit. Women should be fat. Discuss
Nope. Women should be slim and hot, men should be bear mode.
Men should be fit, yes. Women should have a little bit of fat. Not obese. For baby development it is ideal.
T. Developmental scientist
>n-no, I should be allowed to be a fat ass
I can smell you from here.
Big and strong, not fat. You’re the one that wants all men to be twinks, faggo.
They should be thicc but not a greasy hog that oozes grease and men should be fit
Way too many chubby chasers on this board. A tall, slender dancer’s body is easily the best look for women.
women SHOULD be fat/chubby
Im on nofap and im so horny for fat, chubby, soft women now. I used to be attracted to anorexic/fit chicks. I love my fattys now
Oh yeah, looks great. This is totally what nature intended.
all that fucking airbrushing and they still couldn't get rid of the cellulite. fucking rank
>not wanting a slim beauty you can admire all day
I have met a lot of fat fucking women and most of them are overly confident fucking bitches. disgusting to look at and nasty personality at that, wow!
this is a fridge mode chick and literally the worst example possible
Every man should be fit. Woman can be little curvy. That picture is disgusting. That creature is half pig, half human.
I've fugged a thicc girl. I like their pussies, they are cute, but their tits get absolutely disgusting when they are fat.
Yeah bearmode is fine too. Especially if you are too tall.
Smells like a lot of self loathing fat asses in here. Maybe hit the psychiatrist before you hit the gym.
For thousands of years a thicc woman was a symbol of life and fertility, if you want to have a stable family with lots of kids get a thicc wife
I agree
Half hog half woman is perfect
men should be fit. women should be thick (not fat)
>Muh fertility goddess
Depends, some fat girls have amazing, big, voluminous, round tits
Agreed. Plus tall, slim women are way more likely to enjoy athletic activities.
Put the pringles down and do a bit of research, you absolute mess.
me on the bed
They don't call this dichotomy 'beauty and the beast' for nothing. Now it's the other way around.
me in the middle
>Now it's the other way around
You're not wrong. I see tons of fit guys on my campus with short, chubby girls. I just don't get it. I loved it when I was dating an athletic 5'9" girl. She always looked amazing when she got dressed up and I could dance with her and actually have our body parts all line up nicely. Tall girls are just better.
Not the ones that I've been with unfortunately.
people who only focus on big tits have some kind of oedipus complex, i think
I dont only, but big tits are fucking delicious
t. landwhale
mommy i want milk
Drink deep, my child.
thank you mommy
Men should be fit.
Women should be fit.
This is fact.
Thicc >>> Fat
That woman is fat, user.
80% thicc , 20% fatt
she is more thicc than fatt imo
If you were somehow able to get a pair of jeans on over her big fat thighs, several inches of her gut would be spilling out over the waistline when she sits down.
most peoples stomach will somewhat roll over when you sit
too much of a women for you buddy?
Uh huh. All yours, buddy.
Nice. She's practically perfect.
It's only bearmode if you can do 5 deadlift reps with twice your bodyweight on the bar, user.
her face is alright but her body,,,, I couldnt get hard for that Im 99% sure. Not with this regimen of regular masturbation.
Thicc or /fat/ is overrated, you need a slim waifu
This is the right type of woman 4 me.
>havent wanked in about one and a half weeks
>suddenly find this attractive
what the fuck is wrong with me lads?
u are coming home buddy, embrace real women
That's sexy tho
One man's sexy is another man's gross-out. Who am I to judge? You do you, bro.
How about men and women should be how they wish to appear to the world. The only ones who fail are the ones who don't strive to accomplish this or try to push their views on others.
lol shut up nerd
daily reminder that tit cows usually get reduction surgeries to reduce the extreme back pain they get later in life
but Im right and others are wrong and the world would be beautiful if they saw it like I see it.
Instead they think they are right but only high level ppl know they arent right. So we must deal with stupid ppl all the while they think tha tWE are the weird ones?
Nigga u will enver know the struggle-
Prime Keira was a goddess.
But wasn't she turned into a bear in the movie?
>tfw she has better calves then you
>p-please don't body shame desu
outta this board fatty
Women should be this
Men should be fit. Women should be fit.
Men should be handsome. Women should be ugly. Discuss
LOL I can see the Photoshop aura around her cellulite riddled body. Truly women don't need to be skinny, they can look great with about 5% extra bodyfat than men but this level is called delusion. Nobody in this thread would make one a long term partner though, I know this for sure. It just a fetiah thing
so a doctor telling someone to lose weight is pushing his world view on others, huh?
>not having a fertile slampig and a cute femboi for you and your wife/gf to use in threesomes as sexual toys
I'm disappointed fit
This. Fat fetishists often forget of this horrid personality that accompanies fatties, and that smell of old gravy that follows them. They tout how great fatties are, but conveniently forget they are lazy, entitled and often stupid.
Sorry we aren't talking about thick here, were talking about fat. Fertility actually decreases when women get fat, end of. Not to mention their stupidity that I wouldn't want passed onto my kids
Fat and heavy women are disgusting, they all have massive overly wet and smelly cunts. I thought I liked thicker women but your body knows what it wants. After going limo multiple times with a few different big girl's due to the sloppy smelly mess, I decided to stick to petite girl's.
>tfw dating 4'11" 90lbs shy cutie who I plan on marrying
I'm not a Manlet btw
I'm with you 100% except I like tall, athletic girls. Chubsters are fun for drunk sex and nothing else.
i don't feel attracted to fat women.... If you feel attraction to landwhales, that's fine, good for you.
Tall athletic girl's are nice, but she's still athletic just short, and we obviously connect very well if we both talk about our future together, but tallys are nice
Petite girls are super cute. I just prefer tall girls now that I've been with a couple. My one ex was like 5'2" and it was always kind of awkward when I would have to be hunched over to grind with her or bend over to kiss her. It's just kind of nice being with a tall girl and having your body parts actually line up.
It was a different simpler time.
Yeah I definitely know what you mean, but personally doesn't bother me, though sex can be awkward at times with the off proportions
Agreed sir
>tfw some caveman will never know that his prehistoric doujins are on display at a national museum
>I'm the OP and I autistically and arrogantly believe it is my place in the Universe to dictate to others what they should and should not want because I am clearly and objectively SUPERIOR to everyone else, bow down and worship me you plebians!
Yeah nyah eat shit and die faggot OP eat a box of dicks
>Using ancient uneducated people to help justify your landwhale fetish
if all fatgirls looked like that i would be okay with it
That was during a time when being a fatass meant you had the skill/resources to feed yourself and then some, which was highly desirble.
this monstrosity exists in the modern era, where being fat is no longer a status symbol.
As for fertility, overweight and obese women have lower pregancy rates and significantly higher miscarriage rates and birth defects
>For thousands of years a thicc woman was a symbol of life and fertility, if you want to have a stable family with lots of kids get a thicc wife
Fatass landwhale 'female' detected.
Stop trying to justify/rationalize/glorify your lack of personal discipline, especially when it comes to food, you fat cunt.
>fridge mode
convince me this isn't a man
It isn't a man
She's not THICC or fat she just has enormous tits.
>fat = fertile goddess
Right that’s why all the fatties have abnormal periods and trouble conceiving.
>fat and still needed fake tits
Make sure to put that sick burn in your manifesto.
>tfw a girl has a more masculine frame than you do
>she just has enormous tits.
Is that a problem?
When they reference these pre-civilization 'fertility goddesses' as justification for women being obese, what they're ignoring is that 10000 years ago, if a woman couldn't conceive or carry to term, they'd believe it was The Gods who were responsible, because no medical science. Today we know better, and understand that obese=unhealthy.
Fat women are just looking for excuses to not self-hate, plain and simple.
I didn't say it was, I was merely pointing out that that's not 'THICC' (which means fat really) just huge hooters.
Why are you getting so upset? Is she your waifu or something? xD
>what do you mean some people don't hate themselves?
>b-but I hate myself
>This can't be right!
Please tell me you don't have access to a firearm.
>be a bar/club
>hit on chick
>her less attractive(fat) friend sits there trying to sabotage the evening for me
>if she isnt getting attention then neither is her friend
>literally pulled her friend away from me as she left her for me
Women suck bros.
Did Jersey Shore teach you nothing? That's why you bring your chubby chaser friend along to jump on those grenades.