I'm sick of seeing guys getting fatter at the gym. Seriously fat fucks half squating, half repping, using shit form on everything AND getting fat doing it.
It's like falling for EVERY single MEME to do everything wrong by doing everything the easier way.
Stuffing your face with high calorie low nutrient content food is EASY, it takes ZERO discipline.
There's nothing wrong with a slow lean bulk, you can put on a little bit of fat while you're getting stronger, BUT you shouldn't be gaining fat faster than muscle.
You don't even need to be ripped, but you should stay under 20% just for health.
Also, if you stay fairly lean you're in a good position to get aesthetic quickly if you need to. Say you go through a breakup and need to start dating again - at least you're still close enough not to be a major chore.
Forgot to add, not calling Kaz fat - his was about the upper limit of acceptable range.
Jonathan Smith
So many powerlifting people at my gym who I've seen slowly get more and more fat just to push more weight
its disgusting
Jordan Edwards
Charles Collins
you do though. you will never be as strong as possible while being lean, that's just not how this works non negotiable
Levi Butler
You don't have to be fatty fat to optimize your strength though, a bit fluffy yeah, but abs should still be showing is optimal for strength gains
Going obese bloatmax is not optimal for anything..
Zachary Adams
Ayden Edwards
jesus christ yes you do. why do you think every single strongman's static strength was at its highest when they were bloatmaxxed out of their minds? >but abs should still be showing is optimal for strength gains what kind of stupid newfag normie rule is this? >Also, if you stay fairly lean you're in a good position to get aesthetic quickly if you need to. Say you go through a breakup and need to start dating again - at least you're still close enough not to be a major chore. nevermind lol, you've obviously never lifted anything even REMOTELY heavy in you whole life, and you never will
Cameron White
If you think you need to be obese bloatmax to optimize your strength curve you are the stupid newfag to lifting and not me
Hafthor Bjornsson is currently the worlds strongest man, and he has abs showing. He mogged all your fatty obese competition.
Dominic Brown
z and hall were always stronger statically. both bloatmaxxed. z can't do shit since he cut.
Henry Harris
>abs should still be showing is optimal for strength gains Maybe go back to year one and read up on things there fella, cause that's only ever said by people who were never strong.
Blake Thompson
Thor never have abs when he competes. He has a big ol powerbelly. Just look at the Arnold and WSM 2018.
Easton Diaz
Some guys due to fat distribution have to get very lean to see any abs, but those guys will have a lot of definition everywhere else.
Parker Green
Horse shit. He does bloat some but most of its due to two things:
1). Sub Q water retention
2). Not flexing and his belt pushing everything up
There was a video filmed right after World's this year, the following day where Thor was doing a fashion show shoot in the Philippines and they had to switch his shirt and it got stuck on him. As he was being helped to remove it his abs were very visible.
Pic related was after Day 1 of the finals. Yes it's good lighting and he wasn't holding as much sub-Q water as earlier in the day.
Furthermore, why would you be trying to replicate year round what an athlete does for a couple months leading to a major contest season? Most of the offseaaon Thor's been staying quite lean and his static strength has never been higher. He's been consistently winning both deadlift and clean & Press events
when I see fat people lifting heavy all I can think is that they're just doing a boddyweight rep strength is all relative, and you should stop caring so much about what other people are doing
Nolan Adams
Hall literally started breaking down his body carrying all the fat and bloat and picked up some horrible injuries.
If him and Z being stronger than Thor in previous years is your justification to bloatmax yourself and you aren't at that level of competition you're a fool.
Especially if you're just lifting for your own quality of life. I wasn't even the guy who said to keep abs year round, which isn't realistic for everyone, but why should anyone doing this for quality of life reasons ever go over 20% body fat?
Nolan Rodriguez
What's your point? That natties should go over 20% to get strong?
That ought to be everyone's absolute upper limit.
Landon Clark
Strength is NOT relative. It does NOT increase in 1:1 ratios. Taller people for example might have more weight, more absolute strength, but their ROM entirely prevents them from having good pound for pound strength. The 6'7" 300 pound guy DLing 800 is still stronger than the 5'9" 200 pound guy doing 600.
That's why the WILKS formula doesn't just simply rely on bodyweight multipliers. You'd have some 5'2" 180 pound guy declared the strongest man which is absurd
Eli Sanders
>Hall literally started breaking down his body carrying all the fat and bloat and picked up some horrible injuries. yes. and yet he was the strongest statically. >Especially if you're just lifting for your own quality of life. I wasn't even the guy who said to keep abs year round, which isn't realistic for everyone, but why should anyone doing this for quality of life reasons ever go over 20% body fat? why the fuck should I care about my quality of life. I lift to get stronger
Kevin Brown
jesus christ I don't understand dyels like you relative strength is an absolute meme. stronger is better. also if you measure relative strength by weight lifted/bw then dyels will always have more relative strength. a 500kg DL at 200 is more impressive than a 400kg DL at 120kg. In fact it's 100kg more.