
Is anyone from Jow Forums a christian ?, if so can you tell if it helped you in your problems or if it keeps you going through your struggles ?

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I think someone may have it in for these threads. I'm a Christian. Still an unstable depressive but it sort of helps. I got in because I think Christian philosophy is right. There's so much to get through though and it just never ends. Virtually everyone's going to hell, sincere belief makes an alien out of you, the Church is weak and struggling, nobody's interested, I personally am not strong enough to do the faith justice.

It's extremely hard.

Started going to a catholic church a while ago. I like it for the most part

Yeah it's really fucking hard to do it right with the way society is now. Everyone seems to be half assing it. Obviously I'm a piece of shit sinner cause I'm here, but at least I'm trying to make progress. It really seems to me that most people think they can just show up to church every Sunday and be gtg, but maybe that's just my perception who I am I to judge right. If I died right now I would go to hell I think

It's hard for all of us but we need to accept that we are sinners and we will sin no matter what, we must repent for them but don't hurt ourselfs too much when we have done them you shouldn't be obnoxious about faith but having some morals in your life shouldn't make you alienated from people
That's great to hear user, can you tell me why did you pick catholic church instead of orthodox or protestant one ?

I see a lot of people just blindly following christianity instead of trying to learn on their own and see it's something more then free days off and few basic prayers, it's really a fascinating religion with a lot of history that made europe hold on throughout ages, and also americas

I'm certain I'd go to hell now. I'm unconfirmed because my apostate parents sincerely seem to believe that a baptism is enough to get you into heaven. My younger brother didn't even get that much.

Also I'm severely lacking in faith, hope and charity.

I was already quite alienated due to being an antisocial nerd, now only a bit moreso. I share very few interests with most people and whenever a topic more serious than the weather comes up my views tend to clash severely with others. I don't go picking fights, I just have nothing in common with anybody.

If you went to confession and you truely regret what you have done then god will grant you forgiveness

All christcucks need to be rounded up and gassed

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Because I was raised catholic kind of. Like my mom made me get confirmed but we never went to mass regularly. Also I personally think protestantism is wrong and that either catholic or orthodox is the way to go, but I'm too brainlet to understand the difference between the two theologically. Also I just kind of trust all the saints and other great people who were catholics over protestants. It seems like they got us to this age of pure degeneracy.

Pious X was right, if we don't fight modernity it will destroy us. What percentage of practicing (We'll say they're practicing aside from this point) Australian Christians do you think are pro-sodomy at this point? Not everyone has to be Augustine or Aquinas but if someone can't appreciate what's wrong with a sodomy-based relationship can you really say they understand Charity at all? It all goes back to birth control I think, it got us on the pro-death train and this is just another step in the process.

The idea that the church is something that needs to fit people rather than the other way around is such an evil one. The path is narrow and can't be expanded, to tell people they can safely stray is to kill their souls in the eyes of God.

If you're in a small town that isn't depopulating or suffering into rampant drug abuse that must be awesome.

>I see a lot of people just blindly following christianity
Where are you from where a lot of people blindly follow? I'd take that over no following at all. I went to mass today at my university, three other people present, all old Asians. This is in Australia.

I was raised Christian but never really believed in God the way he's presented in the Bible. I used to desperately pray to God, if he was out there, to help me believe.
Despite not believing, I'm culturally Christian and basically follow the Bible (the teachings of the NT, at least) as I see most of what it contains to be useful for living a happy, fulfilled life and bettering the lives of those around you. My goal is always to be a good person and leave this earth having been a net positive. If God existed, why wouldn't he let someone like me believe? Why would He curse me to eternal damnation? What did I do to deserve that?

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fuck off white nationalist scum, no one cares about you and your dead ideology

I have to go through the sacraments first, but that's the plan. I'm not proud of a single sin. I'm not really proud of anything. If anything my problem is that I'm so hard on myself that it prevents me from feeling like I'm able to give to others, dragging me even further into sin due to a critical lack of charity.

good one. Post this again in 'white' for me, being a native I read it better than English.

How can you fulfill something which isn't defined? How can you be truly good when your standards are merely preferences? How can you be a 'net positive' with no hard rule for determining good or bad works?
>If God existed, why wouldn't he let someone like me believe?
Is he stopping you? He might be further down the way but it'll take more on your part.
>Why would He curse me to eternal damnation?
Eternal damnation is to be cut off from God. If he's either not there or no good this prospect shouldn't bother you. If he is there and he is good you have no excuse not to live to please him, and thus earn a place with him after your death.

We need a based pope so badly like in that HBO show. I just want a pope who will command me to kill muslims

A truly based Pope would acknowledge the virtues of Islamic society and try to engage with them politically and philosophically. Endgame of our relationship with Islam should be theological discourse resulting in the final triumph of Thomism and the conversion of the Middle East.

Most based Cardinal right now is probably Robert Sarah. Compares abortion tolerance to an ongoing Holocaust. /my-guy/ for sure at least. I consider abortion the most despicable aspect of modern culture by far.

I don't even know any of the Cardinals aside from George Pell.

Pell doesn't strike me as a bad person. Probably just too willing to do as he was told by the real bad guys higher up. Really the whole Church got compromised. Pell did a solid job whenever he was on tv, and I've never heard anything bad about him outside of the current conjecture. First Things ran a pretty good article defending him against most of the charges brought against him.

>How can you fulfill something which isn't defined?
Fulfilled, in the sense that I'm fulfilling my goals.
>How can you be truly good when your standards are merely preferences?
You don't need to believe in a deity to see moral absolutism as logically consistent. I'm going to assume you're not a moron and have put more than 5 seconds of thought into this and this question was just to spur my mind.
>How can you be a 'net positive' with no hard rule for determining good or bad works?
See above.

>Is he stopping you? He might be further down the way but it'll take more on your part.
I've wanted to believe in God for about 25 years. I've gone to church for a large portion of that time and spoken to elders and people with training in theology and, as yet, I don't believe.

>Eternal damnation is to be cut off from God. If he's either not there or no good this prospect shouldn't bother you. If he is there and he is good you have no excuse not to live to please him, and thus earn a place with him after your death.
My question was obviously posed with the assumption that the God of the Bible exists. It doesn't really 'bother' me other than that I would like to believe and I would like a God and eternal life to exist. It would be comforting - maybe due to some in-built human desire for higher beings, maybe due to the lingering seeds planted in my young mind due to my parents raising me as Christian.

converting to sedevacantist catholicism from protestant soon. Priest coming to meet me from the other side of the world next month

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Sedevacantism is literally autism.

Catholics are the most retarded people in the world.
>hurr aborion is murder, God wanted you to have this deformity

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You seem to be asserting the existence of some kind of telos. God isn't necessarily vital for moral absolutism, but telos is. Why do your goals have inherent value? Intuition isn't a valid answer.

whew, have you looked into some of the less insane but still somewhat anti Vatican II parts of the church? The FSSP? Even the SSPX?

Abortion is an easy point. Being alive is objectively good because it's better than no good at all.
>but muh bad
Evil is the absence of good.

I want to go to heaven so virgin mary can give me her milkies.

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>Being alive is objectively good because it's better than no good at all
Good and bad are descriptions of preference. It is possible to prefer dying to being alive, which would make being alive worse than being dead.
You are a stupid catholic snake trying to play word games.

Careful user, blasphemy can get you permanently barred from Heaven.

>it is possible to prefer dying
but I'm the one playing word games. Good and bad aren't preferences, if you sincerely believe this how can I be a snake? We're just competing preferences right now, moral high ground can't exist.

avoid church like the plague. european mainstream churches are infiltrated by political ideologies and the free churches are cultist shills. there are more fun things to LARP than a christian

Orthodox Christianity is the way to exist
Consult Berdyaev's works if you can't see it

>suckling on the mother of man's big lactating tits

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Checked. RIP that user, he has been forsaken

>Good and bad aren't preferences
So you're begging the question.

Do you mean orthodox as in the core beliefs of original catholicism, or eastern orthodox?

But user! It's a pure reason! It is my mother and it is only natural I want to get nurtured... Specially if she gently carsses my benis and call me a sweet child.

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Eastern Orthodox, as the only natural outcome of separating the Faith from catholic political tool that we have.

Go on.

user, for real, if you ever become a sincere Christian knowing that you've posted this will make you feel beyond awful. Please stop.

It means you're assuming what you are trying to prove, dumdum.

I was raised catholic but now I'm not. I still believe in God, but I feel I don't need church to stay in touch with God. I don't agree with idea that you have to be apart of a religion to have exclusive access to God. I asked God for help when my life is becoming too stressful. It helps me I guess.

Christianity isn't an assumption.

Only because you asked nicely! But I'll keep thinking about it

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All axioms are assumed.

What made you stop believing in the Catholic conception of God? What God do you believe in now? Because the one written about in the Bible is Trinitarian, died for your dumb ass and expects you to attend sacrifice on Sunday.

If you believe that then do you have any faith in your own senses or powers of thought?

Thoughts are as bad as actions.

Faith is irrelevant in epistomology.

Do you believe that we can discern solid conclusions about reality?

If wanting to impregnate virgin Mary makes me an heretic, just call the Inquisition on me already.

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christianity is how chad controlled betas in the past.

Worse, it makes you damned.

Christianity is how the spiritually Chadly help others ascend.

A conclusion cannot be certain, because a conclusion is based on axioms which are uncertain.

>What made you stop believing in the Catholic conception of God?
Contradictions in text, and no room for interpretation.

What God do you believe in now?
The God I believe in has no name, only echos of nature.

Are there no certain axioms? Do you believe that you exist? Do you believe in mathematical truths? Do you believe in your own powers of logic?

Contradictions where? You probably just applied some shitty half-assed and wrong reading of your own to justify what you were already looking for before you started.

>The God I believe in has no name, only echos of nature.
Also sounds gay as fuck and nonsensical.

Belief doesn't make something certain, dumdum. We have already been over this.

English is a shitty no good language for thinking in. I'll try again.

Is there anything which you are certain of?

There only things you can be certain of are those you define. They are not derived from axioms, but simply defined.

That seems like something you can get all kinds of semantically odd with. Is '2+2=4' something I chose/choose to define?

>Is '2+2=4' something I chose/choose to define?
Yes. 2+2=4 is a tautology based on the definition numbers.

nah its literally just to keep them down. dumb beta gets no girls? in heaven you will. intelligent beta? become a monk/join a priory and have some status. remember just like god made me king, maybe he'll make you king, or something.

and all these years we still believe that crap.

Are the rules that we use to work the numbers defined? And if so can the same go for logical rules/truths?

It didn't start with kings telling plebs to shut up and do as they were told, it started with plebs telling Kings to shut up and get with the program. And it worked.

What rules are you thinking of?
>logical rules/truths?
What is a logical rule/truth ?

is there another christian revolution coming or am i just joining a club full of old people and their crazy daughters who hate my fucking face?

The number related rules are 'when you add numbers together you get their sum' and so on. A logical truth is harder. I doubt I could think of one you'd accept.

If you become Catholic you'll mostly be hanging out with old people. Here and there there are clusters of younger Catholics, but mostly old people. Their daughters aren't at mass though. You're either dying a virgin or going to settle for a roastie who 'finds God' right around the same time she can't use her pussy to enslave men easily anymore.

>when you add numbers together you get their sum
That's the definition of adding numbers together.

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Oh, and a revolution of sorts is coming, but it'll likely be slow and painful. Might take over a century, but the Church will pull itself together once the boomers die, awful as that sounds. Young Catholics mostly recognise where we went wrong and are determined to right the mistakes of the 20th century.

It's so fucking depressing though. Unless you live in a Catholic country or live within walking distance of a nice Church you'll be so alone.

So they're defined then.

>So they're defined then.


Christianity isn't gonna be birds and rainbows once you put faith in Christ. It ends up getting harder but now you have a way and reason to cope. I know some edgelord is going to reply and tell me religion is fake and whatever. But the whole point of faith is that you DON'T know if it's true, that's what makes it faith. I've seen so many miracles happen to me but they only came when I started closing my eyes and letting God do all the work. Because that's what he wants anyways

Nobody actually feels a connection to YahWeh. Christianity is a weak religion that teaches you to hate the world and love being persecuted. Eating healthier and exercising will do FAR more to help you mentally than kikestianity.

My family is Irish Roman Catholics, but I haven't practiced since I was young.

I have very heavy moral disagreements with the church, and especially the pope. I find the pacifistic nature of Catholic teachings, the openness, to be disgusting.

How can a religion be preserved if you profess mass migration from people with other doctrines that despise your own? How can a pope sanction homosexuality? I can't be religious with those things in mind..

>tfw only consider myself Christian because I have a few uncommon values that are similar to Christian values
I should start going to Church isntead of just saying I should

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if you think the middle east can be converted, you do not know the arabs very well.

Yes, and it's the only thing that stops me from ending it.

>Virtues of Islamic Society
>trying to engage with them politically and philosophically

Are u asking for a crusade? Because DEUS VULT and AVE MARIA

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Tell us about it user! Actually I'm interested in stories like that.

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Ah yes, muh wotanism. Norse mythology itself has Loki turning himself into a female horse, having sex with a male horse, and giving birth to a 8 legged horse that Odin rode on.