Femanon, are you envious of other girls bodies often?
Femanon, are you envious of other girls bodies often?
only their genitals ;)
fembot here. basically what the other fembot said!
....Yes, although that's not exactly the body I usually envy
Generally the only envy I feel for other girls bodies is that they're healthy and not bedridden like me
If I think I girls really attractive I'm probably thinking of how much I want to be with her
it was a tranny joke you autist
Yes, I wish I looked like this.
I'm glad you're suffering, dyke.
>Yes, I wish I looked like this.
>bedridden like me
What's wrong?
Bad case of chronic fatigue syndrome
>Bad case of chronic fatigue syndrome
so you're a lazy piece of shit?
This. When i see a girl with big boobs i want to cuddle with her rather than feel jealous
It's genetic and all of my ancestors had the same issue of ordering mcdonalds 20 times a day and falling into a sugar coma from all the pop.
Bad case of made up bull shit more likely you self important twat. You just like saying that you're fatigued because it gets you attention and let's you control the people around you.
Kill yourself.
You dont have to ask. Whenever mini gets posted all the roasties start screeching. It was extra obvious when she was still super popular around here.
They are obviously envious of fit, fertile bodies.
Mini was so perfect, the only thing she lacked was some nice pubic hair
I don't think i'd have been considered lazy before i got sick. And my nervous system isn't too crash hot. But call it whatever you want
I'm not so much into big boobs, but good shaped normal sized boobs ugh so good, they're so nice and squishy too
Lol what kind of attention or control would I get by being in bed all day? This has completely ruined my social life
i. e im a fatfuck
Mini was almost a goddess. Dammit if only she was like 10 feet tall (or taller)
I want to lose 30lbs so my boobs are smaller and look better in the tops I like.
Which bodytype do you envy then?
Have you considered being kidnapped and chained and put on a diet of semen until you reach your ideal weight?
it takes 1% of the effort to get a nice body that it does to do something like earn a college degree, I don't know why it could seem off-limits to you
for women it is even easier because a woman doesn't even need to be fit to be in the top tier of attractive, she could just reform her diet and get thin
Well sometimes I envy girls with real hourglass or pear figures (think Beyonce) and sometimes I wish I was 5'1" and weighed 100 pounds
Who is Mini?
For comparison, what's your actual height and weight?
I have a sister, yes they are very concerned and envyous of other girls.
5'6" and 200 pounds
But I've had kind of a boxy figure my whole life, even when I was skinny.
She is a fertility goddess and patron saint of Jow Forums.
>5'6" and 200 pounds
You're a big girl
Ahah, nice! How long is your vajayjay?
T-thanks, user
Big boobs are tricky. I don't have aesthetic preference for them, but my body is highly responsive to them. Like, on a dancefloor, I can't resist women with big boobies. And I don't understand why.
You don't sound that bad to me.
>another thread where roasties gather more thirsty betas to orbit them
remember, you're the cancer killing r9k
yeah, though i guess i'm not bad looking just kind of plain lol
haters gonna hate
drink hater-ade all day
Sometimes wish I had naturally perky boobs.. as something I never really had a say in but I'll never be jealous of all other bodily attributes I could get by working out hard. I'm just not willing to do that so I just admired also no my body is acceptably attractive to most guys anyway
*i also know my body is
Only when I was younger. Since I was tall and lanky and my crushes all liked womanlets. Now I have no complaints because I can gain 100lbs and still look thin while shorter women gain 10 and look like whales. Also men totally love my legs when I bother to shave and show them.
She wasn't exactly fit though. Just a naturally nice body, lucky in that respect but I see far more enviable bodies all the time. Also as if you can tell fertility from looking at a body
naturally nice bodies are the most attractive ones, men don't care about a girl being fit
She has the perfect amount of love handles, amazing tits and wide child bearing hips while also having a super tiby waist. She is literal perfection.
Are you actually tall of just woman tall?
Men don't really care about much in my experience. I've just seen bodies far more worthy of envy
None of that really means anything to do with fertility. That's just stupid.
Those are signifiers of fertility you literal moron. It's evolutionarily hardwired to look for those signifiers.
Were you smoking cock during 9th grade biology?
According to who though. I have to say I also have these attributes and I can't say I'm any more fertile than average if at all. It just signifies a sedentary lifestyle if anything.
gross enough to get her modeling jobs and to date trump's son in law
her body is worth millions
It is gynoid bodyfat distribution, it's affected by estradiol, estrone, DHEA and progesterone. How the female looks at around 20% bodyfat is a signifier of fertility. Big breasts, big thighs, plump ass, slim otherwise. As for body skeletal formation, it is again affected by genetics+steroid hormones+HGH during development. Wide hips and slim waist are signifiers of fertility. It's basic biology and endocrinology.
Now post pictures of you child bearing hips instead of being a cocktease.
I'm actually starting to question if I'm infertile. I'm not saying there's nothing in it. It's just a bit stupid to me to make such sweeping judgements about something like that
You just know she'll get obese after the first child instantly
its deleted! i bet she was banned... did anyone save?
God, I want to mount you. Fucking christ this is mouthwatering.
Eh nah I changed my mind. Plus it's not exactly hard to evade a ban
but i didn't get to see! :( pls let me see...
Doesn't mean I want a ban though. Maybe you should be quicker
Install 4chanX, newfriend.
This. Fembot here, and it fucking sucks knowing most normie men will rule me out without even getting to know me just bc my boiclit is a little larger than some biogirls
it didn't make it to the archive
You're not female faggot
The thumbnail is still there, but yeah it's not on the archive.
Phew, good thing I middle mouse every single image as soon as it pops.
but i wasnt even here i came just now and now i dont get anything >:(
Thank you for making my point??? Like really dude?
cis white scum detected
Trannies are better at being women than ciswomen themselves. They offer much more at that.
The rule against selfies only applies to the first post of s thread. Cant start a selfie thread
Nah, janitors are triggerhappy with chicks that selfpost. Especially fertility goddesses, since they are trannylovers from /lgbt/
I think the dubs speak for themselves
Back to tumblr
>Act like a woman acts
>Don't have a real pussy
That sounds like the worst possible combination a living entity can possess.
That's not true though once the roastie haters come-a reporting. Suffice to say this is a random body I found which looks remarkably exactly like mine. What are the chances
I envy girls with clear skin, otherwise nah if I see a hot girl I just want to fuck her myself
Realtalk now, I want to to see you naked some more. How about I give you my discord and you strip for me? I can reciprocate and I wont leak any photo.
I don't use discord. I get anxious about social contact one
On one. I mean threads are a group chat. No pressure
Trannies adopt the ideal of a woman, more then the practice of being one. They are therefore better, literally the stuff of dreams, as they model themselves off of that dream.
Trannies usually become pretty histrionic on hormones if they weren't already
Gotcha. Your body is amazing, it really got my blood pumping.
Why do you wear a bra so rarely. Why ruin those milkers in the long run.
It's the body of someone who doesn't exercise. I just don't think these normal female traits necessarily signify as much as you'd think
If your body looks like that, then please join me for a dinner date tonight.
I already said I'm likely infertile
You have amazing genetics and hormonal balance, your body is the epitome of fertility.
God, I need a cold shower.
That's nonsense. I strongly suspect I'd have issues reproducing
How come? PCOS?
I would love you anyways.
We could adopt and make some kids life better!
General kinda menstrual issues and a spell of just not getting pregnant with bf despite being lax on contraception. I know my mum had issues too
Which is retarded. Females do not need to be exceptionally beautiful or beautiful at all for that matter to get 1000 guys to chose from.
Hyperbole much, bitter virgin incel?
Actually scratch that, you wouldnt have such full and healthy hair if you had PCOS, unless you are pretty young.
Yeah I have some thick hair genes. I'm a big supporter of body hair in general desu
Dunno man. I'm too much of a mess for kids and don't think I'd ever feel ready
You do realize that you are actively ovulating for a couple of days a month right? And oocytes are active for up to 4 days at a time before getting flushed out.
Not to mention your guy might have low sperm motility or count.
I won't even mind whether or not we have kids if I get to be with you.
regular guys aren't Chads. Non-Chads aren't consider men at all by females, and understandably so. The choice of Chads is what matter, and you have a hefty competition for those.
Luckily, italian 'men' are manchildren at best.
Nothing hyperbolic about it. Females literally only need one thing: a vagina and boom, you have won at relationship/sex/life.
Maybe. Might not be me. I just have a feeling I shouldn't have gone a year like that combined with little to no periods ever really. Just never cared enough to get checked out
I'm a difficult person. A mess of issues. Hence r9k
Does that mean you have a nice big hairy bush?