Do women even find men attractive...

Do women even find men attractive? Every girl I talk to prefers how girls look and only like men because of some weird emotional need for a man in their life.

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I like their dicks but that's about it

Yeah, but only the more feminine looking ones so I'm not sure if that counts. I can still be romantically attracted to a more masculine one if they have a good enough personality.

what does that mean? Short with no beard?

The majority of women find the majority of men to be unattractive. This is why on dating apps they all flock to the same kind of guys.

I love the way guys look, I have a whole folder full of hot guys on my phone, and if I like a guy, I'll spend all day looking at pictures of him.

Yeah, appearance wise I would say short, thin males with no facial hair and faggy haircuts look the best. If I learn they don't have a dick I stop being attracted to them completely so I'm not gay for sure.

>I love the way guys look, I have a whole folder full of hot guys on my phone, and if I like a guy, I'll spend all day looking at pictures of him.
show me some examples

That's not normal whatsoever, but good for you I guess

What most people consider beautiful is strongly tied to an absence of tangible physical utility. A masculine male form is brutally utilitarian. Everything is built to purpose for excelling physically in a harsh environment. On the other hand, a beautiful female is devoid of that specific kind of utility - slim and weak without musculature, skeletal ratios which are certainly not ideal for rough work, sleek long hair and neat finger and toe nails.

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It's mostly just movie characters

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Yes, I have a folder of QTs like the other user.

But I draw as a hobby so am inclined to be more visual than a lot of women. Other female artists I know are also very visual, enjoying a range from bishounen to bearmode guys and drawing them often.

Do you prefer drawing women to men?

No, everyday I wish I was born female. Being male is hell world. Undesirable and unneeded in the modern world.

why do huge muscular male bodies like that gross me out as a bi boi

No, the cute girl market is inflated and drawing them gets boring. I prefer drawing the type of guy I'm into since not enough people draw them.

Of course women find women more attractive, they have no idea what they really look like.

A life time of propaganda in the form of makeup, photoshop, fashion magazines, high heels, wigs, deceptive fashion(no hirozontal stripes lol), high angle selfies with duck face, snapchat filters, breast implants, butt implants, botox, liposuction and god only knows what else has melted their brains and left them with the mistaken umpression that they actually are better than men.

They drank their own koolaid.

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I've seen a lot of women say they find female bodies more interesting to draw.

Probably. But the human body in general is interesting to draw, pretty women are just shilled as the symbol of aesthetic appeal. The beauty of the male form is sadly often overlooked by the arts and popular culture in this day and age.

I personally prefer skelly guys and get a good aesthetics-driven rush from portraying them. All of the little details like the adam's apple on a long neck, the small amount of wiry muscle layered between the skeleton and their skin (the way it moves with every action..jeez), beautiful slender yet masculine arms ending in long, bony hands, bones and veins slightly visible in all the right places (especially the clavicle and ribs)...boobs cannot compete. Even skinny girls don't hold a candle to the beauty of a thin man, for me.

Most artists fall for the pretty girl meme though, I'll admit. In fujoshi circles and gay male circles guys are usually a bit more appreciated.

i find women and feminine men aesthetically attractive. but i only really find actual men sexually attractive.
girls are pretty but i don't get the same feelings seeing a hot girl as a hot guy.

Why the fuck do women find feminine men attractive? Everytime I see a feminine man all I can think of is ONIONS.

Wow. I didnt know that s o! y is filtered now