>you're at the local swimming pool late at night and decide it's time to leave
>it's getting dark and almost everyone has left at this point
>you walk towards the showers and hear violent slapping noises
>you're afraid to walk in but you do anyways out of sheer curiosity
>the shower room is dark but you can see a dim light around the corner
>you walk towards the corner, the slapping sounds growing slower, but louder
>once you turn the corner you see pic related
what do, whiteboi?
You're at the local swimming pool late at night and decide it's time to leave
Politely ask to join in, DUH user! That's the DUTY of the white race (male)
Glad you at least know your place. You're one of the good ones.
>open r9k
>this is the first thread that pops up
Why am i still using this website
>number of posters: 2
hi OP.
Inform the receptionist so they can be removed
You don't do that sort of thing in a public space
number of posters: 4
sorry sweetie nice try though (wh*Te psyop)
SAUCE + MORE of this guy
I don't swim and I would shower when I got home if I did go swimming
That pic always reminds me of jojo.
t. incel
shoot the monkeys
With what? You're not at your locker yet, and you just came out of the pool.
Do you carry your gun up your ass?
Wh*Te males are fucking PATHETIC
i always have a gun up my ass
you say we're pathetic, but you subhumans didn't have the wheel or a written language before whites showed up to your lands
sumerians were not wh*te LOOOOOL LOL
holy fuck whitecucks eternally BTFO LMFAOOO
i'm not BFTO'd
just stating the facts
y'all motherfuckers didn't have shit before the white man came
and most of your home continent still doesn't have shit
im white and these guys are pretty cringe but... you literally just said white people were sumerians
thats some we wuz kangz tier shit hahaha
you BTFO yourself
Wow you're fucking stupid, sumarians, Mesopotamia etc all white, white lives matter we wuz farm boys n shiet.
nigger when did i say Sumerians were white
>implying Sumeria and Mesopotamia are african
sumerians/mesopotamians invented written language idiot read a book
>you subhumans didn't have the wheel or a written language before whites showed up to your lands
>implying Mesopotamia taught niggers about written language
>implying whites weren't the ones to teach niggers about written languages
>implying that i ever said whites invented written language
LOL them mental gymnastics
and also, that's historically inaccurate as well HAHAHA just admitt you were wrong dude and move on.
>being this unintelligent and low IQ
woah nice argument dude! hahahaha worked hard on it HUH very eloquent HAHAHhaahAHahaHHaha
>the monkey has no arguments so he has to resort to shitposting
>wh*te retard has no talking points left so he resorts to fallacies
>a nigger calling a human a retard
God, I wish that were me, orgonilally