Fembots, who bullied you at school? What did they do?
Fembots, who bullied you at school? What did they do?
the top cheerleader preppy girls made me eat their pussy in the locker rooms and forced me to wear a butt plug every day in all my classes then made me lick it clean after school they would all circle around me and kick me and laugh at me and tell me how all their boyfriends thought I was the ugliest piece of garbage in the world
Is that what you wanted to hear you faggot? Jesus christ find somewhere else on the internet to get your gay little erotica.
Is this true? if so, holy shit girls are brutal.
A friend of mine treated me like crap, always telling me to shut up, acting like I was a freak, calling me by a variation of my name which I hate.
It was when we were on a class trip and he was sitting behind me on the bus told me, completely casually, "shut the fuck up, you stupid cunt" that I decided I wasn't going to talk to him ever again.
The black boys, pic related. I hate admitting it but even though their constant teasing made me it cry it also made me develop a fetish for being degraded by dark bucks.
I wish i was bullied by a girl and forced to eat her out
what if she was fat and ugly and smelled bad?
Read the last 2 sentences of the post retard
They didn't imply it wasn't true, just that the poster could be angry about the OP
If you want people to believe your lies tell them exactly what they want to hear.
Fembot here, every day in the locker room the other girls would make me have hot, sensual love with the most popular girl in school on the shower floor while everyone else "cheered" us on, mocking me and praising the girl.
All because I refused to put out for Chad despite being a solid 10/10. It was the nerdy virgins I really loved.
See now this story I can believe.
When did suck your first smelly NEET?
I haven't yet, I'm holding out to keep myself pure for the one I truly love; the one who truly loves me.
I hope I find him soon, but I'm losing faith and totally desperate for anyone.
>popular girl asks for help with homework and then says "WHAT a fucking nerd" within earshot
>every day gym class is left to three boys while the teacher hangs out in his office and faps or something, so they make fun of me in front of the whole class and call me names
>one day they lock me in the mat room next to the gym and kick me around
>later that day in the hallway, one of them sticks his hand down my pants and grabs my vagina for a sec, then laughs and walks off
>hallway is so crowded, no-one notices
>new math teacher says I must not understand subject because I'm stupid
>every day when I go home, mom is in bed sick and says she's dying, demands to know if I care or says I hate her and am waiting for her to die
>dad has abandoned family
this is all middle school. my only friend was a man 11 years my senior. we acted like we were dating but never fucked.
That sounds pretty tough, why didn't you ever fight back?
This is sad.
Are things better for you now?
yet you could spread your legs and automatically get a thousand men to help you with all this so you kept yourself in this situatiom because you loved the attention
tits or gtfo roastie whore
They would spray deodorant in the room just before class cause they thought me having asthma attacks was funny
I feel for you but at the same time I am cognizant of the fact that any male in your situation would be far worse off and there would be no support groups/creepy MILFs around to help him.
I am far too jaded and disillusioned to genuinely feel sympathy, I'm broken.
One day a taller stronger girl forced me down while we were alone in the locker room and made me 69 with her, my pathetic little screams were muffled by her ass.
Its just common sense user
Dont feel bad
Also that shit is fake as fuck
Get out degenerate scum
Go back to lgbt or some shithole like that
Mad little incel, are you mad that I was turned on by my experience and would never be turned on by your little shrimp robot dick?
They shoved me in a locker full of used tampons and left me there
I was scared, I guess. I told myself it was because I was too moral to hurt someone else but really I was just a coward. I even knew some Taekwondo.
Yes but it took a very, very long time and a lot more fucked up happenings. The last three years have been better.
I agree that there are many types of abuse which hetero men/boys have no resources and no basic respect in, whereas women/girls at least get lip service for people giving a shit. It's not as much help and respect as media would have you think, but it's something.
And the creepy DILF I wish I had never met, actually. that was a goddamn train wreck of a social entanglement and just compounded the daddy issues 1000fold
>are you mad that i will never be turned on by your dick?
no, im happy with that
now get the fuck out you parasite
Ummmmmmmmmmm sweetie you're trying to hard to act like you're not seething with anger at the fact that me or any other girl will ever appreciate you.
Back in the day the only times I ever stood up to bullies was for other people, which I was always kind of proud of but it didn't really help anything and actually kind of made things worse sometimes. Mine weren't bad enough to do much to me other than some jokes here and there after I started ignoring them, though.
Go fuck yourself in the ass with a razor blade, you cunt.
Yes of course the "10/10" that "loved the needy virgin" I don't know if you're a incel moking girls but this Is almost retarded. And if you loved the Virgin he would have loved u too.
Ignoring would have worked, I now know, but I was one of those kids that gets irrationally angry and starts swearing and protesting and crying, being a hilarious perfect target with a runny nose
bruh that was really obvious satire
you go back to wherever you came from norman
I wish I would've been bullied. Probably would have turned out to be a better person.
A popular guy used to bully me like hell in high school. Turned out he had a crush on me.
Still liked to tease me though, even after we dated.
All three of those girls should be crying because they were born with brown hair.
This thread makes me think of that one semi attractive otaku girl from highschool who kind of got bullied, and who I kind of wanted to ask out but never did because I was already low enough social status and I didn't want to be associated with her. Unsurprisingly she's a lesbian now.
maybe but you would have also become a timid loser
The stereotypical popular kids. They'd rough me up, mess with or steal my things, and get me dirty. The culmination was when they held me down and knocked most of my teeth out with a golf club. Why I have fake teeth now.
My God I didn't know autism came this concentrated.
I think it honestly helped me learn to accept things. Overall I'm glad I was, but mine was never very severe, and I was pretty naive to most of it anyway.
I always felt bad for kids like you.
The same thing happened to me except the girl liked me a lot when I still thought anime was cringey as hell and then when I actually got into it a bit she decided she was transgender. She was cute before too.
Blow job jitsu?!
You still around? I'd like to chat with you if you are..
I just want to see if genuine fembots exist, and if you don't then this us at least a good larp...
I have no idea what this girl thought of me, but she was always made fun of for being a lesbian with her best friend. Tbh I don't doubt it especially because she was really into the cuteness and yuri. One time my friend was talking to get about how he had a friend (me) who streamed anime illegally, apparently she got butthurt and said I needed to give the nips money. It was at that moment I realized she wasn't that deep into anime and had never watched anything even relatively obscure. She probably watched dubs too! Sad!
This has gotten weird. I'm not sure where the irony ends and the memes begin.
You know, I always want to make posts like this and try to talk to fembots, but then I realize everyone else here does as well, so I never do because it will never really be all that genuine. It's depressing, part of me wants to believe fembots exist because iI feel like they're the only girls who I could relate with, but then the nature of this place reminds me of how many more men there are like me who want fembots than fembots as well as the fact that "fembots" will always have a line forming for them.
They got like 50 people to throw rocks and woodchips at me all year until I moved away. I moved away to my rich dad's house and escaped my abusive whore mom so it all worked out.
It's ask real my friend, those things just bleed together in my post ironic absurdist lease on life. What do you want to be my gf or something big guy?
Well, sure. But I don't often see people having any interest in fembots when they actually give details on why they are like they have become. It's a shame, because I want a fren who isn't shallow, and I just suck with girls IRL. For too many reasons I've never had a partner, and I'm starting to get too old to hold it off any longer.
I guess I'm just lonely, and secretly want a fembot gf...
She also mentioned that more shit happened along the way, so I just want her to vent it out on me. I'm not useful for anything else on here....
I made a couple Jow Forums friends earlier this year but they kind of ghosted me. Always feels like I'm more invested in these sorts of relationships than they are. I think about them a lot, I doubt they put any thought to me. Is it so wrong to wish for reciprocal relationships?
Not at all. I want to get people from here who know how I feel :(
Kinda why I want to find a fembot gf, not to dissimilar or maybe even actually like the ones in this thread. I can't connect with people who have had a normal life anymore. It makes my meals tasteless and vision bland...
The skinniest, twerpy looking boy no one liked would pick on me because I was overweight. Everyone else was nice to me because I was kind.
Adult men laughed and called me names when I was walking home from school to lose that weight. That felt really terrible and made me terrified to continue walking home.
Well, maybe you should have put the fork down for just one goddamn minute.
Fat people irritate me so much, it's irrational disdain and disgust, I cant verbalize it aptly enough to do it justice.
Not being able to relate with most of the human population really takes its toll.
for good or for bad, i can't lose faith
I still haven't heard back from the fembot who I originally replied to. I get a shallow feeling whenever that happens, especially when they seem like I want to get to know them.
F-for you?
wait seriously? original
Whoops, I meant #
Sorry, it was kinda acting up
I don't know, are you a gf (girlfriend) (female)?
You want to know something even worse? I got all jealous at you because I was actually having a really nice time talking with her about past bullying experiences and then you came in with your "tfw no fembot gf" and just got more and more pitiful, but really it's also kind of sad that I feel jealous over a girl I've never even seen who might not even be real who had a two minute conversation with me on a mongolian basket weaving form.
the older girls often pressed me against a wall and fingered me but i was too scared to tell anyone then after p.e. class when i was all sweaty and wet one of them came to my locker room and pushed me on the ground giving me what call oral and grabbing my breasts saying my sweet young nectar is so juicy
is that what you wanted? and you say girls cant be robots
No, I am a dude.
Yeah I was bullied a lot. The worst time was when a group of girls jumped me in the locker room and started makeshift waterboarding me in the showers.
You have discord or anything? I'll leave mine;
Contact me if you want to talk. You and I seem like we fit the same mold
wowik (known commonly as pesado) told me to post here
fuckin lesbian roasties finding one another on r9k
I do but I've hardly used it. Some guy from here wanted me to make one for him and then ghosted me hard.
ForsoothLion#2050 if it doesn't work for some reason.
bruh look at the butthort of the toilet cleaners
>popular girls on the bus used to pull my hair and call me names like "retard", "spaz" and "freak"
>put lotion in my hair and tease me by saying, "user has cum in her hair, ew!"
>one day one of them comes up to me and sits on my lap and starts teasing me
>"what's the matter retard? why can't you speak"
>she smells nice
>my vagina is tingling
i miss those days
You should've raped them in self-defense.
Hey you still around?
I get the feeling you abandoned this thread. Shame too, I wanted to contact you...
>boy from across the room
>short boy who chased me after school
>some italian boy
>another italian boy who always said I was ugly but tried to kiss me when the lights went out
>some big breasted whore
>best friend's new friend
>best friend's abusive bf
>abusive bf's friend
>some hoodrats
>some tall bitch trying to establish herself
>first bf's ex and her friends
>a lot of other people i'm probably forgetting out of self preservation
Thinking about it now, I think I was bullied by a lot of boys who didn't want to admit they liked me since I was an oddball.
>tfw I thought you were responding to my post and I got all excited
EEP that sounds fucked
Does it still happen?
Mostly social pseudo-nerd guys (basically dudes who wanted to be engineers and medical doctors and "make bank" because they weren't strong enough to be Chad and wanted in on the dominance hierarchy) and preppy girls. Chad was always super cool to me because I helped him with homework and college admissions.
The social nerds who bullied me hated me because I was a girl who was smarter than them. They pushed me into lockers, pushed me down stairs, said I couldn't be validictorian because of my epilepsy despite having the best grades and speaking ability, joined debate club just to disagree with me and vote me down (I was acquitances and debate club friends with a guy they vouched for, who actually asked them to stop doing so just to spite me and apologised to me profusely, even offering to remove himself from the running. I said no, stay in, and he became valedictorian.), spat on me, etc.
The popular girls threw food at me, spat on me, threw tampos covered in ketchup at me, called me dyke, ruined my presentation for a class I was excited for, etc.
Chad was nice. He gave me Stacey's nudes and told me to do as I will. I decided to be the bigger person ("a good feminist doesn't slutshame", I told myself) and deleted Stacey's nudes. She kept bullying me. Regret that decision deeply.
I got both back in the end. I was at a bar with my Chad elder brother and Stacey sister. They saw social nerds and tormented them (my sister literally did the "laughing girls" IRL, brother chased them into the parking lot and beat them until they aplologised to me while I watched, smoking a cigarette, easily the coolest moment of my life).
Stacey became an SJW in university. She bugged my brown friend for vegan recipes and joined the gay straight alliance. I forwarded all of the mean (homophobic, racist) text messages she sent me to the student newspaper and her new leftist friends.
Anons: always go for the jugular. Life affords us little chance for payback.
Sorry bruh. You can still hit me up to talk, no homo (I'm a dude)
Going to work soon tho
Good work; you're lucky to have siblings like that.
I'm currently dating a girl who used to bully me in high school. She is actually really nice now but when we were in high school she used to beat me up and force feed me gross things.
You might actually have ruined her life too. Had you shamed her with the nude pic she might've actually changed for the better or became a robot. Now she has become a parasite, leftist piece of shit
No, I'm not in high school anymore so I don't have to catch the school bus.
tsundere, senpai. Ora ora
Bauss moves
>be me
>16 hs girl
>senpai girls lock you in the storage
>they come back after 10 minutes
>start to undress you
>one of then takes out dildo
>shout "Please don't"
>they don't listen
>when they are about to put it inside shout "i am a virgin
>they look at me
>they start to laugh
>one of them leaves the storage
>they start to lick all over my body
>after 5 mins, girl who left is back
>"I am back"
>that thug guy which they chitchat to always in the school's hall cames right after her
>"He will solve your problem"
>they leave, he stays
>"please don't hurt me"
>he doesn't react, comes close to me and looks at my naked body
>he takes off his penis and spits on it
>when it gets hard he just spread my legs like its nothing
>start to cry really loud
>he painfully grab my face with his hand and says
>"you can scream, but it will change nothing"
>scream even lauder, so hard your throat starts to hurt
>"if someone will come beacause of your screams jenny will tell it was her playing with the others girl"
>freeze because of the shock
>"you will like it, promise"
>start hitting him
>he acts like it's nothing and hold your hands
>he starts to rub your belly with his thing
>"i'm tony, but you probably know it already"
>he puts his finger in your asshole
>"stop, please stop, it hurs"
>he says: "say tony please and i will stop"
>"just stop it, please"
>"you forgot about my name"
>too scared and feeling to much pain in my ass to think straight
>want it to end, just reapeat in your mind "help, just end already"
>can't remember his name
>"say my name bitch"
>he puts second finger to my ass"
>the worst pain in your life
>"what's his name"- loops in your head
>"you little whore, saying my name is do hard", "i will make you scream it, you bitch"
>he grabs his dick with his hand and and starts to moving iot towards my vagina
first part
I don't speak weeb faggot.
I was at least hoping you spoke shitpost. Ouch.
My dad is an unemployed cheat, communist, fat alcoholic and smoker. My sister has abused me since the age of 10 because I'm not as 'girly' as her and I've basically never had any friends. Life's getting better now and my crippling anxiety is slowly getting better so I can't call myself a fembot anymore but there were times I wanted to die.
>tfw male and didn't get to experience tsundere girls bullying me at every turn
I was literally bullied by one guy because I had better grades than him. He was so buttblasted he would drag everyone else against me(well most of them bc he knew them from earlier). One day I "snapped"and grabbed him (he was like 30cm smaller and I was by far the tallest dude in class) and the teacher saw it. Got in allot of trouble and whilst everyone tried to provoke me to repeat it, I learned a valuable lesson how to ignore such lowlifes.
>be 14 years old
>have group of so called gal pals
>they always hang together on weekends never invite me
>one day walk in on them gossiping and laughing about what a loser i am
>tfw find out "friends" only kept me around to laugh at my autism
>stop hanging with them
>no friends
>hide in library at lunch breaks
it still hurts, despite all the years that have past
>he starts rubbing it through my totally kawaii panties
>I get turnt as fuck
>I'm talking KRUNK
>one of the girls outside starts playing black eyed peas
>I start dancing
>tony struggles to keep his composure, his hand falls away
>my head starts spinning
>literally; it's my specialty move
>I call it the wild Kristie
>Tony screams
People like you don't even bother to think why a person who is fat is that way. All you say is put the fork down, but if you are raised by fat people, yeah, you're probably going to be fat and not figure it out for a while. I was losing weight then too, you dink.
I expressed that it's irrational, I am aware of what drives people to obesity. I simply cannot help it.
This girl trolled me for months convincing me she was my friend when really she was the cousin of my biggest bully. She gave them a lot of my personal details and eventually led me into the woods near her house where they were all waiting for us and beat me up really badly while mocking me for ever believing someone would be my friend.
>when he is about to enter inside you some kind of light starts to shine from behind him
>you hear the sound of the doors smashing the wall
>he seems to don't care
>says:"last chance bitch, say tony please and will make it gentely"
>scared as fuck repeating in your head "what is his name, what's his name"
>his face changes from disgusting smile to the really really pissed off one
>"you wanted it yourself bitch"
>he spits on your vagina and then on his penis
>just when his about to thrust into your vagina jenny runs into the storage
>Tony stops and looks through his shoulder on her
>jenny says"that, that guy is coming here"
>what guy, he asks her
>"i don't remember, that guy we were talking about yesterday"
>he seems to be really angry at this point
>your mind breaks because of the fear you feel when you look at him
>realize jenny said that someone is coming
>though your brain repeats the same question over and over you realize you need to shout
>"what's his name" - you shout instead because of the fear
>same time tony asks jenny : "Who is coming, just hold him, what's his name"
>next second you see motionless tony under the wall
>some guy stands in front of you
>next second pricipal enters the storage
>that standing guy wants to cover you with his jacket
>you are still in shock, with your brain looking for tony's name
the moment he touches your arm you scream
>what's his name
>He is our new p.e. teacher and his name is John Cena
im a women beleive me. i said so on Jow Forums..
xD thhis one time stacey made me like totally ask out this loser and kiss his crusty cheek, He than tried to rape me. but than CHAD THUNDERCOCK o000 showed up and super blasted him with his kanoko anime suepr duper hakimori neet powers.
Revulsion is a natural reaction to the fat fuck.