I'll start.
>Is 55 and subscribes to and reads Donald Duck comic books. Not even the old classics but the new ones that are literally made for 7 year olds. Gets embarrassed when someone brings it up, says it's a tradition of his. Sometimes reads them in front of his wife and stepchildren at the dinner table.
>Dresses like a complete retard. A lot of parents dress bad but he dresses so bad that it's embarrassing to be seen in public with him. Sometimes walks around town in bright blue Crocs and dirty mom jeans with a small rope to hold them up instead of a belt.
>Has male pattern baldness and goes for months without trimming his hair.
>Exclusively listens to 1930s gypsy jazz and shitty ass 50s rockabilly music like vid related youtube.com
>Has weird obsession with old goofy piece of shit cars. Most guys who like old cars like the cool ones but my dad is into pieces of shit like VW beetles and tiny Citroens. His rich wife even bought him a yellow Citroen 2CV and he thinks that everyone is impressed by that goofy looking piece of shit.
>Constantly brags about the expensive shit his wife buys. Thinks he owns it even though they signed a prenup when they married.
>Hasn't worked in years but pretends to run a small graphics design company just so people won't think less of him. Somehow managed to marry a rich woman who pays for everything he needs.
>He told my sister about how he cheated on my mom with this rich woman and he was retarded enough to believe that my sister would be okay with it and keep it a secret.
>Thinks he's intelligent even though he's the least self-aware brainlet I've met in my life. Used to be a commie punk rocker in the 80s and 90s even though his dad almost died fighting the commies in WW2. Naturally he's a smug shitlib these days.
ITT: Autistic things that your family members do
>Talks to herself even when there are people around.
>Feeds all the wild animals around her house. Considers all the wild animals to be her pets. Is obsessed with the hedgehog that sleeps in the backyard.
>Blasts normie love songs that are made for 20 year olds all day from living room speakers.
>Chain vapes.
>Obsesses over a guy she dumped 4 years ago. Hasn't been in a relationship ever since. Stalks his social media every day. Recently had an emotional breakdown over it. She's almost 30.
Ruins every family get together by talking about politics for hours. Sperged out over Trump's reaction to the Charlottesville march during my great grandmother's 100th birthday. His daughter was visibly cringing the whole time.
>Bragged to everyone that he publicly cursed his old school mate out on Facebook when the guy called the Orlando gay club shooter a raghead.
be grateful you have one you fucking piece of shit
butthurt blackbot detected
>Is 55 and subscribes to and reads Donald Duck comic books
Why is that bad? your dad is based
Good thread idea OP
>Dad is from the middle east and listens to deep traditional chanting like stuff almost exclusively despite not being muslim, he would do it in the car when the whole family was driving to the movies or some shit, or he would start playing it loudly at the restaurant seat when surrounded by strangers
>greets me by saying "I'm going to buy you a television" in same foreign language
>makes me call his brothers on his Facebook account who can't speak a drop of English and expects me to hold a conversation
My dad is pretty fucking cool though
Also, my brothers make whale sounds.
>Pimps a rich woman
>Doesn't have to work anymore because his wife pays all his shit
You could learn a trick or two from him user i tell you.
He's literally living the neet wet dream. His wife used to be very pretty too. Slim and blonde. Unfortunately she hasn't aged well because of smoking and drinking.
My Mom is really anal and doesn't notice people around her trying to do stuff in town and shit, will block whole areas not noticing anyone.
Dad works with beads all day, has a computer and only uses it for spreadsheets and facebook. They both spend 80% of their daytime on facebook.
>My Mom is really anal
>My Mom is really anal
what;s her number
listen you couple of wise guys
My dad's in his 50's obsessed with normiebook/smartphones(I didn't see the appeal of those), he has no idea what a meme is calls them funny pics.
>TFW my dad thinks I am making up memes as a troll attempt to mess with him and his friends.
Don't make fun of your dad for reading Donald Duck you prick. As a finn I understand the tradition.
>My dad's in his 50's obsessed with normiebook/smartphones
Same, my dad even cried to me about someone's rude posts to him on facebook. I told him that too much social media is probably not good for your mental health (he's a chronically clinically depressed with disassociation) and he's luckily took it in and spent less time on it, but it still really changed my perception of him. It's weird how once people reach their 50s and have finished grown-upping it up for their kids they seem to be reverting back to thick as shit teenagers.
>he thinks it's okay for a grown up with a wife and kids to read comics made for little kids
>Gets drunk and does tarot readings for the ghetto ass people who regularly party at her house, is completely oblivious to the fact that they're just humoring her
>Believes in the law of attraction and prints out pictures of expensive houses she's going to buy with the money she's going to attract
>Gets drunk and plays the same song over and over
>Recieves Gibs from the government but voted for Trump
>Listens to guys like Stefan Molyneux all day and then gets drunk and calls me to regurgitate the material
>Believes in chemtrails and that Democrats are all Satanist pedophiles
And together they shat out a nutbag like me
>No fun allowed after marriage and kids!
Are you the real reason the west is dying? Your dad is way more tolerant than I would be. I would fucking murder-suicide both of us if my child turned into a sanctimonious Jow Forums bitchboy who judged the people in his life over shit that doesn't even matter.
Same, both my parents, me and my little brothers read Donald Duck, PERKELE
I Finland at least a shitload of adults read Donald Duck
Why do Finns like Aku Ankka so much? My bookshelf is filled with them desu, and it seems i'm not the only one.
Finland is 100% autistic T B H
>tfw I'm by far the most autistic person in my immediate and extended family
>all the rest are full norman
Oh well at least I can put on a facade and hide my powerlevel.
>is obsessed with Project Manhattan (to the point he will do autistic infodumps at the kitchen table)
>Cannot cook anything without following the recipe exactly
>Talks to our dogs regularly, but genuinely believes that they can understand her
>Makes random noises all the time
>Constantly repeats things from TV shows/movies/memes (that's an autist thing right?)
user, thats just how you look to others when you get that old.
He is your template, this is whatcha gonna be like.
As a finn I would nuke Finland if I could.
At least he is not listening to Alex Jones, molyneaux isn't that bad
Don't be like that fren, I love Finland FOR it's blatant autism. You guys are great and own it. Besides, Finland is statistically the best nation in the EU and you guys whip my country the UK in virtually every metric aside gross productivity so the world would probably be worse for it.
Why don't you instead have fun like a normal fucking adult and shoot some pool, work on cars or watch some movies instead of reading a fucking children's comic book? Being older than 13 and reading Donald Duck is just fucking weird. It's like the finnmongol version of MLP. We need to genocide the finnish race for this. Do you really think that you can read fucking Donald Duck in front of your wife and teenage kids and not have people think that you're mentally retarded or something?
Yeah the country is developed and our living-conditions are great, but I absolutely hate the people here.
Same. Most of my relatives are ultra-normies who live live super-normie lives... like the women like gardening, work at the supermarket, likes animals, etc. The men likes cars, watching soccer (eurofag), work as plumbers and builders, etc.
And then there's me, the effeminate pseudo-autist who loves warhammer, vidya and japaneese pop culture. I really don't know how this happened.
Mom is afraid of some words. She thinks saying shit like "demon", "disgrace" and such attracts "bad energies".