I'm hungover/fit/ should I still lift?

I'm hungover/fit/ should I still lift?

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Well your protein synthesis is already fucked up so you tell me

>drinking alcohol

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>Not drinking heavily

what are you 12?

That's the best time to lift


Do it. I made many PRs hungover

>drinking heavily

what are you 12?

>t. Holy shit i'm underaged and I drink teh booze, LMAO YOLO SWAG

Alcohol provides no nutritional value and thus contains empty calories, it lowers protein synthesis by 20%, it dehydrates you and thus muscle growth is slowed and nutrients important to muscle growth are absorbed less, and it lowers testosterone by 25% and increases estrogen. Also hangovers lower the intensity of your lifts.

Stop drinking.


>it lowers testosterone by 25% and increases estrogen

that's bullshit, if that were true, people in medieval times would all look like feminine faggots

That isn't true for all alcohol, but it certainly is for the shitty canned beers that most onions drink.

meant sõyim

Military fag here, there is no avoiding it.

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My preworkout cures all of my hangovers no matter how bad it seems. It'd be god damn amazing if I didn't suffer from crippling alcoholism while trying to test it

>not getting your heavy drinking phase out of the way in high school


uhh wtf I love Islam now

yes but get your salts up because your probably dehydrated

Sips are the miracle cure

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what are you 16?

I dunno, I'm 27 and I still do it.

Stop drinking to excess

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Aint got nothing

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