
Ding dong diddly edition

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Other urls found in this thread:


First for I want to leave the country but I would miss home

Second for 48 y/o, G-d bless him

>want to leave the country but I would miss home

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DManon is a nonce tbpbwy

how good's that first tune btw?

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Sixth for /arezeus/

Zeus is a nonce
Unoriginal I wonder why

Your dad's a nonce

Think about going back to online dating, look at a site , see grill in my area

feel dread, anxious, not good enough, thoughts spiral from there

FFS lads I'm not going to make it

that makes no sense, all you will find is random books. its not like a video games, you cant look up reviews for academic books.

we're all nonces deep down, no bully fren or els

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Classic nonce deflection

If ya think my wife shouldnt have over-cooked the pot roast and made me open a can of whoop-ass on her gimmie a hell yeah!

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DM is a felchmong

uber eats equivalent that will get booze for you? cant be arsed lads

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Justeat has a 'drinks' section I think

>glass shatters

>removes hood

YES lad, renegade snares

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>be a high test badass
>have only daughters

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>layeths the smackdown

this remix is really good too youtube.com/watch?v=3nbVsorrCEg

>tfw you see someone repost your screen shot on /asp/

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>no mc
no listen fren

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>jr here with king
aww lads, miss wwf

>Mate I slept with a 56 year old, hardly nonce like behaviour if I'm honest.
Great defense for offering a underage kid your bed

Based JR desu

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And that 56 year old? Your mum.

Gonna work arms and might post a cheeky progress pic for the lads

Looks Zeus the kiddies luv u ^_^

i love/miss jr, modern wwe is so shite, love botchmania though

Why did DM demand that HC delete the chatlogs?

Just wanna share this

Her face isn't what it used to be but christ look at those baps

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Isn't there a containment board for this cancerous shite

I'd fuck her no problem at all, i genuinely tried to get with a 60 year old but tried to move things along too fast and she wasn't interested anymore

Heatwave inbound lads, time to stay inside for the week. As usual.

Fucking hate this weather

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HC was the one saying he was innocent so probably personal shit

For every nonce post there'll be a radio shill? Kek

>can't even pull the elderly

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According to the /lgbt/ discord "she" was being blackmailed by someone from here...

woah dramatic

she was interested but i tried going 0 to 100 in one move

You spend a lot of time on the gay discord lad?

Would you lads shag Carol Vorderman?

oreganu cos originally posted in last thread

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Yeah 60 year olds don't cope well with 0 - 100 lad, they usually break something.

The chatlogs exposed him as a nonce coming on to a vulnerable mentally ill child

can we wrap the nonce shite? uncomfy as fuck thread lads

Its not a heatwave user. It just a comfy warm weather.

I would fucking jump at the chance lad

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What are the chances of there being an after life?

you'd be gay to turn that down

100% if you believe

Yes, I'm gay, lad. Problem?

obviously but i'd fuck anything that walks

Silly question that there is no definitive answer to. You'll find out yourself once you've passed on.

what's wrong with that sweetie?

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Considering the undeniable links between homosexuality and peadophilla? Yeah pretty big problem

DM wanting the chatlogs deleted is pretty suspicious though

giv me answer or i cri

Yes, youre a mistake

The only way he can redeem himself is posting his crona chatlogs

You know what to do, gentlemen

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proper confused at my mates lasses behaviour lads

thinking about the things I'd do to are Carol now tbqh

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Not the same user but define afterlife because it can come in a lot of different shapes and sizes depending on personal/religious belief.
Whatever the case there's no chance as such as it's speculative, and even if there is an afterlife you'd more likely get there by focusing on the here and now then aiming to reach it.

Go ahead and cry now, I dont care

You'll come back as a sea ghost.

its a thumbs up from me lod

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one of the best themes

What's she doing lidm8?

What's got you confused lad?

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I've held out for weeks but I might give in and have a drink tonight lads

not one of the alkies for the record, just really lonely sad and bored

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Any of you lads ever been on Sertraline? Thoughts?

post more pls, defo searching gilf on xvids now

RIP Crash


y r u a bulli ?

>it's shit
works for some people though

Zeus spamming about dm to hide his own noncery

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Torres just signed for chelsea lol

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better off buying a score unless you really aren't an alkie

cheers deidre love

nah nothing major like she just asked me to withhold the fact she smoked some weed from my mate (she isnt mean to cos shes pregnant) but also said shes gagging for a shagging (not specifically from me she just messaged me it?)

its either the coke im taking or im going insane but i swear she said she had a photo album of me saved

Got taunt jet upper down fairly constantly. I'm coming for you Peckhamlad

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Wait a second, that phone box was a time machine!

You keep posting about this shite. Dont shag you mate's pregnant gf ffs

>wwf smackdown!

>thats a spanish name
>that guy is just white
whats going on here pol

i havent posted this yet mate is there someone with a similar situation?


>spreading rumours about me to the wrong people

shagging his bird would be doing me justice

fucking drop her right in it lod

Well I'd ignore the photos for now if you're not even sure if they exist lad
As for the other stuff, she probably just had a fall out with him over weed or something. Not sure about the gagging for a shagging bit but I'd take it at face value and assume she was just feeling horny. Don't take it as a preposition unless she makes that clear, just let it slide I would.
Bit weird but you were both taking drugs which explains a lot I reckon. Don't think too much about it unless she acts weird again, I'd say. Have a vintage diedre

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For me? WWF Attitude

>hes in, he in... oooOOOOHHHHHHHHHH

>tfw you realise it's not just nostalgia and it really was better in the old days

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jezza k territory, fuck the two of them (not literally)

i do love the queen me tbqh.

Ngl lads, genuinely feel sorry for the fellas that were circumcised at birth.

fucking hell i'd rag vintage deidre all over what a bird

the photo album does exist i have seen her post loads of photos of me in groupchats

feeling horny kek i told her to shag her boyfriend but she said shes single wow

im the only one on drugs here misch

could do that but

why is that lod?
Charles is the only one that seems to do anything

Well lods what's the plan today then? been smashing my driving theory out for next week piece of cake