Why does this pic infuriate you all so much?

Why does this pic infuriate you all so much?

Attached: 1512700266922.jpg (1200x886, 98K)

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To see someone behave like that is disgusting.

There is no way the switch has been out for two years

1) it doesnt
2) it's fake and created for the lols
3) go away

I hate other people enjoying things.

not because hes a soiboi but because of the "i had a vacestomy" part
one people choose whatever the fuck they want, how the fuck is doing that a soi-boi thing to do, not everybody is good at taking care of kids or even like them
two, this isnt even the right image title, its completely fucking different
reddi----t.com/r/childfree/comments/30xkxu/i_had_a_vasectomy_yesterday_and_when_i_woke_up/ (get rid of the dashes of course)

Haha this dudes a fucking cuck

I just fucking hate that puffy face

Makes me more sad than anything else. Its like when you find a bird with a broken wing that will never heal. You know that putting it out of its misery is the best course of action.

it doesn't and the picture is fake.

I'm more infuriated by the reality that some people will actually take this at face value and think it's real.

I wasn't no aware it was suppose to.
Guy just looks like a cuck faggot.

He is far too ugly to be taking pictures of himself
Ugly beta males should know their place.

Attached: IMG_2812.jpg (768x768, 152K)

That caption is fake, pic related is the real one (although still pretty cringy)

Attached: d20.jpg (489x623, 55K)

I hate people saying a vasectomy is a soiboi thing
My dad had one after my brother was born, does that make him a soiboi?

This shithole of a site is always against what normal culture has. That man holds an ensemble of what normal people crave, an antithesis for us. That's why we hate that balding piece of shit.

Why the fuck would he make a irreversible and momentarily painful change on his body when a morning after pill works just as well for preventing unwanted pregnancies and lets you shoot your seed inside without the downsides of actual birth control.

>take a morning after pill every time you have sex
I feel like you don't understand how expensive Plan B is (not to mention the possible side effects)

If you have a vasectomy you can't be tricked into paternity fraud as you'll know if she gets pregnant it's not yours. So you'll be able to leave.

If you're worried about your wife cheating to the point of getting your balls twisted you shouldn't be with her in the first place.
Yeah you're right I don't because I just fucking use condoms and pull out.

You can't be with any women then. Trusting any of them is a bad idea

And to think I thought summer was a myth

Incel detected
Sorry I post 24/7 year long thanks to neethood

Why are you here shitting up the place you sex-having normalfag?

Because masculinity is dying bit by bit and there's nothing any of us can do to stop it. Eventually all "men" will be twinky, submissive, overgrown children who have been taught to believe that even breathing the same air as a woman without her consent is tantamount to rape. They'll be placated with children's toys and children's media as they all become Polygon writers and social media activists.

Lol Jow Forums was never for Incels or virgins.


She talks about him like he was her 7year old son. Christ

see this? you faggot incels ruined this board just tie a fucking noose and dont comeback

He's a grown man excited about a toy. It repulses me and reminds me I'll never fit in with my peers because I like acting adult.

>pshhhh... all these normies excited about toys.... why can't they act like rational, intelligent adults such as myself

Attached: Good+job+bro+_cd344942203d64456187605817bd4c9c.jpg (1024x1024, 160K)

>ha look at me doing adult things and not child things

>submitted 2 years ago

>I hate people saying a castration is a soiboi thing
>My dad was neutered after my brother was born, does that make him a soiboi?

if youre worried about your wife cheating why did you get married?

flaunting weakness around like pic related turns on a primordial inner urge in humans to canibalize him and take everything of worth away from him.

who is this semen demon and more importantly do they have a penis?

Because it's fake.

>Because it's fake.
this is original.

Attached: xbox players.jpg (1242x1275, 250K)

The picture, retard.

>Jakers can play his game

I physically cringed

>she has a nickname for her husband, that means he's a 7 yr old
ask me how I know you're autistic and never been in a relationship

We don't hate him, we pity and mock him

thats a normie you spaztic
you can't even recognise your own

>t. Jakers
careful what you say bud, this is Tyrone speaking, and if me or your wife see any naughty words one this image board, you're grounded.

Fake excitement, he'll turn the game on and get bored after a few minutes. Maybe force himself through the game so he can discuss it and keep faking excitement with fellow redditors.

No just over a year. This post is a lie.