This is natural bodybuilding. Work hard for one year to only realise that you made few grams of muscle.
Left pic is last year 94kg, right pic is now 101kg.
This is natural bodybuilding. Work hard for one year to only realise that you made few grams of muscle.
Left pic is last year 94kg, right pic is now 101kg.
U look like shit
Any bigger than that and you look ridiculous
those nips dont look natural but the body does
Lots of fat. I weighed 107kg so there is still lots of fat under my beautiful nipples
thanks mate
Every natty looks ridiculously small.
Gratz you've reached your natty max. Now you just have to maintain.
Any pics where you weren't bloatmaxing?
took you a year to get sunburnt
>Every natty looks ridiculously small.
You mean in comparison to roided up professional bodybuilders?
What the fuck did you expect?
Before pic looked great.
I'm too young to just maintain.
You are doing your squats wrong for your quads to look like that. Probly stance is way too narrow.
Train your shoulders and traps and stop doing cookie cutter bullshit.
how tall?
>and traps
How are you even determining trap size in a lat flared pose?
Thanks. Going to look like that again. Maybe few grams more in shoulders.
Not a good one.
Post timestamp
Now why'd you go from that to being fat?
Very questionable natural status. You're bigger than almost all body builders 1900-1950. You've never taken any muscle building steroid or PED?
How big are your thighs?
I like to bulk. Last bulk was just like that. So somewhere inside that fat there is still a guy hiding.
Don't you see I'm fat? Quads are 72cm.
He's obviously just trying to be negative.
What is the problem with that? learn to enjoy the grind man, even if all it garners you is a few milligrams of muscle a year. You will never have enough if you only focus on the end result.
oh for fucks sake
Problem is I still want to improve A LOT.
Where you are now, you're not going to improve a lot, so stop wishing for it
Then keep trying, but learn to love the process more than the end result.
I know. That's why I consider roiding. There is not much for me in natty game.
What exactly did you make this thread for?
Can you post a timestamped picture
But probably won't because it surely has more - than +.
>whining that you have close to if not over 200lbs of lean body mass as a natural
I can’t tell if you are retarded or just stupid, if you thought you would look like Chris bumstead or Wesley Vissers naturally then yes you are retarded
hop on gear or be happy you look better than 99% of the population
Yes, but you're still what, around 15%? Your FFMI is almost 26 and you're still gaining a fair amount of muscle. What natural is still gaining almost ten pounds of muscle a year when they are that big and after lifting for a few years?
You still didn't answer my question. Have you ever taken any PED, including steroids, that helps with muscle building?
Fuck off, you're either a skinny teenager with big dreams of being a pro body builder naturally or you're just an idiot. There's never been a confirmed natural body builder over 26.
I don't think you're natural. I might have believed it if you were short but not abs at 220lbs nope. The gyno is a bit funny too.
But feel free to take this as a compliment and validation which I'm sure you were seeking from making this thread.
Happiness and contentedness are purely within your own psyche. If you think you will feel as if you don't want more once you roid you are delusional. Learn to love yourself as is, then maybe if you want to compete, you roid, for objective reasons, not childish emotional ones like "I want more, nothing satisfies me."
Never. I've always been 100% natty. I don't gain much muscle mas anymore. There is 7 kilos difference in that pic and almost all of that 7 kilos is fat and water. There might be less than 1kg gained muscle mass. Maybe even less.
Because he's not really flexing his lats he's doing a most muscular aka flexing pretty much every single muscle in his upper body.
Listen to this man OP
If I start roiding I would compete. But I won't take any roids because bodybuilding is only a hobby in my country and you don't get anything, even if you win lots of competitions (on a national level).
This guy gets it. When you're young you bloatmax to gain as much muscle as possible, then cut and maintain when you're older.
I don't even flex (a lot) at this picture. I just like to pose that way.
Yeah, you know what I mean, most muscular definitely shows trap development, it is not comparable to a "lat spread" which does indeed hide the upper traps.
The pose you're doing is basically a most muscular.
Your traps and delts need work, so do your triceps, you can work them extra hard for the following year and you will notice a big difference, I didn't even mean to be negative with my previous comment.
Just be happy with what you have then. You're almost at the same FFMI as Frank Zane. Cut fat and maintain. You have some of the best natural muscle building genetics on the planet, if you're telling the truth.
You have 30 pounds of muscle on other natural body builders your same height. The guy in my image is only 22 FFMI after training for almost 12 years. Most naturals won't get beyond 23, which is about 6'2 200 pounds at 10% body fat.
I get it. Back (and traps) is my weakest point. I need to focus on it now.
Then you are a smart man who thinks objectively. I know it is difficult to accept our limits, but there comes a time in a man's life when he must learn to do so, it seems you are nearing this time. Don't worry OP, only through this acceptance of limitations do you garner an understanding of the fields in which our capabilities are truly limitless, such as creativity, whether it be scientific or artistic. We aren't gorillas OP, we weren't built to excel in the physical, we were built for other things. To be as proficient as possible in matters physical is a respectable and worthy leisure activity. But your true focus should be on what we were born to do, what we have no limits in, which is the ability to understand.
Wow man, well said. I used to play football (soccer) and I always wanted to be the best in EVERY session, no matter if it was a match, training, some running tests. If I weren't the best I used to stay and train so hard for a few hours that nobody couldn't say I didn't try my best.
It just feels so sad because my absolutely strongest ability is trainining and determination. I do EVERYTHING I know that can add even a 0,000001g of muscle mass. It just feels so sad to lose the main ability at this area.
Here I had a lot of water. Ate like a horse.
That is an admirable trait user, hold on to it, you will see that as you grow older and your body deteriorates naturally, the focus becomes more mental, but that doesn't mean that the competition is over, it is simply a change in playing field. Apply to the mental what you have applied to the physical and you will be a very powerful man. Good luck user, I must go buy some potatoes for the wife.
Haha thanks mate! Good luck to you.
I've never seen quads like that on a natural. They're straight freaky. They're not super big at the top but they really stick out near the knee. Maybe it's genetics.
What do you do for them?
They are quite big. Hack squat has been the key. Heavy weight with a good form.
From last winter.
What's your routine OP?
Doesn't matter your genetics determine your look. Just lift you retard
Try 3x12
Try 5x5
Try 3×8 mixed with some 3x5
Switch your own shit up to figure out what you need
Jesus. The quadzilla of naturals. Are you sure you're measuring in the right place? They seem way to big for 72 cm. I think usually people measure a few inches down from the end of their glutes, in the place where part of your hamstring muscles lay to the side when you sit down.
Definitely your best feature by far. Image is Steeve Reeves, John Grimek and some other guy I can't remember.
Don't know. Jay Cutler had 80cm quads. I guess it's all about how you measure it.
push/legs/pull, two different variations.
I think it's the great Clarence Ross
Lmao just wanted to know how often he trains each bodypart.
how often do you train a body part more or less?
2-3x a week?
When you cut down you're going to look absolutely stunning queen. Keep it up!
>This is natural bodybuilding. Work hard for one year to only realise that you made few grams of muscle.
You're doing great. Don't let the haters get you down. With being natty, you will eventually hit a limit and just be trying to maintain as you age. That's fine, you're healthy. And normal healthy women (that you would want to marry) actually prefer this look...