30+ Thread

30+ Thread - Layers of irony

Jow Forums is getting worse, as usual, and full of idiot children and people who seem to intentionally want to make their lives as bad as possible.

Anyone want to talk about how this is a pretty bizarre time(line) we live in? Jow Forums-esque memes seems to have permeated into every level of society, kids' idols are late generation youtubers of no discernible talent, we have a reality tv president because the alternative was a warhawk whore of wall street, blockbusters seem to be getting dumber and dumber while starting to reach anime levels of retardation, memes themselves seem to have gotten worse, etc.

Like what happened?

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what do we want to do? Jow Forums got cucked because some jewtubers started making videos about us and our raids and normies were like" woaw sats cool i wants do sat too " and they appeared everywhere same for retarded redditors but we can purge them because they arent committing anything so i think we should just stop whining about them and try to make them real robots

>I just wanted to play video games


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>what do we want to do?
I'm not saying we do anything, I'm saying it's a really bizarre state of affairs.

>what happened?
We're getting old. Culture always moves like that, young kids always have shitty taste but then they grow up and are replaced by kids with shittier taste. That's the short story.

The longer story is that American hegemony is waning. I only hope the collapse won't be violent.

the only thing keeping me going is the collapse of the government. Hopefully it happens soon. I just want to be able to date and marry 11-13 year olds.

Price Is Right in 23 minutes!

there's not going to be a collapse, this is your worthless life, at least you think you're better than everyone else huh?

Move to Saudi Arabia, moron.

There's a million places that are perfect for degenerates like you. Go there instead.

>wanting a pure 3D loli wife

fuck off you fucking faggot trying to patholigize reproductively valid behavior. Go join the Jew-controlled FBI

Just prepare for the race war user, soon user, soon.

I feel like the only posters who aren't completely delusional and retarded and filled with spite and hatred have all left. I barely browse this board anymore.

>all work parties happen 1 hour after work (around 7pm or 8pm) because most people have cars and got to go get kids/wife or simply want to go home and get changed
>everybody will go home at 4pm today because of some maintenance
>i live downtown (near the office) and nobody i know that is going to the party lives nearby
>today's party is in a place where i cant take a bus to

how the fuck do people buy personal four wheeled human cages?

its a twisted design.

>too old to identify with most of Jow Forums
>now even a year too young to post in the oldfag thread
wake me up

Uh oh, I wonder if they know that. Just take a bus as far as you can and then a cab.

>I feel like the only posters who aren't completely delusional and retarded and filled with spite and hatred have all left.
I'm still here man. Not sure about everyone else.

you are awake user. don't close your eyes again, its hard to wake up from.

i can be your therapist or daddy user. whats on your chest.

r9k has become somewhat slow during daytime hours in Europe.

there's nothing nearby so its not likely that i'll find a cab to take

>have to work this weekend
i can work from home but still annoyed as fuck

any audiobook recommendations?
i already have all the tolkien books
looking for something long and fantasy/scifi

It has always been full of children

No, not in the beginning years of r9k.
I cannot remember so many underage people back then.

I loved Raymond E. Feist, myself. The Magician books were good, as were the Talon ones. If I were you you I'd read Talon of the Silver Hawk then King of Foxes, then Exile's Return. If you like those, go to Magician. Exile's Return was my personal favourite. Anyway they're several series of books focusing on different characters within one persistent universe over many generations and different parts of the fictional world. Honoured Enemy is good too but you need some world building done first (which you get from Magician). High fantasy, and a little bit of weeb in parts (but overwhelmingly European tradition in general).

>I feel like the only posters who aren't completely delusional and retarded and filled with spite and hatred have all left.
That's because everyone's trying to to an imitation of an user.

They were always there but they weren't as retarded.

>try to make them real robots
You're a fucking redditor too aren't you?

Relatable somewhat, feels like I'm being left behind in time. I recall having to teach mom how to work a cellphone in the 90's and thinking she was dumb as fuck for having problems with it. Now I'm right in the same spot myself kek, not enough interest to immerse myself in smartphones and whatever new gadgets there is, nor brains to just quickly pick one up and intuitively know how to use it. While seeing the kids use it as if it was an integral part of their body.
Gaming machines and computers are running away too. The xbox720/playstation900/geforce4048 is out and I still haven't finished playing all my DOS and NES games yet.

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Do you have any idea how stringent the requirements are for joining the FBI?

I've gotten over all those emotions, im just a dead man lurking.

"This is the way the world ends not with a bang but a whimper"

I don't know, this feels different, nothing these days seems authentic.

Like take rap for instance, I don't really follow it but mumbling into the mic with an okay beat shouldn't net you a hit record but here we are. How close are we to people farting into mics and selling it as music? There people that make lil wayne sound like a lyrical genuis and vanilla ice look like a gangster.

What's it mean if people of your own generation are just as foreign and a mystery to you as people in other generations? I don't understand why they act the way they do. They're from another planet. Can any anons help me?

idk if it's in audiobook but the books that have stuck with me the most have been the night angel trilogy by brent weeks. I hope you enjoy them

leave, you little queer

>not muh generation
Fuck off.

you've taken you're first step to a larger world

You seem to have reading comprehension difficulties.

It means you're a misfit, lad.

No you fuck off. Someone my age is just as foreign to me as a Boomer or Xer is foreign to me. They came from another planet

That's called being a misfit. Most of us in this thread are misfits.

>We're getting old.
It's not that, I mean, the other day I saw on the new about there being a law to combat "upskirting" and seeing regular-looking dudes doing it to women.

It's disturbing seeing normalfags participating in creepy behaviour. There seems to be quite a few things that used to be considered creepy but is now considered normal, like stalking people on facebook and social media.

Hell, wasn't "upskirting" attributed to japanese losers who did it so much that phone makers had to force the camera shutter sound to play every time you a photo on a japanese phone?

>Anyone want to talk about how this is a pretty bizarre time(line) we live in?

your problem is that you view reality from the lenses of your internet screen.

people will always say how technology seperate humans and this is a fucking lie.
what separated human is simply humans. have you tried to talk with strangers? you can tell there is something off with how people behave

You're being recorded 24/7 from all angles during the course of your daily life, including with infrared cameras and night vision and echolocation and other stuff that can see through your clothes, so why is "upskirting" creepy again?

Horus Heresy is a pretty good series for the most part. I won't lie and say its as good as dedicated projects but its kept me entertained enough at work.

watch "these things i believe" if you like blackpills

>your problem is that you view reality from the lenses of your internet screen.

Maybe, the internet being garbage these days may colour my view of the world.

When did junkies become the face of hip hop?