Does Ciara have instagram or other shit?

Does Ciara have instagram or other shit?

Also Ciara Thread

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ciara bump

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>lewd ciara
mmmm so hot

Despicable bitch

Ciara loves you

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Just remember this before you start orbiting: Chat Ciara is the real Ciara. When she makes videos or posts on Instagram, she's playing a character; the cute, lovable girl next door. The real Ciara is a narcissistic psychopath.

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Even Muffy is worse than Ciara

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That is why i like her.

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Ciara is the best girl ever

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ciara is a cunt

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do you think shes crying because her dad threw a toaster at her face lol?

ciara is no longer relevent

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Imagine waking up to that.

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No no no no no no no no NADA

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You should ask the manipulative controlling pedofile Michael who likes to break into her accounts all the time

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imagine taking a selfie of yourself while crying jfc

Buirp is her Instagram, good luck getting in.


eliza is a boy compared to mini

not interested in talking with plebs, fuck off

Ciara is a narcissistic con-artist. This video covers her mindset and how you can avoid her.

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you try everytime yet never it works to derail a thread with ur degeneracy, fuck jordan *B*eterson

does she answer her phone if you call her?

>implying boylove is patrician
begone degenerate

sometimes, often she is ignoring me and it gets me hard

Check this out

the mental illness containment is here

personally, i could never crush on a girl who used to fuck her own father. but thats just me

Buck Angel is a pornstar performing for gay men. Eliza has a similar audience of closeted gay man.

Looks like a boy = attracts boylovers

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It's 100% accurate and describes Ciara's mindset perfectly.


She keeps her fanbase around to lord overthem, but she treats them with contempt. in Peterson's terminology this to maintain her "dominance hierarchy". This is to fulfill her narcissism.


She doesn't just scam for money or drugs, those are almost secondary. She's addicted to the act itself, and it fulfills her narcissism.


It overlaps heavily with NPD and ASPD. Keep that in mind. The all pervasive narcissism is key to all of them. Peterson even speculates that ASPD and BPD may be the same disorder, but it just manifests differently due to gender and biology.

I don't think Ciara is covert at all though. She's pretty open about it. At least among her fanbase and fans. Just look at how bloody pictures she takes we're in the thousands. She needs constant praise and worship.

She might be a covert if seen from her family and school.

you don't seem to understand that men will overlook the faults of a woman if she is beautiful and that not everyone that appreciates ciara threads has given ciara a cent of their money

What do you think caused Ciara's NPD and BPD? I know her dad used to beat the shit out of her. Do you think that gave her brain damage?

>What do you think caused Ciara's NPD and BPD? I know her dad used to beat the shit out of her. Do you think that gave her brain damage?

That is compeltely up in the air, and I don't even know if an expert were to analyze her they could tell. It could be biological for all we know. All the Horan girls are nutjobs, so maybe just bad genes. Or it could be parenting style or abuse.

If Ciara was molested as a kid that would explain a lot. She's got a messed up sexuality and is hyper-sexual. I knew a girl who was molested at 4 and was also hyper-sexual.

>I know her dad used to beat the shit out of her
no you don't she has never said this other than the rice cooker incident

Don't follow her shenanigans, but from your description of what she does, I agree.

>she has never said this other than the rice cooker incident
What did she say about the rice cooker?

>If Ciara was molested as a kid that would explain a lot. She's got a messed up sexuality and is hyper-sexual.
I agree it would explain a lot. She's said that she loves masturbating and masturbates constantly as much as she can. But she's also said she doesn't enjoy sex at all and hates sucking dick especially. I wonder if her childhood molester made her suck his dick.

Sucking dick is disgusting, I'll give it to her. Enjoying sucking dick is a sign of something off, as any enjoyment drawn from it is all psychological.

>What did she say about the rice cooker?
her dad threw it at her head once. i think it was because he found out about how she scammed guy maimon. some anons say it was a toaster. but aside from that she has never said her father physically abused her. that's just a convenient theory that everyone uses to explain her actions. it could be true but there's no evidence.

>Enjoying sucking dick is a sign of something off, as any enjoyment drawn from it is all psychological.
I know a lot of girls who enjoy it, actually. And they're all a lot more normal than Ciara Horan.

Why does she hate having an actual cock in her pussy if she rides her dildo nightly, though? It's weird. She's weird.

Similar thing, is the girl I knew was into meth, and would masturbate like 6 times a day. She was posting nudes online at 16. She wasn't borderline though, she had schizophrenia. But I'm seeing some parallels with her and Ciara.

Ciara is also hyper-sexual, and there's hints she's into young girls as well. That could stem from molestation.

Ciara is a complete nutjob. She can appear and act totally normal and even cute. Ever see that Spanish class vid? You'd think she's a normal kid. But she harbors a real darkness that marks her as a real psychopath.

>her dad threw it at her head once.
Was he actually trying to hit her? Did he hit her?

I remember reading a report on her from a document someone posted and it said she had a serious concussion from hitting her head on a car trunk in the 8th grade. Now I wonder if that was just a cover story for her dad flying into a rage and pounding her tiny little head until she was severely concussed.

All she said was that he threw it once when he was mad. It was blown out of proportion and people started saying it was AT her, which is not true.

It was 3-4 years ago.

>I remember reading a report on her from a document someone posted and it said she had a serious concussion from hitting her head on a car trunk in the 8th grade. Now I wonder if that was just a cover story for her dad flying into a rage and pounding her tiny little head until she was severely concussed.

That could be true. Judging from just her parents looks, and their jobs/status, her dad looks like a psycho, and her mom looks like a huge bitch.

>and there's hints she's into young girls as well. That could stem from molestation.
That makes sense. Lots of molested kids like to act out sexually on other underage kids and sort of reenact their childhood trauma on someone else, this time from the driver's seat.

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You are an absolute retard if you think that cap is real or that she was serious. Half of what she would post in groups was bullshit like that to push peoples buttons.

what discord is this?


this. everyone on discord is an edgelord. it's very hard to tell honest beliefs from posturing even more so than on this cesspool.

>When people post chat logs I don't like, I'll say they're fake or she was just trolling. That should solve everything.
When people are chatting, they're literally just thinking out loud. Even when people are "joking around," a lot of the time they're sharing something that was already in their subconscious minds. You can say she's just trolling but actually the trolling/baiting is a pretext used to share deeply repressed desires that are very real to her. That's why she was so obsessed with Sunny, a 14 year old plaything she could extract nudes from and even involve in her degenerate sex life with Michael Sosa.

I'm not sure. I don't keep up with the discord faggotry. I just don't have time. Lots of people from her discord groups save her random moments of autism for the rest of us to see.

I think she is actually just exaggerating and assuming the persona of a crazy pedophile. As someone who used to troll in here years ago, none of it was actually my true thoughts. Just saying things that I knew would fuck with people. I get most of the chat logs people post but that is really, really a stretch.

What is her discord?

origgigigigigignanunzo faggotsss

you are an imbecile if you think anything about this girl would be gay, you fucking faggot