You can't fix Jow Forums entirely but you can always make it a more pleasurable browsing experience

You can't fix Jow Forums entirely but you can always make it a more pleasurable browsing experience

Attached: filters.png (496x460, 35K)

>thread count drops to zero

What's wrong with 25+ threads? I have it highlighted.

Same mindset, OP.
Not really. Board still isn't great but its easier to withstand. Place feels like it did a few years ago with the right filters.

Attached: filter01.png (383x693, 35K)

why? I can understand not being into loli but why 25+? thats pretty much the only place where actual robots are left

fembots and muffy can go, don't have a problem with the others.

>filter all trannies
>filter all racebait
>filter all (((fembots)))

Attached: filter02.png (384x354, 17K)

>filtering mbti threads
my nigger

you are like a child
ill put my whole filter list. had to be split into 2 different images
EVEN THEN shit still slips through. faggots dont put their faggot buzzwords in the post/subject field, same with the racebait shit

Attached: filter 1.png (304x915, 41K)

last part of list
it's amazing how the faggots keep changing their buzzwords or how they spell them in order to avoid filters. they care THAT much about attention

Attached: filter2.png (302x430, 19K)


Attached: znZ350YXhl8.jpg (720x395, 41K)

I don't even care about SCPs anymore, /x/ has been trying to create their own alternative (which is really ironic). The SCP website recently changed their logo to a rainbow version for pride month. Needless to say, people gave a shit for whatever reason SCP has been dead normie shit for awhile. But yeah, LGBSCP is what the /x/philes are calling it now.

this is dumb
i don't know what the fuck this is, because it's not on here
it's not on here because this isn't a PSA that filters exist, it's yet more "my tastes good" personalityfagging shit
if you were actually filtering threads, you wouldn't post your filters like some shit off a social media site, like HEY CHECK OUT MY MAL

cut that out

/cssg/ = cockstrung sissies general
it's just another trap/sissy thing, probably covered by other filters but I put it in there anyway for redundancy

I genuinely think there are people unaware of filtering, what with all the whining about certain types of threads. Just ignore it and it ceases to exist. I'm glad OP made this thread.

faggot/trap shit comes and goes
they have certain trends in their threads for awhile. they either change the name or move on to some other gay faggot shit topic like "r9krinkle" faggot diaper shit. but that has sort of died off too recently.

being told to filter shit grates on my nerves, even if it's not directed at me
but if it shuts up the retards, maybe it's a good thing

For me, it's 4chanX, the superior tripfag filtering tool. I don't care about this particular trip though, it was just a demo

The MD5 filtering is great too, you can auto-filter the same bait images people use over and over.

Attached: 1503693176502.gif (1310x677, 1.74M)

not even going to post it but i have over +120 filters. ever since i started filtering, r9k is actually enjoyable now.
i also filter tripfags and namefags, fucking attention whores. i don't even reply back to them

jesus that looks perfect
and it can filter images too? amazing.
ill try this out

yeah it's on chrome store

for Firefox you need violentmonkey or similar first

It has a lot more options than filtering as you saw but I'm happy I don't have to see Ciara shit because I have all the images people use filtered.

teach a newfag how to do this based OP

What's wrong with Ciara? Why go out of your way to hide her?

used to get on my nerves too, until I just got it over with. Now my time spent here feels much more enjoyable.

Can anyone tell me how to do this? Filters?

bottom right of page
click on settings
expand filters and post hiding tab
click edit on the first option

what's the difference between filter settings while im in thread and filter settings while im in catalog? it's not working when i set filters while in thread

Thanks lad. I'll eventually iron out this interracial shit now. Really thanks.

Attached: 1521600396780.png (300x250, 25K)

This filters soooo many normalfags. you are normie if you don't use these.

Attached: chrome_2018-06-22_12-08-16.png (596x62, 4K)

Here's my Jow Forums specific filters
>/vagina envy/i;boards:r9k
>/red flags/i;boards:r9k
>/nice guy(s)?/i;boards:r9k
>/a[n]?\s{0,}(\s+\w+\s+){0,}aryan male/i;boards:r9k

i've just installed it but im overwhelmed by those functions, help me

Shes the sludge, the lard that builds up in a sewer and clogs it so firefighters have to go down into the sewer and hack it into tiny garbage lard bits and throw it away. She's a fatberg

Attached: BD5297A3-4296-4B66-9720-FDBEFACE3FC0.jpg (1100x824, 59K)

are you asking what certain functions do?

for filtering just follow the guide on the Filter page.

>calls other normalfags
>is a pass user
user i....

can i make certain threads highlighted?

can someone explain to me how to filter entire threads in 4chanX? can someone post example? im too dumb to figure this shit out and there are no examples shown in guide

it says on the guide

just go to General in the dropdown menu on the Filter page and enter something like


the i is for case-insensitive

filter whole threads on the catalog by shift-click. or you can do like the above except remove the highlight part

And don't forget to turn on Force Noscript Captcha in the Main page of settings

Attached: 1510133433502.gif (312x631, 174K)

>filter whole threads on the catalog by shift-click
but that only hides them like normal Jow Forums setting, right?

i want to permanently filter out certain thread


At some point I'm going to create the ultimate Jow Forums filter list for Jow Forums X and post it.

ok just follow the rest of my post. It will remove entire threads.

i still have no idea how to filter generals only. Every general thread is typed as " /general/ " and filtering the word filters every thread with that word

>filtering muffy

in the dropdown menu pick Subject

if it's not broad enough you might ask for more help. i'm not an expert

does it have to be in subject or it can be in general?

in General it filters subject, name, filename and comment by default. So things can get wrongly filtered unless you're specific

i just manually pick which general threads to filter rather than get possible false positives. But there might be an in-depth way to do it if you really want, check the thread I linked

nice filters faggot, i pasted this shit and it hid only 2 threads while shit ton of fembot threads are visible

Soiboy redditor obviously

You realize that you posting your filters helps those posters get around your filters right? Fucking idiot.

original go postinga

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