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/25+ general/
27, vet, neet atm facing life decision.
Going to the gym to lift soon.
43, feel like i should be king here.
>facing life decision
What decision, user?
Well i have no money atm just for refernce.
Im either gonna move back home and go to school which would be payed for but i always hated school and am worried im be bored and hate it. Plus im not ugly or autistic so i could probably get a girl and go full normie.
Im heavily considering going back into the mil. I joined in the first place cause i hate vanilla normie life. The only problem is if i do anotehr enlistment i wont get out until 32-33 and at that point ill ahve to start school again anyway.
PS i was a navy vet and if i go back in im going full meme army 18x. Im actually in great shape and mature so i think i could make it but again its 5 years and any shot at a normal life will be gone during that time but then again maybe thats what i want idk.
It's almost my 27th birthday
My friend mailed me a gift that turned out to be a cheap copy of a poster I already have. This friend is very overly sensitive and I'm pretty sure no matter how I handle this situation she's gonna get upset.
So for my birthday I get shitty social situations
>no matter how I handle this situation she's gonna get upset
What? Just tell her you liked it and say thanks. Don't overcomplicate it.
im so fucked up i think i passed the chhart
hows my fellow 25+ fags hohlding up?
>tfw im still lonesome
marketing guys, please go away
you autists get so mad
>he thinks shilling isn't real because a shill told him so
29 here. Sitting alone at my dad's wedding. I hate socialising so fucking much.
Is your stepmom gonna be hot?
Yeah that's gonna work really well until she asks for a picture of it hanging up or comes over
>posting here because the other one is dead
any audiobook recommendations?
i already have all the tolkien books
looking for something long and fantasy/scifi
30 here. Have a shitty wageslave job again after 3 years of cannabis and age of empires
Im a huge stoner (thank you, colorado)
It's all downhill from here
>single, 25
>play sports for money
>had a career weekend, everyone on the team really proud
>come home
>best friend got his wife pregnant
>same best friend was only recently complaining he has no free time to himself and is exhausted from his job
>wife also works full time
>a kid is going to make this situation somehow better?
>have to come to terms with the fact that I'll be seeing him less and less from now on
>hang out with other best friend
>i love him to death but he's got no money, hasn't cleaned his room in months, functioning alcoholic at this point
>brags about and I shit you not, 18 tinder matches in one day
>my tinder is a barren wasteland and I havent been on a date in a year
>women are instead fawning after a drunk who sleeps in crushed potato chips each night
the funny part is if I were to tell anyone I was depressed, nobody would believe me.
So? You take a picture of the one you already have.
I am thinking of buying some iron dumb bells.
Got nothing to do anyways.
I am a super weakling, but it's better to get some strength, especially some back strength.
Gotta carry some packed backpack eventually.
I'm a loser and I'm about to turn 24 in 7 days, 9 hours and 40 minutes. After that I'll have a year to decide how fucked up my shit will be when I finally reach that big 25. In response to the fears I have I made up a routine that includes studies for the classes I'm currently taking. Here it is.
After waking up at _:__AM
>1. Walk for 30 minutes every day 15 hours a month
>2. 30 minutes of bodyweight exercise every Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Sunday 120 minutes a week 8 hours a month
>3. Shower every day
>4. 30 minutes of meditation every day
>5. ~30 minutes of breakfast every day(aim for ~1k calories)
>6. Leave the house after all this every day if possible
>7. Spend 1 hour and 30 minutes or more on Physics every day
>8. Spend 1 hour and 30 minutes or more on Java every day
>9. Have a phone, text or face to face conversation with someone every day if possible
>10. Go home
>11. Shower every day
>12. 30 minutes of dinner every day(aim for ~1k calories)
>13. 30 minutes of sprucing up in room every day
>14. Read 25 pages of a book every day
>15. Sleep at __:__PM every night
>Total estimated time per day: 10 to 11 hours
How's that for both unJUSTing myself and becoming less of a loser before 25? I'm almost 24 and I'm tired of the way my life has been going.
I probably have a different temperament than you but I find that routine is the most JUSTing thing out there
27 here, do it. But the absolute most important part you have to remember is, and trust me on this: if you screw up and miss a day, get back on the horse the next day. And if you screw up and miss a fuckload of days, then start again on the first of the next month. Also you may have a reduce your goals if they're too lofty (but you can always add more the next month.)
Also, the spending 1.5 hrs on Physics, then 1.5 hours on Java seems hard as fuck, maybe because I'm an autistic NEET but you may want to reduce those times just to start with. But definitely unJUST yourself while you can my good man. I wish so badly I had made a plan just like yours at age 25. I am actually turning 28 next month and have a similar plan to what you wrote out lol
It's less pleasure and more medicative, I'm familiar with my problems and it seems that these things are what will help fix them.
One problem I had before is letting a bad day plummet me into this pit of downward momentum. I'll try to keep what you said in mind so that doesn't happen again.
>Also, the spending 1.5 hrs on Physics, then 1.5 hours on Java seems hard as fuck
Maybe but I'm in post mid-term catch up mode and that might be necessary.
> I am actually turning 28 next month and have a similar plan to what you wrote out lol
Nice to hear that other robots are trying to defuck themselves too.
I always come with some similar plans but always fail to stick to it for at least 3 months to get the habit in.
ill be bf, post email. you can move in with me and i'll pay for your things
wow you are one egocentric guy, no wonder you're depressed
31 khhv checking in. I've basically given up.
30 here. I want to have a family now. Where do I find my wife please?
I'm 25 khv and i dont have any desire to seek sex. I guess i'm too broken even for robots.
>>no matter how I handle this situation she's gonna get upset
>What? Just tell her you liked it and say thanks. Don't overcomplicate it.
>So? You take a picture of the one you already have.
This sort of underhanded duplicity is only obvious to normalfaggots.
Just tell her the truth and be sensitive about it. Make sure she knows it's not a big deal.
I had a dream where I was sucking my own cock. Like I was going hog wild on that boi.
I wish I could blow myself
wat lets u stand up every day?
nice trips
it's really strange how one can't fight the automatisms of nature. I have the feeling that my youth ended suddenly last year, I'm 30 now. I would never have thought that I'd become this way, but all of the sudden my greatest desire is to have a steady job, marry and have children
Nice digits but you sound like an narcissistic idiot. I see why you are single
It really sucks, because all these years I couldn't make friends. Now that I have a decent job, I've been making work buddies. They all have families though so they never can did anything after work.
yeah nothing gets unpunished in life... actually there's a lot of comfort in that thought as well
My old classic xbox stopped working. It's been years since I turned that thing on, now it just won't read any discs, tried opening that bitch and blast computer duster at the laser, nothing. Man all I wanted was to play Blood Omen two
Got a new job starting in August and until then I've been trying to waste as much time as possible because I know that once I start I'll be busy for the next 6 years. Been reading and re-reading as much manga and listening to as much music as possible. Feels good man.
What job you got?
Today at work my coworker came in on her day off and stood around shopping and talking to me. She wore a low-cut tank top and kept pretending to brush stuff off her shirt. There wasn't anything on her shirt, but she kept doing it over and over again. I think she was just doing it on purpose to make her tits jiggle. I'm kind of autistic so can anyone help me, why was she doing that? Was it supposed to be sexual?
Trauma & Orthopaedic surgeon. Should be fun, I should probably start reading for my first job but I'm more interested in chilling a bit for the first time since I started work and reading stuff I've been putting off for ages because I was too busy like pic related.
wait you are a surgeon? doesn't that mean you made it? wat are you even doing here?
>becoming less of a loser before 25?
>still posting on this site
sorry user, you don't have a chance
You can still be a surgeon and be KHV bro. I've been on Jow Forums since I was 16 and despite how shit it was and how it's somehow even worse now, it's still probably the best place online to discuss some of my interests.
I think the other way round, shouldn't you evolve into a normie on the way of becoming a surgeon? I mean, you have to deal with so much shit and so many people that no aspie would get through that, right?
To some extent that's true I was never bad at public speaking because I never gave a fuck what anyone thought of me as it was clear most of the people I used to go school with thought I was a weirdo or a loser so why bother trying to appease them. But I used to be fairly bad at communicating until med school forced me to get better at it.
You are surrounded by normalfags every day in every capacity but as long as you keep a professional relationship with them and ignore them otherwise you can carry on enjoying your robot life; I think I've gone out in a social capacity three times in the last two years, otherwise it's only been for work and educational committments. In July there's supposed to be some ball to welcome incoming surgeons in our region, every consultant and big name in the area is attending and all the new surgeons have a small speech prepared about them and are supposed to give a speech themselves. It's basically a way for the everyone to suck each other's dick and I've got no interest in that so I'm just not going to go. Some people are telling me I'm making a mistake but it's not like they can fucking force me to go.
Tbh everyone at work thinks I'm .eccentric' or thinks some of the stuff I am saying are jokes and just naturally assumes I'm a normalfag because everyone else in our profession is, only my three actual friends know otherwise.
thanks for that confession user. good to have people like you on that board to lift the quality a bit
>26 years old
>graduated with a meme degree in English
>doing adult classes, trying to get a security licence so I might actually get a job one day
>mum and sister make fun of me for being a NEET who still lives at home and never had a girlfriend
Feels bad, lads
why cant your sister help you? she certainly has cute friends, hasn't she?
Not 25 yet but I have a general idea how my next 30-40 years of life will look like. It's not that bad desu. At least I will not be homeless
So are you good with language then?
We don't get along and barely speak, even though we live in the same house
I'm okay, I guess. I only picked the degree because I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life and wanted to dick around for another 3 years, no real interest in the subject at all
Wow that picture fucked me up. You made me look it up and now I feel worse (pic related).
27, and life is full of potential but I think it's all going to come tumbling down. I have until November to figure out my next step in life, and by that I mean I'm currently living in a different country living paycheck to paycheck from my current research finishing in November. So once that's done I'll move, but I'll NEED a job set up already and the idea is too daunting. I hate the city/country i'm living in now too so i'll be going in blind wherever I do go and it's pretty scary for things to be up in the air like that and all I think of it is that "I'll get back to it later", you know?
Also I've been living here since last September and have made no roots here. No close friends, no romantic pursuits, no career connections. Nothing.
>We don't get along and barely speak, even though we live in the same house
thats sad. how can u live like that?
I used to never want kids when I was younger, now at 27 I cant stop this urge to have a fucking kid. Maybe its because I also have never been in a relationship that the urge is strong but I doubt it; wasn't like this a few years ago I can hear the clock ticking only 2.5 more years till I'm 30 times running out I feel I should have a kid by 32 that's how old dad was when I was born and I'm the oldest child. Also sometimes I fantasize about being a single dad raising a daughter
I should be married now according to that picture. Please, I just want a family.
>tfw 28 yr old who fell for the pink pill