So all this support for illegal immigration and stuff...

So all this support for illegal immigration and stuff, our parents and all the older generations just want us to compete with the entire globe for our futures?

t-thanks mom and dad...

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My mom is completely cucked on the immigration issue. She said we are all humans. I said as long as there are still starving Americans I dont want a single one of those tortilla fucks here illegally.

your parents don't actually care about you, that's what it comes down to


>mexican illegal immigrants are the major problem of the USA

Look at Europoo

They do they have just been brainwashed for decades by the media and never realized it. I dont fault them.

you should because they paved the way for your destroyed future before you were born

namefags get filtered

They're right from a certain perspective. Those illegal immigrants are trying to work and make money just like the rest of us. Except they're willing to work for a lot less. So what does that mean?
>business executives will fire Americans for the immigrant
>and they love that the American will get mad at the immigrant instead of him
Although I do have to say that boomer generation fucked everyone over and they're still in control

The future isnt destroyed. I would never give up and play the perpetual victim like so many black people do. Just gotta keep on going and try to redpill as many people as I can.

Hate to demoralize you, but you could redpill one person a day for the rest of you life and it wouldn't equal the number of illegal immigrants that enter your country every 6 months.

The problem is that they are even able to do that in the first place
If there wasnt an ILLEGAL immugrant willing to work for pocket change the american wouldnt get fired
So fuck ILLEGAL immigrants because they devalue countries

When did your family come to the US?

They didn't come to the US, I don't live in the US. But I can guess the sort of weasel argument you'd be trying to make here.

Okay. Just saying, if their family was not in the states before 1865 (like mine) then they have no right to complain.

>namefags get filtered

I couldn't care less , whatever man

It's the Jewish plan for globalism

You're LITERALLY proving me right you fucking mong

You could do what the Chinese are doing, go to Africa. Since all the "smart" natives are leaving Africa to Europe, you will have far less competition for whatever your field of study is.

If you are in tech, poos are much more noticeable than spics. Thanks H1-B. White people are too dumb to do computers according to our government.

LMAOing at your infantile understanding of economics. Unless you are a protectionist, interventionist retard that fell for the populist meme that we can bring jobs back to America or that immigrants are damaging to the middle class. The consensus between economists is that WE all benefit from the lower cost of living as a direct result of immigrants, as the availability of labor cheapens product production. The mere notion that one would criticize people much more willing to do the work that they won't is a very r9k-esque post. GRUMPF KEK

yes, i could operate a business in africa while my african workers steal all my equipment and material

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Boomers are fucking lobotomized and they're utterly detestable for the most part.

Think about how many of them took their good fortune and decided to waste their savings on shit like vacation cruises, trips to Las Vegas, and big houses instead of helping Foster and provide for future generations. How many of them didn't give a shit about the environment, or their own countries, or even their own children. Boomers are the most brainwashed and consumerist generation ever but then they turn around and blame you for the problems they created. I'm glad that entire generation will be dead soon. Fuck.

>The mere notion that one would criticize people much more willing to do the work that they won't is a very r9k-esque post
You have to be over 18 to post here.

iLlEgAl iMmIgRaTiOn hElPs uS AlL LmAo

Funny how no one who think likes this ever had to stand in a line of 1500 (yes, 1500) people, most of them illegals, for over 8 hours, in the blistering heat, waiting for a job interview.

That's embarassing if you, born in the land of opportunity, had to compete for the bottom jobs, the immigrants aren't taking service jobs, they are taking shitty soon to be obsolete jobs. Sorry you couldn't win in the capitalist economy, asshole.

So that's your argument. "Fuck the poor and the genetically disadvantaged". I appreciate your honesty.

lol you're a complete jizz stain

Honestly Mexicans aren't great but they are WORLDS better than niggers

So fucking what. Blacks are already here. Doesn't mean we need MORE fucking shitskins because "lol dey not so bad!"

>t. Pedro Jose Lopez