So, I have been in contact with an organisation...

So, I have been in contact with an organisation, and they have supposedly found a therapist in my area who is willing to work with paedophiles.

I am conflicted, because obviously these urges are the epicentre of everything wrong with my life, but on the other hand I am terrified that I will just get doxxed if I go along. Wat do? Anyone out there successfully managed to reach out for this kind of thing?

Attached: epep.jpg (287x284, 24K)

Definitely you should reach out. Either you'll get the help you need or you'll be killed for sport, either way is fine.

>either way is fine
Not for me user. So if you wanted me to take your advice this wasn't really the best way of going about things, was it?

You're a pedophile, the only thing I want you do to is die somewhere, sometime soon to be honest. Other than that I don't pay you enough mind to worry about the best way for you to do anything.

well if you cant get those urges to go away then definitely go, since they could get worse

i respect you wanting to get help. if you're serious about change and you haven't done anything actually illegal then this can only be a good thing

Just go, they wont dox you unless you are actively molesting kids or something

>So, I have been in contact with an organisation
what organization? are they legitimate?
be very skeptical of therapists especially. if you go to them and tell them about your kink, they can and will call the cops on you

ephebephile or legit pedophile? Because if you don't think 16 year olds are sexy, then there's something wrong with you.

>and tell them about your kink
>pedophilia is a kink now
is this why people are against kink shaming?

>pedophilia is a kink
pls kys

Before my life exploded I found out my husband was a pedo and I demanded he seek counseling. As long as you haven't actually touched a child or are in possession of actual 3D cp they won't do anything to you. I suggest nuking your harddrive before you confess these things. Don't tell them you actually broke any laws at any point and focus on fixing yourself.

jfc unfollow me. no. just fucking unfollow me now.

Not gonna happen m8, so too bad I guess

Thanks, this is somewhat reassuring. I am really scared about admitting my attraction to another person face-to-face, but I don't really see any other way out.

There's another way out.

I'm not going to originally kill myself user

I'm not surprised. There's one thing you can do to help humanity today, but you're too selfish to do it.

I'm not hurting anyone other than myself. Why are you so mad?

As a pedo I would definitely not, one leak of info and my whole life is ruined for things I never done.
Don't, buddy, just don't, plus it can't be fixed anyway, there is no reason to get a therapist.

>yeah just keep putting the lives of children at risk by not even attempting to get better

Don't. The moment a therapist senses you are a "danger to others" is when the police get called. As soon as you tell her you have urges, you go to prison.

>one leak of info and my whole life is ruined for things I never done
This is true, but I don't have a whole lot worth living for anyway, only a few close friends and I'm a khv NEET
>plus it can't be fixed anyway
How can you be so sure? I wasn't always even a pedo, it was a gradual process. So I don't see why I couldn't go back with the right therapy

Just because I want you dead doesn't mean I'm mad. It's just the natural order of things. You're a threat to children. Wanting to exterminate you is just human nature, user.

It's my life against theirs, why the fuck would I prefer others lives than mine?

Another pedo user in another thread said that therapy helped him with his urges quite a bit

You too, please make sure you get yourself into therapy right away.

Because they are the innocent party and you are the threat?

I was assigned a pedo therapist but when they told me her name and I realised it was a woman I noped the fuck outta that shit, a woman should not even be allowed to be a pedo therapist

>How can you be so sure
Well because that's a common knowledge, there is no exact therapy for it, plus it's physical more than mental, you can get a surgery of course, to remove your brain and spine :)

your urges wont go away, you just need to train self control to not act on them.

>a woman should not even be allowed to be a pedo therapist
What is the logic behind this? Do you want a male therapist because you hope that he will sympathize and relate with you more?

Since when another innocent party is concerned as a threat?
Kids can kill too, I'm pretty sure there are more deaths made by kids than by pedos.

This is false. You can greatly decrease your urges, thats if you didnt always have them

Who said anything about deaths?

I'm not OP, but obviously yes

If you just want someone to bond with over your attraction to children then what is the point of going to therapy

Well a homicide is worse than a rape, some raped people get better, not sure if the same for dead people

are you admitting that women are less likely to be pedophilic?

She will look at me with disgrace, and that's not the point of being a therapist

>She will look at me with disgrace
A man wouldnt?

user just inflict pain on yourself while looking at children, that should cure you.

It's a fact, plus the world don't see to mind such a pics, imagine if it was guy

Attached: Screenshot_20180617-210045.png (1080x1920, 1.4M)

Almost all functioning men are pedophiles in the eyes of the law

I see fathers kissing (not making out like you would prefer) their children all the time. No one really gives a shit

Probably would, but less than a a thing that might have been pregnant to a thing for 9 months in her body and talking with me about wanting to rape such a thing

No one would care if it were a relative. Obviously if some 300 lb greasy lummox like you strolled up to the playground and stuck his tongue down a 6 year old's throat it would be cause for concern, dipshit.

Except that's not her daughter

Exactly. Also I'm not that fat tho

Why are pedos ALWAYS so fat anyway? Like I can understand a majority, but every single one. I don't think I've seen a single hc vid where the guy was shown and wasn't a hulking 300lb mess of pasty hairy flesh

pedophilia is based

It's interesting how normalfags consistently have such a strong and immediate negative response to the subject of pedophilia, even on imageboards.
It's too bad they don't have similar responses to faggotry and other types of degeneracy.

Someone post that Reddit thread of the guy with profile thoughts who's gonna commit suicide because his therapist failed him

Bump for this ore-gano

Stop being dicks. He didnt choose what hes attracted to and as long as he doesnt act on it he hasnt doing anything wrong.

Yes OP, therapy is a good idea.

Consider killing yourself you fucking sick retard. Non ironically kill yourself

Don't. There is literally nothing wrong with you. Just get a loli gf and everything will be fine.

Reach out. I told my psychologist Im a pedophile (non-offending, non-CP-watching) and it was like the Earth was lifted off my shoulders.

every one of these threads is
>85% people telling opee to khs
>10% people telling opee to keep at it and/or rape a kid
>5% people actually telling opee to sort their life out
people are weird

>and it was like the Earth was lifted off my shoulders
This is all I am hoping for. It feeds into every aspect of my life, I can never feel genuine or talk about myself and while this is all automatic social awkwardness and such I think really it's just because I'm terrified that if I am genuine with people it'll just slip one day. I need to confide in someone.

greentext your story senpai

cant you just like, not look at that shit? learn to control your urges dammit.

Never tell anyone about being a pedo.

NEVER trust ANYTHING coming out of a woman's mouth.

And then there's you who tries to justify their presence here by contextualizing the experience as some kind of freshman level anthropology class project.

you're welcome faget :^)

Why is pedoposting becoming more common on Jow Forums? A cause for concern?