I want a bf

>I want a bf
>He can't be fat, broke, ugly, owns a nice car, has nice home, goes to the gym at least 5 days a week, loves me and makes no eye contact with other females.


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This is what she says she wants to defend her choice in front of other females. women want chads deep down.
If you'd fit all those things you've mentioned and somehow failed to be a chad, she'd still be unhappy.

I go to the gym 6 days a week and salt is eating the shit out of my beater car, and I'm bulking atm.
I've already accepted that I'll always be lonely because I'm not chad. I can't talk to women.

Damn that was fast. I do have a decent car, you guys are gonna laugh though cause it was my first car, it's a 2001 toyota solara with a rebuilt 2jzGTE 3.5 liter and a custom turbo charger, brand new everything, I got it for a steal and just kept putting stuff on it, I got lucky as I got it for 800 and there was actually literally nothing wrong with it excpt the rusted hood. The interior is also expensive aparently, I havent touched it. I like the all black leather with wood grain trim. It's so fast now my parents hate driving it, and I peel the fuck out under every bridge, the roar mmmmm, you know what OP fuck you, all I need is my baby Rust Bucket.

Their list is sadly even more than that, which is why they aren't worth it.

>he has to be taller than me!
>he watches a lot of movies, because I constantly reference movies and get angry when he doesn't know actor #547's name!
>he must be great in bed!
>he must be good and witty at social gatherings!

Around where I live I see these oilfield workers work 12+ hour shifts very commonly for their literally fat wife who just buys shit and it makes me so sad. Women are not worth slaving over, don't do it. Deep down I don't think men and women like each other much, that's part of why relationships hardly ever last.

Come on dude, those are the barest of the bare minimum requirements for a below average female.

>owns a car
Burger detected.

You're projecting your own unrealistic expectations onto females, analyze your situation and what you can offer and adjust your expectations or go and meet your own before crying about not getting laid

Ultra beta detected.

>spoiled femnoids mad that people point out the one sided sky high standards they apply

If you're talking about me, I'm saying he's an ultra beta because he actually considers OP's list the BARE mininum, meaning he'd happily do a lot more for women. It's beta as fuck, just like guys who cover themselves in tattoos because they know their women overlords like it.

You forgot
>must make me laugh
>must give me tons of attention
>must let me make all the decisions
>must only have sex when I want
>must buy me shit on consumerist holidays (valentines day, etc)

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They'd last longer if women weren't getting absolutely mind fucked by toxic humans in the media world convincing women to engage in all sorts of negative behavior.

This is certainly happening, and while I give women some leeway because they're easily brainwashed, I still think you have a duty to not be easily brainwashed.

The fat, ugly, and loves me is not unreasonable. The broke part is not necessarily unreasonable either, I would not want to provide for a neet male. The rest is a bit ridiculous

i have all that besides an expensive cars, but i'm sadly not into roasties

>decent car
>2001 anything
Got bad news for you /robro/...

Old is gold. Besides it runs well. Other than the body roll and the rust I fixed after I bought it, idk man it is a toyota, it's lasted a long time and it runs pretty good.
I'm sorry I'm not driving your 1998 honda civic, Taylor.

don't bother replying to them. just laugh at their insanity from not being able to get laid


I can get laid buddy, but why the fuck would I want to babysit a woman after sucking my dick? Nah, suck my dick and I'll spend the cash on Vidya and weed.

>older car=worse car

oh user...I'm sorry about your inoperable onions-cancer

well i guess ur in the wrong place, fembot

98 Grand Marquis land yacht here, I have more under the hood than most people cars are worth, but the outside is complete shit. I may get around to fixing the outside and interior, but the 3.55 rear swap comes first.

>must let me make all the decisions
And then she cheats on him because he is boring

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You try doing 5 days a week then tell me it's a reasonable thing to ask.
Rest is whatever.

You clearly don't get laid or you wouldn't be complaining about women.

We're not talking about my opinion user.
We're talking about under average women's opinion.

I drive a fucking 1997 rustbucket with peeling paint, does what I need it to do and that suffices.
I'm also a KHV.

You act like getting laid is hard. Are you fucking serious? Unless you are a total fucking spaz in real life any fucking dirt bag can suck your dick or fuck. You can even pay for it. Give me a fucking break.

Calm down there, Jimmy. You're acting like I said getting laid is the hardest thing to do. But with this kind of mentality it's almost hard to believe you talk to any girl without sperging out.

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Standard operating procedure. Aside from the last, that may be a bit much.

Yeah if youre a cuck they want all these things, if you are actually a dominant masculine man none of this matters

Cute, but true. Also fuck you.

>But with this kind of mentality its almost hard to believe you talk to any girl without sperging out
Its hard not to when women have an extreme disposition to acting irrationally

All of these except the gym and no looking at other female things are fine.
>Can't be fat.
It's almost like humans are attracted to disgusting slobs.
Ever heard of financial stability? You can't support a household of 2 (or more, if you get kids) with one income, unless you're rich.
So, like, do you expect people to be attracted to ugly people?
>Owns a nice car.
Most girls I've met seen don't care for a nice 100k car, they just don't want a 1000$ Dodge that's 5 years old.
>Has a nice home.
You only need a nice apartment, and if you're financially stable (which, as stated, is a fair requirement) you should already have that, or you're on trying to get one.
>Loves me.
Why would you not want that????????

Jeez dude.

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