8 inch dick

>8 inch dick
>post on /soc/ rate thread and always get very positive comments
>get women adding me on fetlife because it's my profile pic on there
>same deal on grindr
>still feel like I have a baby dick when I get hard in real life and look at it

Anyone else know this feel? Why does this happen?

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Body dysphoria. Go on Jow Forums, everyone thinks they are small.

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Why don't you post it here to get our opinion of it? Ideally with and precum leaking out, please.

no, nobody wants me

Well 80% of fit unironically look awful, like half dont even lift

I'd get banned because mods are fags.

You can just post it on /soc/ then link that post on here. If you seriously think your dick looks small though you're either 6'5" or taller or just retarded.

Super big humblebragging thread. Woah dude I get all this attention from women but aaaawwww i still feel bad :(. Cry everytime my man. Cry every time. Tfw giant huge dick, 7 feet tall, 300 pounds of lean muscle, billionaire heir and neet out all day fucking girls while I watch anime like onaholes but waaaah my left toenail lookz weird lol.

>tfw only 6ft 3in
>tfw dick only 8.5 inches
>tfw only 8/10 looks
>tfw only make $90k a year

Fuck my life

Please post dick

I have an 8 inch with about 6 inch girth and think it's small.

Might want to get those massive insecurities checked out bro.

Lemme see your dick

If you really had an 8 inch dick you wouldn't think it was small.
If you lay down flat on your back and look at it while you fap its really hot, specially if you're clean shaven.
t. someone with an actual 8 inch dick
Too bad i'm autistic as fuck so i have no idea how to be sexual with anybody.
I've even tried to sext with thirsty gays from r9k and omegle as practice and i always weird everybody out with my autism.

More than half do not lift, like maybe 7/10 percent of fit lifts seriously.


I posted it on Jow Forums in the past and people told me it was small.

I dunno how to cross board post sorry I'm a retard.

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This is how you cross board post.

>tfw 6'4" and 5" dick
It literally looks like a micropenis, which it may as well be desu.

That's because it is small. It isn't kys-tier but I wouldn't expect any girl to be impressed by it.

I thought it was small, thanks for letting me know I suppose.

Do I become a trap or some shit? I'm too tall though I think.

The only thing I'm concerned about is my dick though, other than that I'm extremely narcissistic

It's not small you retard. It's extremely long with what looks like average girth. Perfect for anal.

Why do people say it's small then?

Cause they're baiting you idiot. You have literally nothing to worry about. It's close to pencil dick tier but I wouldn't classify it as such.

>The only thing I'm concerned about is my dick though, other than that I'm extremely narcissistic
>the only thing I'm concerned about is me, other than that I care about me
>More than half do not lift, like maybe 7/10 percent of fit lifts seriously.
>half do not lift
>maybe 70% lift srsly
is this a thread about a guy subtly bragging by pretending to be insecure or a contest to see whose the biggest retard?

>is this a thread about a guy subtly bragging by pretending to be insecure or a contest to see whose the biggest retard?
What makes you think someone can't be insecure? Are you fucking retarded?

Being insecure about having a dick 7" or bigger is like being insecure about being 6'2" or taller. It's just ridiculous.

hes not insecure, he is trying to brag about his 8inch dick while pretending to be insecure so you guys give him attention, its a common trick

>body dysphoria isn't a thing
The absolute state of you.

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Nah. Not for height and dick size. For weight and looks sure.

Since this thread is fucking garbage we may as well try to get something useful out of it
Lets talk angles
Which angles do you use for dickpics?
Im 6'4" and if I take a photo from furter than 20cm it looks 2 inches smaller
Im fucking awful at them

>8 inch dick
>gets nothing but praise and free pussy
>continues to complain
go fuck yourself

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>free pussy
I'm a virgem.

8 inch dick? this shit is HUGE. Fuck you OP. You just want attention.

But it doesn't look or feel big.

i have cancer hen i was born and they took a ball from me, mine sometimes hurt and sometimes it's at 7''and i am a grower so it feels weird, so op shut up

I have a 6.6" Johnny and I still think it's pretty big despite being slightly above average when I look at it like you said. And honestly it is, really if you think your dick is small despite being over average, do this.

Im 21cm/8.3" and I agree with you but I somewhat understand where OP is coming from
When Im looking at it while standing up it looks much smaller, maybe 1 or 2 inches less
But looking at it when laying down makes it seem as big as it gets

Holy shit please fuck my throat daddy

Im not homogay
At least yet

That's okay I can wear girls clothes.

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>Tfw you will never get random cutebois offering to worship your small penis