4cahn is an absolute shithole. I don't mean shit hole as in "oh yeah this place is so bad but I still go here...

4cahn is an absolute shithole. I don't mean shit hole as in "oh yeah this place is so bad but I still go here, im so edgy because i go to a place that i realise is a shit hole." i mean its an actual shit hole. I've been here for about three months because a bunch of people i know talk about how they spend their time on 4hacn "trolling normies for the shits and giggles." its literally impossible to troll anyone here. every post and every reply is just bait trying to bait someone but what these assholes don't or do realise is that almost everyone one else is here to bait as well so every troll is answered with a troll which is answered with a troll. everything here is about insulting other people whether doing it in an entertaining way or not. its almost never entertaining. btw i bet right now you're thinking "well you just don't have a sense of humour." possibly. and if you're also thinking "what a faggot he spelt Jow Forums wrong" then that just proves my point. I rarely see anything that i laugh at. even posts that are posted by retards who don't know what they are doing here, which are quite rare, like the one around here somewhere about a guy snitching on a cheating chad. laughed at like two replies there. I don't understand why people use this shitty place. just get friends, set up a crazy dnd session and you've got shits and giggles. or do literally anything else with friends that are willing to have a great time and you will achieve a 10X greater sense of fulfilment. just leave this place. if you cant then go get help from a professional like a therapist or someshit and when he/she says go make some friends then go make some friends instead of writing about it and adding "cant make friends. mfw" at the end. for all the time I've been here I've barely seen any of the juicy memes that i was promised. before i leave i just wanna know, why do you come here user?

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Fuck off whh thst long ass essay

Cut it down and I'll maybe consider using my time to tell you why you are wrong

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In summary, Jow Forums is a shithole and the quality of posts is incredibly low.

Once you're here, you're here forever. Plus you probably just stuck around places like Jow Forums, /b/, Jow Forums, and here, all of which are literal shitholes. The more niche boards are much better, though not really saying much.

yeah i know that some boars have actual meaningful discussions but if i wanted that id go to quora or reddit

>quora or reddit
lol drink up that s0 y amigo

Whoa nigga!

Originally of course.

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what he said basically

>quora or reddit
I think it's better for both of us if you actually do leave and not come back considering those two sites (the latter especially) are part of the problem.

I come here because I came here in middle school. Im 21 now.

Once youre here, youre here forever.

really? please elaborate. is it because of them that there are is so much shit content here? actually idk i haven't visited either for a long time so maybe they are

why? do you literally have no self control? ok understandable but like i said in the original post you can go to a therapist or psychologist to get help. anything but keep going here

nice pepe btw

>I've been here for about three months
me 9 years and counting and not bored of this place yet

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why though? whats so fun here? maybe im just browsing this place the wrong way. could you tell me how?

Youre definitely a normie gtfo

Find a board for a hobby you like and talk about said hobby while also calling other anons out on being retards? Or do what I do and visit Jow Forums whenever you need a reminder that life could be worse.
Go to /b/ if you want to jerk off to everything and go to Jow Forums if you want to be offended by everything.
Always remember that everything here is an autistic work of fiction and to never take anything seriously.

why not just indulge in said hobby?

It's much more fun to talk about doing something than actually doing something. Normies do it all the time too.

well its not really a hobby if you're just talking about it right? i mean i know that its fun to sometimes talk about your hobby with other people and online is a great place to do that but you have to actually you know do the hobby as well. or am i just being a retard?

Erm I just like anonymous shitposting, the vulgarity and crassness and cynicism and the fact that it isn't a bunch of reddit-tier faggots, I feel a sense of kinship with fellow 4channers, I grew up with this website, started browsing it with 14 and I'm 23 now. I love this site. I think I like the description of 4chin as electronic toilet stall walls the most.

I tried browsing reddit a few times but the bugman faggotry is just unbearable, pic semi related

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>unironically spelling Jow Forums wrong
what a faggot

yeah but doesn't it get old? plus there isn't that much crassness and cynicism about a lot of the posts i see are just faggots going "i have a trap gf and i like boypucci. does this make me gay?"
I heard a lot about reddit faggotry and dicksucking for karma but i have yet to see it. also what do you think of quora?

The quality of posts is low because newfags like you who have only been here for three months feel comfortable not only posting but making OPs and also because newfags like your friends came here to pretend they were cool. You and your friends are cancer that kills this website. This website has been dead since 2012. You just came to a rotting corpse infested with maggots and expected to find anything but rot and shit?

I will tell you what, being on Jow Forums for around 13 years since the Cracky-chan era has been a wild fucking ride; and you stating that Jow Forums is nothing but a shit-hole is not far from the truth. This site is absolute garbage. The thing is though; we all have no friends. We will all come back to this site. Another thing is that we're all accelerates to each other's fire. Why would anyone want to stop that?

Yes it very much is a plebbitor problem. Jow Forums is just a shittier plebbit 2.0 at this point.

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Why are you still around from 2005? Didn't you realize this site was dead years ago?

>yeah but doesn't it get old
not really no, there's new threads everyday, i browse more than just Jow Forums too so maybe that adds variety

>a lot of the posts i see are just faggots going "i have a trap gf and i like boypucci. does this make me gay?"
people openly posting about having sex with trannies is pretty vulgar

>I heard a lot about reddit faggotry and dicksucking for karma but i have yet to see it.
worse than karma shit is the fact that you cant just call people faggots without being banned by some faggot mod

>also what do you think of quora?
sometimes it pops up when i google something i wanna know but i would never participate in that community

I've tried browsing b as well but its really hard to find anything other than porn or at least for me. yeah i know that its vulgar but its just not really some sort of interesting type of vulgar just vulgar for the sake of vulgar. and its also really annoying because these sort of uninteresting threads are fucking everywhere. the quora community does seem kinda too wholesome to me but there are interesting people there that are sarcastic and cynical if thats what you are looking for.

don't newfags get better at making posts?

the only reason to go on /b/ is to fap

also i didn't say they were my friends because they aren't although i do regret what little interaction we had

well i know that know. what other boards are there that you would recommend?

Just if it was that simple :(

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this is an excellent post, rather high iq.

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For all you know he smokes crack all day lmfao

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You're right. The reason I come back is because the internet isn't full of different people. The same people posting here are the same people posting on those other places. It's literally all the same. This is just them being more genuine instead of making their cute little reddit/facebook post intended to sound better for upvotes.

well i can understand that perhaps newfags promote the shity content of other newfags preventing them from getting better but they have to. i mean something has to still be happening for people to browse this place

he's right we should all have friends

yeah but if everyone is a faggot piece of shit copycat of each other i don't see why you would wanna talk with people on the internet at all. just a select few maybe. what i mean is just go get friend in real life and hobbies and shit instead of listening to other people's samey shit

i think he was sarcastic although at this point im not sure

no this is a pretty good post. he's right, i really don't have a good answer for why I'm here, i don't have a life and this fills some void

i feel like you're playing mind games with me. in fact i think i saw you messing with someone else before and they asked you "i don't understand your name, are you telling me to kill myself?"

although suicide might just be a popular name here

If the new fags become the old fags then its going to be the same shit

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so what you are saying is this place is shit either way? don't you think they would as gay as it sounds improve on the techniques of the ancient ones?

this place is shit either way but the only thing i can do in my life pretty much

>I've been here for about three months
opinion discarded

i almost feel offended