Big downcurved veiny cocks!
Big downcurved veiny cocks!
Why don't you enjoy average size?
>Big downcurved veiny cocks!
I want to fuck this dude with my inferior human cock while I jerk off his superior horse cock.
I'm a top and I'd enjoy servicing this dude with my mouth. Imagine that shit.
pls pls pls pls pls
Is 7x6 good enough for you?
Buttybuttdress I think, found these on /gif/ only ones without sound, thread is still up btw.
Saw the thread on /gif/ just now
That dudes dick when flaccid looks just like mine when flaccid too
But there were no hard videos
Is he on hrt?
That would be a fucking waste
Yes, why do trannies have to ruin everything? I fucking hate trannies with a burning passion. He could have just been a normal bisexual guy with a huge horse dick but now he's a shitty fetishist who larps as a female.
Did someone else take the photo?
I cant wrap my head around that angle
cant find it right now
can you point it to me?
Looks like a very unconvincing strap-on to me my dude.
Don't bully him, I'll tell you what happened more or less
>When he was 18 he was a streamer from Aus on chaturbate by the name of jackettrap, got big bucks cause 10" benis
>Fast forward a bit he leaves chaturbate because of fights or some drama I don't remember (still some stuff from back then, like 5 pics..)
>He becomes popular on /gif/ and encouraged to make a Tumblr
>befriends lots of people on Tumblr and gains even more /gif/ attention, by this time there's lots of his shit going around..
>debates going on hrt on Tumblr
>lots of people against it
>does a @Everyone on his discord explaining he wants to live a regular life , kicking everyone who's not close to him
>deletes Tumblr and everything else
>Nowadays he sometimes responds on /gif/ and is on hrt living by himself in Australia.
People meme saying he killed himself but he's alive and kinda well, I had most of his content on my dead phone but I've got quite a bit still.
I don't remember exactly what he worked as but back then during Tumblr days it was something with CAD I think.
Tumblr deleted.
It's real here's a pic from his Tumblr.
>he wants to live a regular life
>is on hrt
nice logic
I'm italian and my dick is only 4 and a half inches
That isnt 10" though
Guys a twink manlet and you need to take that into account
He is probably 8.5-9"
>its real
>heres a photoshopped pic to prove it
Yeah and hia dick just happens to be lower resolution above the hand. Makes sense. Not to mention thats just not how proportions work.
He said all pics almost are not full hard, I'll post almost full hard in a sec.
That's what he wanted... I mean it's not ideal but better than selling nudes online to get money for rent
che sarebbero in centimetri? 11 e qualcosa?
/balk/ here, if your ass is at least 7-8 inches deep, we can make this work.
but I thought italians were supposed to have big dicks to please the nordic slunts.
no, we outsourced that to north africa
No, thats the spanish
Thanks user.
I feel like downcurved doesn't get enough appreciation.
I am north italian so maybe that's why my dick is too small.
Here that's about fully hard a bit less affording to him
cute desu desu des
>Goes around 1-2" middle point of thigh
>Probably around 170cm tall
Yeah its like I said
He is around 8.5-9" not 10
Goes over 1-2" from the middle point of his thigh I mean
Yeah he cute.
There were pics of him with his uppermost face blurred after getting out of the shower but I lost those.
He's 1.8 I think.
H-hey cutie
I have this and some big webm that I can't post here from his stream
are you cute northern european girl pls
Lets say hypothetically i have a huge 8 inch white uncut dick and i'm skinny enough for abs to show.
How do i make money with it online?
what city are you from?
quel sentimento quando no bf to bully about his small dick
Chaturbate and be cute.
Would i have to show face?
N-no. But I love northern european girls and cute dicks because I relate
new york uwu
Not really lost of people are on chaturabte without showing face.
Who? Nice cock formation.
Has 4.5 inch bepis
Still thinks and hopes for a girl approaching him
Good mentality italian fren
Hope is the last thing to lose
that's buttbuttydresswho they talked about earlier.
He got a cute bepis
Then post ist somewhere else and link it
I'll post stuff on the /gif/ thread later..
I want that rub on my face
Sad thing about this is that if he did what you just said he will never have an erection again
You can have an erection on hrt but since he's big it'll be more difficult yeah.
He's taken and a bottom even though he said he doesn't like it too much and only does it for his bf
>tfw veiny uncut 8x6 cock
never used it once for real though
>guy has a dick that can make any girl his slave
>he turns into a fag
What a waste.