Is it unreasonable to want to marry a virgin?

i dont think it is. whats wrong with wanting to be with a girl who has virtues?

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GL finding one most people don't care about keeping their virginity because it isn't really that important

Good luck finding one. Society wants you to wife up a hooker who's ready to settle down and cash in on your hard work.

>is it unreasonable to want to marry a virgin?
it's unrealistic to think it's actually going to happen

>with a girl who has virtues?
This is why I dont want a guy that watches porn

a virgin before she met you, or a virgin until marriage?
both are stupid

Big virtue everyone with a penis wants in a partner is putting out often and good.
This conflicts with your other stipulation.
I think you need to prioritize one or the other.

stop being insecure about a guy jerking off to hotter women

the second one

Fuck off basedboy oragenelo

So the girl is supposed to have virtues but not the guy

It's actually kinda freaky how normalized porn has gotten. It's gotta be having a huge mental impact on the population, one that's imperceptible just due to how common it is.

masturbation does not equal sex you dumb bitcj.

speaking of which if you're not into guys who fap I've been doing no fap for a few months now

but what if i stop watching porn once i get a girl?

>gotta be having a huge mental impact on the population
It has since it first came out but it is definitely worse now

It is not, but it seems to be unreasonable for a girl to want a male who is a virgin, also.

They're literally disgusted by virginity.

Speak for yourself fren

silly boy. only chad gets to have a virgin. you know that. you are stuck with the used up women who are far out of their prime like everyone else

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Wanting what you want is not unreasonable. Your choice. It might make things harder for you but try.

i'm not a virgin so i can't expect a virgin wife
both of my exes were virgins though :^)

People need to have life experience before they get married and yes, this includes sexual experience. The sheer amount of things that married couples have to handle together requires each partner to have experiences and maturity to draw on, or the marriage will fail. I personally think it would be a hellishly bad idea to marry a virgin. It will, in almost all cases, increase the probability of infidelity. People who haven't lived their lives in every way are not equipped to handle being married. It's that simple.

Quite the opposite my (roastie enabler) friend.

marriages fail because there's no cultural stigma associated with walking out on it

if monogamy were culturally enforced, roasties would have to learn to compromise and make it work without either party completely kowtowing to the demands of whoever has more leverage

>This is why I dont want a guy that watches porn

Literally impossible. Robots are more likely to find a virgin gf than you finding a guy that doesn't watch porn. And if he says he doesn't, he's fucking lying.

Which just proves that men have no self control

i feel bad about it, i'm going to killmyself soon, i'm in point of no return in my life. All i wanted in my life was to marry a virtuous girl but i ruined everything.

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Shame. Did you cheat on her or something

no, there's no gf, never had one and spend my whole life trying to get one but i ruined my whole life in only 2 years.

>but i ruined my whole life in only 2 years.

in debt, ruined my schoolar career and premature bald.

without mention my total lack of social kills to talk with people.

Good luck trying to find one over 18

Stacys are, maybe. I think it's cute when a guy is inexperienced, especially if he's very shy and nervous about it.

sad truth, nice guyes do finish last, or as in a lot of cases never enter the race in the first place

>nice guys finish last
>implying robots are nice
>implying chads cant be nice

lets see how cute it is when i cum in 4 pumps because you turn me on so much.

chad does not buy stacey chocolates and roses on valentines because she gets them from Mr. nice guy and ends up giving them to chad where they eat the chocolates and make fun of Mr. nice guy
>the real disney story

This 100%. But I'd also like to add that sex is neccesary for a healthy relationship, what if you don't like having sex with your virgin bride? Would you divorce her and move on? That's why celibacy has always been dumb to me because I can't see myself being in a relationship if I don't enjoy the sex I can't see myself staying with her if I was still young

Yeah that's cute you dipshit. I remember dry humping an ex who came in his pants and seeing his cheeks turn red and stutter out what I already knew near got me off.

kek retard

a virtuous man would not watch porn you worm

you are just jealous of chad, meanwhile I am cheering him up because he ends up making amateur porn videos which I masturbate to

>being this delusional
All of the chads I know who are in relationships regularly give their gfs gifts

You'll only find Woman like that in Church and other religious settings. It's a trade off.

why would you say such mean things :{

This. Go be a jehovahs witness.

You do not know chads, you know robots who try to imitate chad and fail horrendously

Wanting a virgin is a meme. It's a cute concept but unrealistic. Assuming you manage to find one over 18, once you finally fuck you'll either be stuck with a frigid bitch who won't let you hit, forcing you to cheat on her, or she'll realize she likes sex and end up cucking you with Chad.

chads don't give af about virginity as long as stacey can ignore his side chicks

It isn't wrong. Especially if that's your only standard. Everybody deserves to have SOME dating standards.

However, it's not acceptable to have a standard that excludes 99% of women and then get mad at the world or women in general because you can't find a GF.

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someone post the infograph please

you are the male version of a roastie. please reevaluate.

There is nothing wrong with wanting a virgin girlfriend.

But consider this: what makes you worthy of a virgin girl? Are you in shape, handsome, not losing hair or bald, tall, work full time, live in your own home, willing to raise children?

Secondly: Will you marry this girl? If you guys are dating and you break up, you're just gonna throw another "roastie" out into the world, and I doubt you'll get many second chances when it comes to virgin lovers.