Want to feel inspired guys?

Jack Johnson.
>Just a poor American negro.
>Learns how to box.
>Gets quite good at it.
>Starts KOing white boxers left and right
>Butt hurt white racists spectators literally jump in the ring, ignoring all rules, and try to revive the unconscious white fighters.
>Referee tells him he shouldn't smile after beating a white man.
>Starts having public affairs with white women in a time when such things were unthinkable.
>Both he and the white women are warned against it.
>Warnings go ignored.
>Stuffs rolled up newspapers in his briefs whenever in public so it has an conspicuously large bulge to make white men extra salty.
>Starts dating semi-famous white female celebrities.
>Carrys them across the country fucking them.
>An entire law is passed just to stop this from happening (the Mann Act).
>Looks white people dead in the eyes with a broad smile plastered on his face in a time when being anything but timid before a white person could be interpreted as disrespect and get you lynched.
>Has a long undefeated streak.
>Racists get so angry they practically force a great white boxer out of retirement just to put the nigger in his place.
>White boxer gets back into shape.
>Money is negotiated and match scheduled.
>Huge anticipation to the fight.
>The entire country wants him to lose.
>Match begins
>Beats the Great White Hope like he owes him money.
>Famous novelist Jack London,livid, looks at unconscious white boxer, who gave the fight his best, and calls him a race traitor.
>Butt hurt white racists go across the country destroying property,starting race riots and lynching random black people out of spite.

Quite an inspiring story about going against adversity and racial politics of the Jim Crow era. A posthumous presidential pardon was granted on May 24, 2018, by U.S. President, Donald Trump.You can watch a documentary about him here:


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Ironic that it took Trump to pardon him.

nice op, but im just a dumb nigger. not great like him

whites are so cucked lmao

Oh i'm so happy for you you fond something to nurse your wounded back pride good for you.

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Then get of our website and stop using our internet

>Ignores the fact he was later found using adrenaline shots pre fight and also lost more matches than be won

>does reading about phsyically talented athletes succeeding inspire you, someone with shit lung capacity and low motor skills

Remember an entire country wanted him to fail.You don't have that type of pressure to bear.pic related.

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Man Jack is a legend. I wouldve loved to chill with him, we could have tore shit up.

Why'd you leave out this part

>Although Johnson grew up in the South, he said that segregation was not an issue in the somewhat secluded city of Galveston, as everyone living in Galveston's 12th Ward was poor and went through the same struggles.[15] Johnson remembers growing up with a "gang" of white boys, in which he never felt victimized or excluded. Remembering his childhood, Johnson said: "As I grew up, the white boys were my friends and my pals. I ate with them, played with them and slept at their homes. Their mothers gave me cookies, and I ate at their tables. No one ever taught me that white men were superior to me."[15]

Only pol/fags can't take inspiration from this.And we know for a fact they don't lurk here because they're all alpha males.

I know right. I would've loved to suck his big black dick.


it hurts me too, just to know he could beat me up and take my gf I had to slave away at a low level job just to take out

>On February 25 , 1901 Johnson foughtJoe Choynskiin Galveston. Choynski, a popular and experienced heavyweight, knocked out Johnson in the third round.
Slavs superior as always. How can nigs even compete?

The story is meant to inspire underdogs,not to rank him among the best boxers asswipe.

>our website
this website is owned by a chink

Yeah his thick white ropes of cum projecting into my white waiting mouth.

It was MADE by a chink

Who do you think you are fooling with that fake bravado?

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OP keeps posting this same thread across multiple boards. Fuck off with this shit OP.

Fuck white people. They're so fucking weak that they need a whole damn nation just to try and stop one black guy.

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just lol at physically inferior men

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Hey some of us are trapped here.

Butthurt much nig?

Should've fucked his girl after he took his money. Hahahahahahahahahaha

>reposting from /his/
nice try, (((bro)))
>Johnson later claimed to have intentionally lost the fight, despite the fact there is evidence of Willard winning fairly, which can be seen clearly in the recorded footage, as well as the comments Johnson made to his cornermen between rounds and immediately after the fight, and that he bet $2500 on himself to win.[6][7][8] Willard said, "If he was going to throw the fight, I wish he'd done it sooner. It was hotter than hell out there." Johnson later acknowledged lying about the throwing the fight after footage of the fight was made widely available in the United States. Shortly after the fight Jack Johnson had actually accepted defeat gracefully saying "Willard was too much for me, I just didn't have it."[9]

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Naw, it's kinda sore though from the colon cleaning you mom gave me by using her tongue.

The story is meant to inspire underdogs,not to rank him among the best boxers

Why do Negroids always end up getting enslaved? It's Iike Pokemon black gotta catch Jamal over there in Libya and Sudan right now

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>Famous novelist Jack London,livid, looks at unconscious white boxer, who gave the fight his best, and calls him a race traitor.

i thought jack london was a socialist but i'm a brainlet

And stolen by a white man, like all great things

>Want to feel inspired guys?
Why would I be inspired by the story of my enemy succeeding, abusing my people and fighting for integration? Seems more like you're trying to gaslight whites, the grey largest consumer base on r9k.

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Cringe. You sound like a 12 year old on COD

>i thought jack london was a socialist but i'm a brainlet

lmao thats smart though. why fight an unnecessary fight when you can just give the feral animal a few bucks

Damn meant to upload this .

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Man didn't gave a fuck and haf a good one, despite all the shit prople tried to give him. Good one OP keep it up.

Had*, sorry, pretty drunk at the moment.

How can you even call yourself a man?That woman will never look at him the same way again.

And people*, fuck I'm s retard.

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Kek at that referee.Looks like Luigi.

i dont care about nigger spic macho shit. fighting is only worthwhile as a last resort. not whenever the opportunity presents itself. they probably laughed about it later "LOL remember when u paid that nigger some money to stop being a nigger"

>they probably laughed about it later
Only in your mind.Is there any wonder BBC became a meme.She probably kissed him on the lips after rimming Tyrone.

not really inspiring considering he's still a 40IQ ape nigger

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hahahaha atleast I'm not black