Drug Thread

What are you taking tonight robots ? I'm taking 360 mg of DXM in 3 times and i'm waiting to get hight right now

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how about you stop doing drugs faggot pussy

My life is way too shit for this why should I stop the only thing that makes me happy ?

Glycine. Very simple sedative. Doesn't cause addiction.

Sounds kinda bit gay

I want some intuiv but can't get any.

I took a good amount of phenibut this morning 'cause I had a flight and didn't dare bring it with me (it's illegal here), and I didn't want to throw away so much of it. It's over 14 hours ago now, but still one glass of wine has gotten me way drunker than expected and I'm a thousand times more talkative than usual.

If you're still more talktative than usual are you sure that all the penibut disappeared ? It may be longer if you took a shiton of it

Oh, it's deffo still in my system, which is surprising. What I did was pour phenibut powder into a glass until I realised I had more left than I thought, so I just threw the rest of it away to be safe. I imagine it was a bit over 4g, so quite a bit but nothing outrageous

Just smoked the last of my stash. Gotta get more tomorrow

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snorted what little heroin i had left this morning to keep the WDs away. Trying to get ahold of my guy and he's not answering

Used to be completely clean, but have started considering taking stuff to be more productive because I'll probably need to work seven days a week starting September.
Where do I start?

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Take stimulants. If you're rich take coke if not take MDMA

How do I obtain without getting a prescription?

MDMA is a terrible idea. It doesn't help with concentration or productivity at all. plus it's worse to take regularly than most drugs for your brain
Find someone with adhd willing to sell their pills. Or use the darkweb

Talk to a dealer. It's not that hard to find just go in hot places from your city and search this guy with a hood doing nothing from the day

youre not going to find an adderall dealer in the hood.

>360mg of DXM

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I'm a skelly and I'm too fucked up in my head to do a 3rd plate without killing myself

Nothing unfortunately, if i had the house for myself though i would be doing shrooms

I have varnish and a paper bag. If I don't wake p it s been a good run

dear god i want something to get intoxicated on.

i used to be addicted to benzodiazepines but i quit a month ago because i'm broke and i only have 7 tabs of diazepam left. can't take any of those seven cuz i need to save them for absolute emergencies.

when i have money i buy a lot of weed, kratom and benzo. i especially like kratom, red strains are chill as fuck..

wish i at least had some alcohol, fuckin hate to be sober all the time...

DXM? that shits scary don't take too much.

It's not that scary you just need to master it

Just gonna give this a quick wiff

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is that the fucked up lye fish i cant remember the name of

Tonight in doing mdma in addition to my daily drugs; adderall, xanax, ketamine and weed.
Honestly though, i just want a few fucking beers. Stupid fucking drinking laws reeeee
Do yourself a favor and quit that garbage. Its shittier than ketamine in every single respect.
Ive been meaning to start heroin sometime. I dont want to smoke it or shoot it though and my understanding is that you cant snort BTH, just ECP, but ecp is p hard to find and its expensive.
Mdma is not a drug you can or should do every day. Dont listen to this faggot.
t. had seratonin syndrome
Go to your GP and tell them you cant concentrate. Worked for me
>imblying theres any dxm dose thats good

Fuck this t-break. I can't wait to get home, I left like a half oz of tree and some fat dabs on my desk. Hopefully my plug pulls through and hooks me up with some more psychedelics.

I feel light headed and nauseas. I'm sweating so much

Actually with BTH you have a couple options for snorting. The one that i've seen a lot of people do is mix a bit with just enough water to make it liquid and then add a crushed up pill or any other powder to it until it turns into a snortable powder.
another easier option is mixing your dose with water in a nasal spray bottle and using that
and a pain in the ass way is mixing it with water in an oral syringe or eye dropper, lying on your back, closing your throat, and putting it in your nose

I can't feel my fingers or nose

im glad i dont do drugs. even though i reallly really really enjoy them. i know i cant stop my self so i just dont do any

OP here i'm aboard a small cockpit of my life and going straight forward to cosmos life is great and i'm communicating with other people so it's cool hope you guys are okay

i don't do drugs anymore either because i can't control myself.

i've ended up in the ER endless times from doing extremely risky mixes of opioids, benzo, lyrica, weed, alcohol. once the train starts moving it doesn't stop until i've taken everything i have and i don't come to my senses until i wake up in the hospital with anything from 1-5 days of my memory erased and wounds and bruises etc on my body.

on that note, for how many days consecutively have you blacked out completely at most? my record is 5 days.

My meth guy has heroin. How good is it and how much will $20 get me. I don't want to use needles because that leads to bad shit from what I've seen in meth users.

>use heroin and don't think much of it
>if my parents and family knew about it then they would be all kinds of concerned
weird to think about