ITT: We say what age girls we would date/marry and then say our current age

ITT: We say what age girls we would date/marry and then say our current age.


I'm 32

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>having an age of consent

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I am 22

I don't like children and teenagers



are you from mexico? amigo


are you really okay dating someone that unpure? by 14 most girls have sucked their first cock in this hyper sexulized western culture.

>have fun kissing another mans cock every time u kiss ur future wife


Turning 27 in like a week

Good taste user



And I'm 20

finally some real men.

protip: any girl over 16 is usually a slut and not a virgin and you are basically gay for wanting to be with her

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nice jke.khetnok


>My age

is the >fuck part where you are honest? bc there are no laws against dating girls of any age. only laws for sex. So it's actually legal to date a 8 year old even as a 65 year old. I found this out when I was on a date with my friends sister. She is 12 and I was 27 at the time. The police stopped us and I told them I was on a date. They arrested me and called her parents and when her parents said it was okay they had to release me.

>They arrested me and called her parents and when her parents said it was okay they had to release me
Sadly I don't have the balls to openly date someone underage


I just want to cuddle a cute petite/forever cute gril.

>being this retarded
You are probbably on a watchlist. You should learn how to not be obvious about the fact that ypure dating a 12 year old. Tell them sves your sister or something.

people still gave us really bad looks in public when we would hold hands and kiss.

Based, I wish I was bold enough to publically date my 13 yo gf

17 - 24

im 20 and also a lesbian

actually I wouldn't date anyone.

Of course I wouldn't break any laws.

well i'm blonde blue eyes and she is italian so has darker complextion and plus i think it's illegal to lie to the police? i didn't want to do anything against the law.

what you mean watch list? you actually think our government is that competent when they can't even budget their spending and have been borrowing money from China and printing money via quantitative easing for the last ten years just to stay afloat?

plus I don't give a fuck about a watchlist i'm not breaking any laws. i'm waiting till she is 16 to have children with her as that is the AOC

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Have you fucked her yet? Be honest

I wish I was living your life, normalfag user.

>all these pedos

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i'm not going to lie. it's kinda a rush to show off my loli GF to disgusting boomer scum. I also open carry my pistol on my hip so they know not to start any shit with me. My dream would be to have like two 12 year old gfs and take them out on a really nice date to an expensive place. I will never do anything sexual with them till they turn 16 and I can officially get married. I'm a law abiding person

>I'm 24
Need to have lots of huwhite babbies, after all.

I am unironically jealous, Living the dream user.

what's your IG?

no. Havn't done anything illegal. And i don't plan it on. I'm willing to wait and so is she.

>tfw people stare everytime you take your harem of lolis oit on a date

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Date: 15-22
Me: 18

What's wrong with dating a 15yo at 18? I mean, I understand that the three-year difference is rather large for someone's development, but why is it looked upon with more disdain than other, much larger age differences?

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I'm 27

megumin is 14

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i'm 20

because shes 15 which means shes below AOC in all states in the US and in many european countries

age of consent in Germany and italy is 14. AOC in argentina is 13...

i did say many, not all

The thing is also what you said- that she's underdeveloped. A czechanon on Jow Forums said that even though 15 is legal in czechia, adults who date 15yos are still treated like pedo trash

Age of consent in Germany is only 14 if the counterpart is under 18.
How old is the MC again?

>age of consent in Germany and italy is 14. AOC in argentina is 13...
This, there is no universal law that says its wrong to have sex with a 14 year old. Just someones opinion.

14 is still loli IMO. A loli can be anyone who looks young even if shes like 20


I'd date younger but this is just a general rule of thumb. I'd date older but I want kids and past 35 is like the point of no return for down syndrome.

Who caees what normalfaggots think as long as youre not nreaking the law. In the US some fags think its wrong to date 19 year olds if youre over 30

Ah, the 'ole "legal loli"


im 16


The age of consent in Germany is 14, as long as a person over the age of 21 does not exploit a 14- to 15-year-old person's lack of capacity for sexual self-determination, in which case a conviction of an individual over the age of 21 requires a complaint from the younger individual; being over 21 and engaging in sexua

>im 16


you have to be 18 to use this site

Get out of here. You have to be 18 to browse this site.

>tfw you go to these low age of consent countries but you're still beholden to your own country's laws while you're there as well.
>fuck a teenager who wants it just as much as you but god help you if Big Brother finds out and your ass gets handed a kiddy diddler sentence back in your home country


I'm 19 originally of course.

why are so many of you fuckers pedos? what the fuck is wrong with you?

There's nothing wrong with US. If you don't share the same tastes, there's something wrong with YOU.

how tf is your home couSTOP PATHOLIGIZING REPRODUCTIVELY VALID BEHAVIOR. There is absolutely nothing wrong with wanting to have sex with a girl that has started puberty AKA 12 years old

Enjoy ur ban lmao

no sorry but pretty much all of society agrees with me that you should be executed

megumin still doesn't look like a child. she just looks malnourished. because thats what she is.

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Surprised to see the website you started browsing last year isn't full of the same groupthink moralfags as all the others you use?

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you're a degenerate retard and i hope you get raped in prison

She me the anti-dating law.

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I've been here since 2004, i know there's always been pedos, i just never wanted to believe the ratio was so high

I hope i don't stay in this shithole for too long

>the mob said it, so it must be true

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you are basically gay, a homosexual, for not wanting to breed with sexually valid female. Enjoy your AIDS faggot

You're out of your element, normie.

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kek sohuld name that pic "REDDIT.jpg" WHERE they create democratic group think

>I've been here since 2004
>doesn't know the website had a dedicated loli board
You're a faggot and a retard.

why do you want to know my ig

>Being so much of a loser that you want to fuck 3rd graders because they're "pure" and aren't old enough to make fun of what a sad excuse for a man you are

jerking off to loli is hardly the same thing as fucking actual children you retard

>He uses the fallacy fallacy to hide how maladjusted and fucked up he actually is

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>being so much of a loser that you settle for another man's leftovers

wanting to kiss a girl that sucked five chad dicks.

if your not into lolis your basically gay or bisexual. REAL men desire pure wombs

I'm pointing out the natural male urge to reproduce with attractive beings has always been a thing here. Being surprised men want young and pure girls for themselves on a place that sexualizes the young and pure is the truly retarded thing to do.

most of y'all would fuck yr sister given the chance, don't try to pull that reproductively valid bullshit. also children are far more likely to die in childbirth than adults

>being so much of a loser that you settle for another man's leftovers
that's where you're wrong, not every adult woman is a fucking roastie that's been plowed through you mentally ill retards. And i'd rather settle for that than a child. Jesus christ thank god i'm not this far gone

>offers no justification for why it's wrong other than "pretty much all of society agrees with me"
>screams "fallacy fallacy" when I point out the obvious bandwagon fallacy

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>that's where you're wrong, not every adult woman is a fucking roastie that's been plowed through
Gonna need a source on that.

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>being dumb enough yo admit youre an underagefag

You deserve a ban just for being this much of a brainlet

I'm 33

give it time user. Another few years here and you will be a convert.

this is absolute beta logic btw, like the "asian waifu" fags, pedofags live in the fantasy that women need to be pure in order to be worth their time, probably from watching too many animes. A real man can take a WOMAN and transform her into whatever he wants her to be, and if he can't he's still not as much of a loser as a kiddie fucker. Keep trying to rationalize your illness tho

Pedophile = attraction to PREPUBESCENTS
If she bleeds then its not pedo. Take ypur groupthink moralfaggotry back to normiebook summerfag

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>A REAL MAN cleans-up after the bull!
You're delusional. It used to be a requirement that women were pure. Where did your standards go, western man?

i am lesbian as well

>pretty much all of 1940s era Germans believed jews shpuld be gassed

Yeah I sure am glad that morality is decided by consensus. Id love to gas kikes like you

top kek.

you realize that once a girl has sex with someone other than her husband the divorce rate begins to sky rocket. Divorce rate and infertility is directly correlated with the amount of partners a girl has not to mention STDs and unrealistic sexual expectations. If you if a girl has sex with a 8 inch dick she will ever forget thaht?

have fun with your pond scum stacies. I'll take my pure, energetic happy virgins.

I'm a fembot, but...

>Ive been here since 2004
No you arent, it is painfully obvious you are a summerfag who heard abput the evil hacker group Jow Forums from CNN

Real men like lolis. You are either a faggot or a roastie in disguise

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>ironically thinking all women are roasties

stay neet for the sake of humanity.

Btw just something else to activate the almonds, did you know child rape victims are far more likely to turn into roasties anyway? Multiple studies shown women involved in adult relationships as children grow up to be mentally unstable or promiscuous. Subhuman pedofags ironically create the roasties they're scared of in the first place kek

>ITT subhumans admit to their desire to fuck children

You should all be shot.

>loli isnt the same as pedophilia
Haha I am not gay good sir I just jack it to 2D yaoi hentai. But Im actually straight

Just admit you find young pure girls attractive like most normal men user

Child rape victims. What if the child consents?

exactly. Old gross stacies hit the wall and are nearing menopause and are desperately trying to get us to desire them and fuck them. Fuck that. I'm not wasting my hard earned money on old women. I'd rather spend it on young, virgins who i could potentially marry. Not some disgusting skank stacy whore.

If that were literally possible, maybe.

Dont you habe a dragon to slay ir something? Mr white knight

OP, hope you see this, I've got a question. What would you talk about with an 11 year old? She would want to talk about her favorite boy band. And make up. And some new cartoon that is out. She wouldn't understand your rant about politics, sjws or how you need money and you are not getting any. How would you make a bond with a child the same way you would make a bond with a grown up roughly your age?