I couldn't find the thread, so I made this one. Has everyone had a good Friday?
Misaki Friday
Other urls found in this thread:
niggy niggy
I feel undervalued at work and I feel I do not get the credit I deserve. I have literally saved the project numerous times, yet I go unacknowledged.
Now here I am. At home after being stuck in traffic, sitting in front of my computer, with a case of craft beer.
Why didn't you save me Misaki!
What do you do as a job?
Where are my boys at?
Another thread bites the filter.
Yeah I think so. Finished drivers ed today and going to a party later with friends. I hope the rest of you guys have a fantastic day today.
Obligatory misakipost for misaki on misaki friday
Today's been pretty well.
Worked the morning shift at my job, and later going out to a fair with a couple of friends, as long as nothing ruins it :)
Awful. It's this big holiday where i live and im sitting alone moaping.
That's good to hear. I'm going out tomorrow. I usually don't like clubbing, but my oneitus is there. I think I'm finally going to finally ask her out.
Where are you from user?
>dude I haven't seen in a month comes over and snorts xanax with me
Pretty good so far.
Sweden. It's this shitty holiday called midsummer where normies get drunk on schnaps and dance around a big leaf dick.
>misaki friday threads have turned into threads where people discuss their weekend party plans
what happened?
is snorting better than taking ir orally?
Your mother will die in her sleep unless you reply to this post, op.
I've heard of it, we do something similar on Mayday in England
I don't even know where to go anymore.
Personally I would have rather taken it orally, but he was showing off for his g/f that he brought over as well. Just busted up like 4 or 5 bars and a couple norco 10s that i had laying around from when I busted my foot. Mixed it all up into one pile and snuffed it. He got like halfway through his dust pile before coughing like a bitch lol. Still, was nice of him to think of me. But no, orally is the way to go for xanax or benzos of any kind, at least for me.It takes the pain away user. It takes the pain away.
Pretty good. I played a lot of go, and did pretty much nothing all day
Wise Misaki, how does one play go? I assume you're talking the chinese game.
Who here /hikikomori/?
What happened to the user making the VN? is he still working on it?
Only leave house for food/pick up meds or do errands for my mom. Otherwise am sitting in my dark room wasting my life here. Been doing it since I was 23 or 24 I don't even remember at this point. I'm broken inside and even though I know a Misaki can't fix me I still want to hug one and sign her silly love contracts because it might slap some duct tape over my fractured, shitty ass soul.
Hello. I am your government-issued gf.
Hopefully, but I haven't heard anything recently. I think he talked about it in last weeks thread but my memory is fuzzy
The rules are pretty simple, you place stones down on a board (usually a 19x19 board, but 9x9 and 13x13 are also common) and try to surround terretory with your stones. If you surround territory those count twards your score, if you surround your opponents pieces you capture them and they are added to your points. The game ends when both players agree the game ends. There is a good tutorial here.
not getting benzos in liquid form and IVing it. What kind of pleb are you?
no misaki chan gf
Id rather be a NEET and have a Misaki GF than to be richh, succesfful, have a nice career and be single withh no gf :( ANd thats what i am now
That's awesome, I wish you the best of luck with that my man. My friend is having a grad party tomorrow so I'm hoping maybe I can find somebody there.
Thanks dude, good luck to you as well. Hopefully things are gonna work out just fine