It's funny how leftists decide to care about the young all of a sudden. Are they gonna crack down on abortion(child murder) too? Unlikely. Hell the only reason they are called concentration camps is to play on people's emotions. They are internment camps but calling them internment camps would be to ethical for them. Why is it these leftist are so easy to stoop so low? It's like they don't have any real empathy or reasoning.
It's funny how leftists decide to care about the young all of a sudden...
Leftists are either ideological overly ideological useful idiots or intelligent disingenuous manipulative fucks who have something to gain from leftist policy. There is no in between. The natural "political" state of humanity would be called far right by modern standards. The latter group, especially the social engineers, deserve nothing less than to be street light ornaments.
i don't believe early-term abortions to be murder, or even morally corrupt, considering the lack of neurological capabilities within the embryo.
It's still murder because you are killing the chance of life forming.
that's not the legal definition of murder. i also don't consider the removal of something that has yet to exist an actual loss.
Good god you are an idiot
You should go and talk to them instead of arguing with yourself. It's really stupid and it makes you look like you're insecure in whatever drivel you believe in.
killing niggerbabies has utility to the system
no, they are not going to suddenly realize that the thing that signs their checks is bad
It will eventually become a human though. 100% of the time a fertilized human egg will become a human being. Destroying the egg is also destroying the life it could have been. But of course it's easy to be ok with abortion when you aren't the one being aborted.
Not an argument.
He's not wrong though, all this outrage is mostly manufactured, and the rest is just the norman sheep virtue signalling about it. This same shit was going on during the Obama years. Additionally if you commit a crime, even as a citizen you will be separated from your children. Nobody cares about these things because it is not currently trendy to do so.
>actual pro lifers on my Jow Forums
Man, this site has gotten weird as fuck
The embryo is okay with being aborted too because it has no brain, and therefore no opinion. Humans don't have inherent value until they can feel. Ethics don't hinge on the potential of what could be. By that same logic, you're a bad person for not having several children already. Every child you've failed to since puberty have is a murder you've committed. Pretty fucked up.
failed to have since puberty*
That's not the same thing though and you know it. You are just twisting words around for your own devises. Not every person has the potential to have children but every fertilized egg has the potential to become a human being.
It doesn't mean that it has value. I'm sure you step on insects, which is fine because insects don't possess the neurological capabilities to feel pain or self-awareness. Embryos are exactly the same. I would never condone the killing of an infant-through-elderly being of any sort, but an embryo simply doesn't constitute a being and thus has no rights.
intelligent being*
Sentience has nothing to do with it because even though a bug can not think like a human it is still a vital part of nature. We need bugs.
If a drunk driver kills a woman, he shouldn't be charged with just a single murder. He should be charged with mass murder.
We don't need every bug, just like we don't need every potential human. Ecological stability requires a certain degree of controlled maintenance on our part, considering the degree that we impact our environment. We intentionally devastate mosquito and arachnid populations, so why aren't you contesting that? Early-term abortions have no major impact on the ever-advancing population. Should abortions someday start having a major limiting effect on population growth - even better.
People should get more abortions or voluntary sterilizations because we'll never be able to sustain ourselves at this birthrate. Why dont you value the infinite number of potential lives who will eventually, inevitably suffer due to the negative impacts of overpopulation?
Western countries are already at sustainable reproduction rates. Talk to third world r selective countries about that. Of course, none of the people in control actually care about overpopulation, only constant economic growth. They see westerners aren't keeping up with them so they import the third world.
>he thinks anything actually has "rights"
Imagine being this spooked
Yeah, yeah, I get it. We're animals with no inherent rights other than man-made and entirely contextual/circumstantial rights. That's a very "entry-to-philosophy" observation and it's much appreciated, boyo.
That is an ad hominem you dumb retard.
>has right wing views
>is incel
>implying abortion is bad thing
Fuck off you nigger, there's already too many fucking people in this shithole piece of rock we live in and you want even MORE children that will be abandoned or raised by retarded single mothers who don't even want them? A whole new generation of Jow Forums users with no place to claim in the world - and this is supposed to be the "morally right" choice? Hell, I'm in favor of legalizing the "abortion" of a lot of adult morons like yourself, too. It's only ethical.
"Imagine being this spooked" is also an ad hominem. That's a concerningly low level of self-awareness, friend.
How come you are in love with that webm? I bet if it had a dick you'ld suck it till the skin tore off.
So you wouldn't want to prevent leftists from being born? What about Blacks, who get the most amounts of abortions per year? Their lives are precious to you?
ok. god bless.
No, it isn't. You are calling his idea "entry-to-philosophy" to discredit it. He is simply calling you spooked because of your idea.