>Apply for a job and put Black when they ask for my race
>No call for a week
>Withdraw my application and reapply with Mixed Race as my race
>Get a call 2 days later
This is America.
>Apply for a job and put Black when they ask for my race
>No call for a week
>Withdraw my application and reapply with Mixed Race as my race
>Get a call 2 days later
This is America.
Other urls found in this thread:
Yeah it sucks. Employers dont want blacks as much as people think
we deserve jobs because we bee black n sheeeiiit
why do white posters keep doing bait like this
It's more like we don't deserve to be denied jobs just cuz we black n sheeit
Its always niggers who walk around with their own pen and paper and write down every speculation about race... moved to USA as an admirer of black people and its culture, to being absolutely done with it, in other words fuck you filthy fucking niggers
Wow affirmative action is a meme
If the owner of the business don't want to hire Negroids then so be it. Stop being so entitled
Im for real. Shit sucks in this country.
Then in the same breath youll say
>Black people are lazy and dont want to work!
I suppose you can make an argument that it's their "right" (not legally in the states, though) but racism imo is only really justified when making assumptions about what a person will be like based on facts. Like, it would make sense to me if the situation ran: "do you want to hire this random guy? He's black." and they said no because they assume he will be lazy, under-qualified, not intelligent enough, etc.
If he accepted the application with the same skills, credentials, etc. then whatever apprehensions he had about their ability to perform well are proven wrong and there's no logical basis for the denial.
Give me a single reason why you don't deserve to be denied a job because of your race?
But they are, hence they never get hired.
You have to put woman down for it to count
The logical basis is that he is black and will not fit in as well. He is statistically more likely to be lazy, stupid and cause more trouble.
Mayates are lazy. I worked with some before and they complain and call in sick all the time. And they are always high.
>apply for college
>put white as race
>pretend to be gay
Ruh roh
Thats not a reason you stupid nigger.
>everything I disagree with is just edgy
Is this how you block out any deep thought from entering your head you stupid fucking normalfag.
It's not like they can prove it if they're not allowed jobs.
I'm pretty sure we're in false premise territory right now regardless, more black students at my uni seem to have jobs than white ones.
Supposedly the laws were written to ensure a more fluid economy, but the people who wrote the laws didn't think people would exploit the system to get money from lawsuits. Ultimately anti-discrimination laws weren't as effective as planned.
>deep thought
Like lazy spics can talk. Build the wall.
Well I got the job while you white NEETs sit here bitching about me. I won in the end. White people are so gullible.
I'm not a beaner.. Apparently you can get banned for saying n!gger so i just call them mayates.
That assumption is perfectly valid
Explain how this is a false pretense. I'd say you are the one who is strawmanning you stupid nigger.
Not him but because individual merits should be assessed and taken into account when looking for someone to fill a position. Someone being lighter skinned but worse at the job means they bring less to the position than the darker skinned person, unless you're the owner of some weird Aryan modelling agency.
>more black students at my uni seem to have jobs than white ones.
you got banned for being an annoying avatarfag. now piss off.
Why exactly should he be?
Apparently because Im black
?? it says no /b/ stuff here and /b/ stuff should stay on /b/, dumb ass nigger.
I'm not , I think the false premise is that black people are denied jobs because of their race. My first statement was to entertain and argue your position within that premise but I don't actually think the premise is grounded in reality in the first place.
>should be
No one can really explain this "should be". Like why. Asians don't have this "should be" concept.
>Not him but because individual merits should be assessed and taken into account when looking for someone to fill a position
Hmmmm thats just your personal opinion.
Should men also get a fair chance of being hired at hooters if they can serve customers just as well? Nope. What if I just don't like black people and want my office to be all white? How is that any more ethically wrong then wanted my hooter staff to all have huge tits regardless of how well they serve. Its not ethically wrong at all to specifically hire white only staff at whatever store you own.
>we should be entitled to sexual fulfillment! this is not the way to live!
>you think you should make money nigger? people don't owe you anything
Because the employer is the one with the money and chooses who to hire.
Wtf is your problem man? I always see you in these threads bashing blackbots. Go to >>Jow Forums if you want to be racist. We're all robots here (aside from norman tourists), no matter what our race is.
Strawman everywhere.
Asians have ethics and concepts of right and wrong, what are you even talking about?
Blacks can not be robots. You would know this if you weren't such a flamming newfag.
Well it's a good thing laws are put in place to prevent that.
maybe they filled their racial quota. Have you thought about the fact that you just fucked some spic out of a job, nigger?
I used to live in Oakland, Frisco and sacramento. Niggers destroy things. They are violent. They don't think. They are lazy from my job experience. They are loud and quick to ambush you for mere pennies. I hate these low lives black niggers. I wish we can gather them up and shoot them and feed them to pigs.
Blacks can't be robots by the way.
Asians are literally insectoids.
You are missing the point. Asians follow up "should be" with a point, you use "should be" as a point.
Let me give you an example.
>because thats the way it should be
>it should be this way because this
I've been on this site much longer than you have friendo. People of any race can be robots, only the reasons sometimes vary (though they're usually the same).
I thought we were discussing ethics not laws. You have failed to argue why it is not ethical to discriminate when hiring. You have lost the argument Norman.
Laws can always change by the way.
Apply as Black for government work and government regulated work, downplay how black you are for the private sector.
If I'm being honest the average employer is racist against blacks and assumes they won't show up to work on time. I have heard from COUNTLESS employers that this stereotype exists for a reason.
Good luck making it OP. Don't let the bigots beat you down.
Damn straight. THIS. I love that you are sticking up for the little guy. Hey guise there is a fembot being attacked by sexists, lets go help her out!
You've put yourself in a delusional reality where customers care what color their phone service provider's engineers, tech support guys and programmers are. They don't. They care about their shit working. If your all white staff doesn't do that as well as a company based on the tenets of meritocracy then people will go to your competitors who don't have their heads up their asses. The Hooters analogy couldn't be more awful, Hooters is a gallery of bodies with low-quality chicken wings and beer in the mix, I literally addressed the gallery of bodies argument in the post that you replied to.
>I've met like ten black people, and they speak for their entire race. Yeh kid, let me give you my expert comments on blacks.
Fug off with your anecdotal "evidence"
>Blacks can't be robots by the way.
Why can't niggers be robots? What's your reasoning behind this? Just cause you don't like them?
I said
>Someone being lighter skinned but worse at the job means they bring less to the position than the darker skinned person
That's my point. It should be this way because you get better employees and if you have better employees then you have loyal customers and a higher quantity of them, if you have that then you've established a more successful business than you would otherwise have.
I realize you're mocking me, but the only problem I have with fembots is that they post here like they think it's .
>all blacks are lazy. why don't they ever work?
>trying to get a job? think again nigger!
this is why blackbots have it worse (besides indian robots)
not even your fellow robot kind believe you to be like them, to suffer the same fate
>You've put yourself in a delusional reality where customers care what color their phone service provider's engineers, tech support guys and programmers are. They don't. They care about their shit working.
You are right, the employer cares though and he is the one with the money you stupid fuck. Get this through your head. It does not matter what field it is, if the employer only wants to hire whites its not unethical in any way whatsoever.
>If your all white staff doesn't do that as well as a company based on the tenets of meritocracy then people will go to your competitors who don't have their heads up their asses
Well, thats the companies loss. This still does not change the fact that their is any ethical obligation for a employer to hire a black person over a white person for any reason.
>The Hooters analogy couldn't be more awful, Hooters is a gallery of bodies with low-quality chicken wings and beer in the mix, I literally addressed the gallery of bodies argument in the post that you replied to.
And yet they make enough money to be have expand nationally across America. Are you also about to argue that it should be illegal for business to not be good and successful?
My hooters argument still stands strong. If there was a call service center and their gimmick was all white employees would you object to the fact that they made money or refused to hire niggers? How is that unethical?
Again, you are a newfag. There is no such thing as a fembot you stupid fucking newfag go back to /b/
>You've put yourself in a delusional reality where customers care what color their phone service provider's engineers, tech support guys and programmers are
You're making an assumption based on your cosmopolitan bias. I would rather do business with an all white company. But if any business tried to set that up, then they would get shut down by the government.
I never really understood this meme. Is it because of how they look (they look nothing like insects), or because of their conformist society and shame culture? Because western civilization also started out that way somewhat.
>I would rather do business with an all white company
Why? Is race more important than skill?
There is also an assumption that everyone else is following the meritocracy rule when in reality they aren't likely to.
It's largely a criticism of Asians being far more collectivist and living in police states like China. It's also that they're physically smaller, more numerous, and their lives and rights aren't taken as seriously as they are in western countries.
>Why? Is race more important than skill?
Yes. I want my people to succeed and can assume other people want the same.
So why can't nigs be robots? Nobody answered that.
making this post so i can spoiler stuff based gal poster...
can you at least get a trip so i can filter you
>le "there are no girls on muh interwebz" meme
Do you really think that during the norman invasion due to the attention this site got during the 2016 election, no girls jumped on the bandwagon? Some have been here way before that, but know better than to reveal their gender, as that will set off a flurry of "plz be my gf" and "tits or gtfo" posts, and in worse cases doxxing. Also, does anyone even go on >/b/ anymore? It's pretty much all porn now, isn't it?
This is why I support blank application
>No Gender
>No Race
Only grades . My father owns a Company and he denied a fat girl despite the fact that she was a straight a Student. Now he is angry at the dude who isn't fat but stupid as shit.
Because like women everyone is out sucking their ass
Because I don't like niggers. Most people on this site don't like them. For good reason to, which I don't need to go into, because they've been stated several times. Majority don't even have the mental capacity to be robots.
Maybe one of them can make an all-black site for "blackbots" but to me and the majority of real robots still on here; you guys are not robots and are not welcome here.
Fuck off, niggers.
None of that is really their fault though. It's the combination of history, their societal traditions, and the mistakes of their government. At least most east asian countries aren't quite as degenerate as the west, and if they are they hide it.
>10 niggers
>10 niggers in oakland, frisco and sacramento
Ah, you must be from out of the country. Everyone knows niggers in oakland are the niggerest of nigs. Sac niggers are the worst. youtu.be
Yes, my family is more important then money. Got a problem with that?
>Majority don't even have the mental capacity to be robots.
Congrats, this will add up to another Jow Forums cringe compilation.
>everyone on the internet is a robot
You can stop pretending to be an oldfag now.
>Because I don't like niggers.
This is literally a muh feefees argument, and fuels my suspicion that most robots are indeed brainlets.
I'm a khv loser with extreme social anxiety and some deep-rooted issues because of a sucky childhood and lack of proper parenting. I have no real life friends and barely any talents or skills. I contemplate suicide everyday and the only thing that gives me an escape consuming media (mostly anime and movies) and coming on to Jow Forums
And i'm not a robot because I happen to be black?
That's wrong though. You're in a thread right now that disproves affirmative action and blacks have a hard time in dating. The "sucking their ass" is exaggerated.
Literally where did I say that nigfag? I just said that there are girls who claim the title of "fembot" on this site. Some really have good reason to claim that title, like that girl with masculine features whose picture gets posted here sometimes.
Back to the old "everything I disagree with is cringe" argument again? Way to prove your low IQ newfaggotry.
real life isnt Jow Forums BLACKED memes. jesus fucking christ this is such a non argument.
literally >muh feelings
>ignore everything else he said
Niggers can not be robots just as a chimpanzee who has never had sex is not a robot. They are not civilized beings. There is no such thing as a nigger hikki NEET. They do not exist in reality.
The employer IS being unethical by not hiring people because he decided their skin color wasn't to his liking. It's unethical to judge a person by their skin and not their character because character is what defines who and what they are, you might be taking that away when skin is your sole focus.
This isn't what I talked about last post because whether or not he does these unethical things you've described, it doesn't change his ability and technical right to do so(nor should it as it would be nearly impossible to tell if someone owns an all-white company due to meritocracy or actual racial bias). I've said what I said because what matters to a company as an entity is its success. My argument is that it's detrimental to the company and therefore wrong, not that it's unethical(and it is) and therefore wrong.
The parenthetical point I made in the last paragraph is what I believe on the question of whether or not the government should step in. Only if it were explicitly made into company code that the managers weren't to hire any darkies(how stupid do you have to be) should the government do something about it. Galleries of bodies type companies could be exempt for obvious reasons because who you really are doesn't matter there, it does matter in many other positions and these ethical questions might need to be brought up there.
>cringe compilation
Why must you subscribe to quasi-norman memes user?
No, you're not a robot. You're just a failure and a nigger. You're like a roast who claims to be lonely and sad so that makes her "one of us," You will never be one of us you fucking dumb ape. I hope you and your kind die out but fortunately for you that won't happen anytime soon.
You have five minutes to prove your black. Are you a NEET?
so only people who are failures and whites can be robots?
Show me proof black people have a hard time getting hired.
pro tip: personal anecdotes on a anonymous image board is not proof
Only objective normies can be robots. If you're not white, cis, and straight, you are a normie and can't be a robot.
>If I haven't seen it, then it must not exist lalala I can't hear you
Quit being a fuggin solipsist and read
The girl ugly Russian girl who actually got a fucking boyfriend? THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A FEMBOT YOU FUCKING NEWFAG
>only normies can be robots
was this some sort of typo?
I didn't say that. I just said niggers couldn't be robots. Despite being socially stunted, most robots are naturally introspective and deep-thinkers. Something niggers very rarely happen to be, if at all
>disproves affirmative action
>is an unverified anecdote
yeah okay
>If you're not white you are a normie
No. Robots are not rational creatures.
Am I supposed to just believe he is black because he says so? You have a lower IQ than a nigger