>Bring Gatorade to the gym
>"Hey you know Gatorade is just as bad for you as soda, right?"
Every Fucking Time
Every fucking time some fucking Sogget has the nerve to say this shit to me.
Fuck off, Gatorade is not as bad as soda.
>Bring Gatorade to the gym
>"Hey you know Gatorade is just as bad for you as soda, right?"
Every Fucking Time
Every fucking time some fucking Sogget has the nerve to say this shit to me.
Fuck off, Gatorade is not as bad as soda.
Other urls found in this thread:
It is
Why do you think blacks that wear jerseys and $200 sneakers but don't play drink it?
Its inevitably someone fat too
They drink Gatorade all the fucking time you mongoloid
Because it is you dyle *goes back to dead liftin 800lbs, all the girls mirin and boys jelly while siping some onions* nothin personal natty
It's literally his job to drink it in public view
they also drink kool-aid, wha your point?
gatorade is healthy you stupid little s.o.y boys
>They don't actually drink it
>But they do
Holy shit, the reading comprehension is upsetting.
it's not a matter of "bad" (what the fuck does that even mean?), it's just sugar salt water. If you sweat a lot you need salt. If you drink it just for taste then it is pretty much the same as drinking soda or juice. It has a specific use
>gatorade: 50 calories/8 oz.
>coca cola: 100 calories/8 oz.
gatorade is not as bad as soda.
If you want electrolytes then coconut water is unironically better.
Gatorade is just sugar water with very very slight amounts of sodium and potassium (no magnesium )
Why do you need gatorade? For electrolytes coconut water is basically the same shit but way better for you
Sorry about the diabetes user. Hope you get some help.
Literally has more sugar than soda and sodium
>Literally has more sugar than soda
Literally learn how to read a label
gatorade is shit mate. Drink coconut water or just fucking water.
Literally learn how to lock your door because im going to fucking kill you tonight
Fucking bring it, pussy, hope you like buck-shot in your balls
There is 1/2 sugar Gatorade now. Got five or so for $0.33 each.
It's high 90s to 100+ now, so an hour outside is good.
They always say that.
Post your gun, big dog.
I know for sure you're going to die feeling like a faggot.
I'm going to suck the fucking cum out your dick. Stick my pinky and stretch out your urethra. And rape you.
And you will enjoy it
Then you will plead that i mercy kill you.
But i wont.
Im going to marry you.
And fuck you every day until you kill yourself.
The core concept of any sports drink is this:
1. Replenish salts that are lost from sweat in order to maintain extra/intracellular homeostasis.
--more on cellular sodium homeostasis.
Osmosis states that areas of lower solute concentration will move water into areas of higher solute concentration. When the extra-cellular fluid becomes low in solute from sweat, it cannot maintain its hydration levels. This is because any water you consume will not move into the extracellular fluid. What's more is that overconsumption of water while in this state causes the intracellular fluid to become incredibly dilute and in extreme cases, causes cellular rupturing due to the cell become too swollen with water along with other bodily malfunctions.
2. Balance said salts with an aedequate carbohydrates for proper fueling/recovery. This is why Gatorade has a bunch of sugar in it. This is so that you can process the salts being put into your body and refuel your body with necessary calories in the form of readily available, simple sugars (carbohydrates).
A side note: it is reccomended that an athelete consume a sports drink after approximately 1 hr of moderate-vigorous training. So if you're not fulfilling this reccomendation or if you're not trying to quickly recover from a water cut, chances are you don't need a sports drink. Any salt you've lost in short exercise sessions can be restored from normal, healthy dietary intake.
TL;DR: OP is correct. Gatorade serves a very useful purpose when used to supplement exercise or physical activity. If you're drinking it like it's water, though, then it serves no purpose other than tasting good. Still not quite as bad as soda, though.
peace and love boys ~~sending positive energy ~~
Alright I apologize.
I might have gone a little too far.
gatorade is literally water sodium and sugar you dumb nog
what do you think soda is composed of?
Water 0 cal
posting in epic thread
great gatorade fight of 2018
Water 0 salts
When you sweat, you lose sodium. Getting sodium in during exercise is not bad for you, it's actually good for you.
You guys are literally clueless.
doesn’t smart water have the same shit
albeit at a lesser value
Jordan never actually drank Gatorade, except for a single game.
According to his best biographer, David L. Porter, Jordan's "Gatorade" was always plain water with food coloring added. The only time he actually drank gatorade during a game was during the infamous "Flu Game" where he was severely dehydrated by the flu and actually needed the carbohydrates of the gatorade to play.
Looks like an ordinary shoe box, right user?
Well guess what, you little faggot? You would be wrong. DEAD wrong. It's actually a sawed-off Remington 870 with a Pachmayr grip.
I have items like this scattered throughout my entire house. I have more ways to kill you than the 5 best James Bond films combined.
You're fucking dead, kiddo.
>misses the point this hard
>calls everyone else clueless
unless you're an athlete you're asking for diabetes
ITT: brainlets that don't realize endurance athletes will literally drink cola to keep blood glucose levels up on long courses and think 30g of sugar is going to kill them.
the same retards that probably think eating a shitty meal once in a while will make you fat
God you're a huge faggot
shove that barrel down your throat and fucking end your worthless existence you fucking pussy
Also, it's the type of sugar. Gatorade uses glocuse which your body can process efficiently, as opposed to sucrose which is basically poision for the body. If you're doing cardio, any glocuse based sugar will help give you a temp boost
>in other news, 3M stocks tank due post-it notes being associated with yet another murder from the alt-right white supremist hate website 4chun.
He was thinking of Powerade
Exactly, user. Like I said, simple sugars.
Great for quick energy. It's in most sports recovery drinks, slimes, goos, and foods.
However, sucrose isn't really "poison", persay. It's just not as efficient. It's two glucose molecules bonded together so the body needs to break it down before it can use it. This means it isn't as readily available. You can find it in more complex carbohydrates such as pasta and bread. Great for loading muscular glucose when you're recovering, but not a good idea during a workout like pure glucose is.
I'm legitimately going to fucking kill you now.
I have your location thanks to your dumb ass posting pictures on here.
Im going to shove that bitch so far up your ass youre going to blow a load
Correction. To my previous post. I got maltose and sucrose mixed up. Maltose is two glucose molecules and often in bread or other starches.
Sucrose is glucose and fructose and often found in table sugar and whatnot. Your initial description was correct.
I'm ded m8
Thanks user
It's pretty bad, look at how much sugar is in that stuff. Not just Gatorade though, any of the sports drinks are usually shit. You are better off just drinking water, or a small amount of Gatorade only to refresh electrolytes. But if you have a bottle the size of MJ there or anything bigger than the small ones you are fucking up. That sugar makes you gain fat.
>Father is obese and rides a bike for his hobby
>Never diets, eats like shit, so never loses weight
>"Doctor told me my blood pressure is sky high, so instead of cutting out salty food I decided to replace water with salty salty gatoraid on my bike rides"
I hope he dies
I wish I was that guy and you actually pulled up and I got to kill you fuck you
i love gatorade
i mainline that shit when i'm hungover
First off healthy is a meme word.
Second off I sincerely doubt that someone would say that to you out of the blue, you're leaving out context here.
Thirdly research the difference between fructose and dextrose so you can sperg out at them about how not all simple carbohydrates are created equal.
fucking kill yourself redditor
Yes because useless context of him walking in the gym and getting on the fly machine is important. Fuck you
it was poor writing desu
why dont you just drink water with lo-salt and salt in it if you want Gatorade? its everything Gatorade says it is without the toxics and sugar.
>he fell for the cocunut meme
Get a violin case instead
Protip: drink fuck loads of water during drinking to prevent hang overs. Hang overs are caused by dehydrated vessels in the brain
>Drink this stuff that tastes like semen
No thanks. I've had the dehydration solution you add to water, and I ain't big enough of a faggot to chug semen-lite while working out
>lifts heavy weights to get strong
>still needs a gun to defend himself
You dense motherfucker. Muscles don't equate defense abilities. This isn't a fucking RPG
>Not having dildos in the box
Are you some kind of faggot?
>implying you lift
You're the only one talking about "defense abilities" fucking virgin lol
>healthy is a meme word
jesus christ have we really gone this far
>Gatorade fight 2018
Favorite post 2018
I don't understand. How would you kill someone with an average shoebox?
>schrodinger shotgun
>mfw my high school baseball team got made fun of because our school couldn't afford to buy gatorade so our coach would make batches of jungle juice (Water, kool-aid, salt) and it tasted so bad
>Every fucking time some fucking Sogget has the nerve to say this shit to me.
Is this an american phenomenon? In norway we don't talk to strangers at the gym
I never knew Gatorade was such serious business
Phenomenal thread so far lads
Fuck all you cunts have to have every single trivial issue boil down to a black-and-white solution.
Asperg as fuck.
Wew lad
Have fun with the caramel and carbonic and citric acids ruining your teeth