Brad Pitt is vegan.
That is all.
Brad Pitt is vegan.
That is all.
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meat eaters on suicide watch
>sexiest man alive
Wtf Jow Forums you told me vegans were all weak and ugly cucks
He's also so out of shape that he wears sweatpants in public. All he has left is the shoulders.
>mirror shades covering his face
>soi beard
>mouth agape with a dumbfounded demeanor
like who the fuck actually is this busy in motion that they open their mouths and twiddle their tongues around like these idiot celebrities. Bieber does this fake candid tard shit too.
Brad Pitt is also dyel
Yea man, I'm coping with my 30 years of youth on him.
ageing is inevitable, nice C O P E
The least he could do is age gracefully. Brad is like benjamin button. He looked more mature younger than he does now. Now he looks like some faggot living out of a van dating a woman that dreadlocks her pubic hair.
Build his physique on meat, as always.
How does this motherfucker not age? Wtf...
Don't have pleb genes bro.
HGH and TRT my dude
What about Nimai? Dude was vegan since birth and does body building competitions quarterly. He's literally a walking attempt of "you can do this shit better, natty, and with plants faggot".
Prove me wrong.
>Now he looks like some faggot living out of a van dating a woman that dreadlocks her pubic hair.
if i had a hollywood PT and 'anti ageing doctor' giving me all the pharma goodies i would eat whatever virtue signalling diet too
He could probably have any woman in the world though. I just googled it and he's been vegan since like 2007. What the fuck? How is this not mainstream media.
Does anyone know his diet?
Really small for a steroid user.
post body
Why? Post yours for no reason.
Man, I thought you knowing the existence of steroids and macronutrients would make you a complete beast, considering you call others out for it.
I didn't realize being 6'4 and more jacked than hay-day Arnold was that easy.
So, body?
Maybe you're fucking stupid then. It's not some special gift to know what to eat. Sorry but you have to have to some other talents in life.
>more jacked than hay-day Arnold was that easy
you must be retarded?
Brad Pitt is vegan.
That is all.
He's insinuating that the poster requires 6'4 and primetime Arnold levels of size to be able to formulate an opinion, and if not he has no viable opinions. Where as the person he replied to has made no such claim and the requirements are only on the one calling out the steroid user.
As well the fake-natty fake-vegan lifter is clearly not Arnold large and is indeed smol. This was easy to deduce.
Now you're caught up.
Good for him, did you know factory farming is fucking horrible! I tried vegan once but it just didn't workout for me. Also did you know that I bow hunt for my meat? Yeah nothing like getting your own meat with the least amount of suffering for the animal. Also the sense of accomplishment you get is like no other. Do You know how animals die in the wild? Hardly of old age most of them die of starvation, diseases,cancer that's big thing, injuries, or as the animal rights activist seem to forget BY BEING EATEN ALIVE. AND BEARS MAN FUCK BEARS THEY KILL CUBS AND ELK BABIES AND DECIMATE POPULATIONS. I also heard from my buddy Steve Renela, that blueberry bears are really delicious.
Arnold used steroids ?
Veganism would gain more traction if they didn't treat it like all/nothing. Every piece of dead animal not consumed is win.
Faggots acting like their lifestyle choice is a secret elite club is cringe.
Vegan diet isn't good for the planet.
A vegetarian lacto-poultry diet would be the easiest and healthiest to support.
Too bad anyone who puts one foot in ethical food consumption gets sucked into a vortex of virtue signaling and purity spiraling.
I knew who it was after like 3 lines
The problem with vegans is that veganism is highly associated with left-wing politics.
The far left seems to have a very high percentage of weak crybabies, vegan or not. So, if the people out publicly pushing veganism are more likely to be women and beta dyels - whether or not that has anything to do with their diet - that type of person is going to be seen as the stereotypical vegan.
The truth is that you can hit all your macros and be extremely healthy on a vegan diet. It takes some nutritional knowledge and planning, but it's pretty easily doable. You can build plenty of muscle, it's actually a pretty good diet for limiting inflammation, you can be energetic and strong. You can even do it without being a preachy, pretentious tool, though I do think there are some decent ethical arguments for it if you care about that sort of thing at all.
But, as long as hippy women and manchildren see it as a way to communicate how virtuous and above-it-all they are, it will always be associated with the basedboy crybaby types. It's unfortunate, really.
Hideously anti-veganism is associated with the alt-right thanks to Jow Forums. Imagine a world where the right was healthier, arguably more intelligent, and stronger (we already are) than vegan libcucks. Veganism would probably be a political gamechanger.
A generation men raised by women, indeed.
yeah Jamie pull up that article for a sec
His wife made him. Now that he is divorced I doubt it.
Use your eyes, he looks sick. He used to look great when he ate meat, but since he's been lacking essential nutrients for years now, he just looks terrible, hehe. It's the extreme aging of veganism, fucking idiots.
>brad Pitt is vegan
Brad Pitt is also a celebrity with roles where he has to be muscular, and like all other stars who need to be muscular, he uses gear, so your argument is invalid
hmm try again sweaty
the extreme aging of veganism and the nutrients meme. Oldest human populations are vegan, antioxidants are a veg/fruit thing, and there is like b12 suplements. Compared to the amount of shit meat only fags have to take you gotta be delusional.
>Muscular legs
Normies my friend, normies
>being this bait
Nice try kiddo
I was vegan for a short stint, and you're right. Balancing macros and nutrients is easy but definitely requires planning. Most vegans I know don't meal prep or care for what they eat as long it's not animal product, malnutrition then puts them in a rut when it comes to food and they don't plan ahead.
I won't even lie, only time I mentioned I was vegan was when I was drunk at the club hitting on obnoxious women to see how they'd respond. Pro-tip: they fucking test you to see if you're lying but they're usually fucking dumb and start grinding on you because "muh emotional connections" over fucking veganism.
It's real, dumbass
>he's been lacking essential nutrients for years now
semen demons will do that
That's why he's so aggressive and beats on the adopted Asian kid. Vegan mental impairment, not even once.
He's cucked by a vegan
Also testosterone replacement therapy
>implying I care about what holywood people do
Also nice "diet" forcing yourself to get vitamin shots by Big pharma.
I bet trillionaires from big pharma are vegans too. Fucking cretins
The day you prove the wealthiest and powerfull people (soros rotshield etc) are vegan, Ill think about it, but for now, keep your retarded behaviour for yourselves pathetic virgins.
I'd just like to appreciate that the only arguments against veganism are fallacies. Really makes me comfortable knowing I'm right.
You'd give 1/2 inch off your micropenis to look half as good as him at 50
Isn't his biological daughter a 5 year old tranny?
That was a decent movie
Is Hgh vegan? Because that's what all of the actors take including females.
this lmao. also one of his kids is a tranny
Nice, he is not as stupid as Jow Forums
Hes into Scientology though
god fucking damn it I read the entire thing in his voice
aber which one???
Nice photoshop
>big pharma totally wants you to be healthy and not pay them money
>hospitals are totally filled with people with protein deficiencies, not fat fucks who cant help what they fork down their throat
Stupid faggot
75% of teenagers right now are trannies
So is Arnold Schwarzenegger
Wtf I'm vegan now
after he got cucked by crazy Angie
also this is not like 90's dude is over 50 and no one gives a shit about him anymore
>sexiest man alive when eating meat
>ugly hippie raising nigger kids when turned vegan
Pick 2
Who's that COPEmon?
>Lean, mean War Machine! Silver-haired Brad Pitt displays his muscular legs in miniscule sports shorts as he films on set in Paris
This is a real daily mail headline accompanying this pic.
having to take a supplement because its impossible to get the nutrients from food alone is pretty alarming. i see it as a sign that you are not supposed to live that way
Why is this a surprise? If you're vegan and eat legumes you get enough protein and are on average healthier.
So is the surprise because someone can look good at 50?
>not age
Which picture are you looking at?
I broke my left leg and my legs look almost exactly like this, just bigger. The left one is so far behind
Their natural daughter who gets bullied by the others because she's the odd the one out.
Any surprise his looks have dramatically failed as he became a vegan? It's been proven that your jaw recedes when you stop eating meat.
He's also like 65 nice, moron. He has been vegan since like 2001. He has been the sexiest man alive longer than you've been legal.
How is nutritional yeast a supplement?
His calves are bigger than his thighs! Ok, he got decent calves, but those thighs are scary.
Wait, are we listening to celebrities now? When did that happen?
>retarded brainwashed slaves think they can build any muscles on a vegan diet
Most people eats lots of meat, how the fuck they are protein deficient?
>low test
He's 54. Your jaw doesn't instantly change once you go vegan, you absolute fucking retard. It takes time. He hasn't looked anywhere near as good as he once was from 2001 onwards. Good job proving my point.
Since when must you be better than someone if you realize that the person is lacking in comparison to others in the same experience field?
Why do you need to cope this much?
he is literally a cuck..
Pull that up that clip jaimie,.
*Silence for 5 seconds*
God damn, look at that chimp, fucking brutal.