My gf got super drunk recently and she made out with another girl...

My gf got super drunk recently and she made out with another girl. She told me like she was super ashamed of it but im kinda mad. Am I a cuck now

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>another girl
Lesbians are a meme, so it's ok

Ask her drunk she'd have to be to do a threesome with you and another girl.

>Am I a cuck now.

Pretty much senpai.

yeah she basically cheated on you

This one's tough. A lot of guys, myself included, don't care if their girl fools around with other girls because they don't view it as a threat. But it IS indicative that she has the propensity to cheat. So I dunno.

Yeah I might be mad. Just bc its another girl doesnt mean she can do that.

Its a test. Every gurl does that.
If you react the wrong way they progress to making out with guys.

Sadly, I dont know what the 'wrong way' is.

Brush it under the carpet.

This is where you ask for a threesome
This is your chance
Seize it

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Asked her, this is what she said

>user, come on now. I would try for you but you know how shy I am in bed

She actually is ffs. I dont know how to feel

>"i wish you were shy enough not to fucking cheat on me tho"

Tell her that you'll find a guy who's capable of leading a three-way for her. Assure her there's no need to look for one herself.

I like this answer. Gud answer.

do this user and post the result

Make sure it is centred around her enjoyment as that is what makes them good.

OP I'm going to tell you right now, your girlfriend doesn't respect you.

You can stay with her, fuck her and have fun. But don't consider her for serious relationship material, do whatever you want, fuck who you want, and tell her you're doing it. If she doesn't like it, tell her that ship sailed when her dumb whore ass cheated on you and that she's free to leave.

IF you do not retaliate, IF you forgive her, she WILL lose respect for you and eventually leave and humiliate you.
As far as relationships go, yours is over but you can still spin her as a plate.

Basically, dump her in your mind but keep fucking her.

sounds like your on a sinking ship get a threesome if thats your want as it seems like all you have to do is get her drunk and she will be down for it but if she doesn't respect you enough not to kiss others while in a relationship I suggest you bail when most convenient

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Yes you fucking cuck she cheated and you got pu ked I always love the "drunk" excuse have fun now you have to wprry about her cheating on you with males and females

Well ya you are a cuck if you stay with her dump her if you were alpha you would but you are not and all those fags talking about a 3 way do it with a mew chick not the slut gf you had and most likely she did more then just a kiss come on you believe that? Christ the fuck is wrong with you people

Eh, that depends on your viewpoint and how "bi" she is.

I'm a normie and/or Chad according to most on this board. My wife makes out with other women sometimes, but I don't care cause it's only when she's drunk and it's clear it's nothing even remotely romantic. Plus she's addicted to my cock which is obviously something no woman could ever give her.

If she does it a lot, particularly when sober, or is interested in women as much as men, then yeah I'd say you're a cuck.

kys normie nigger

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Sort of, yeah. She's putting herself into situations where she can't control her behaviour. Get her to stop drinking so much. At this rate it's only a matter of time before she makes out with a guy, and even if she didn't mean to it'll still have happened, or worse.

Being drunk can't make you do something you don't want to, it just disables the consideration of consequences. This has been known for millennia: in vino veritas.