why are you at r9k right now
Why are you at r9k right now
Seeking fembot larpers to talk to
because i have no life and no friends so i resort to some social board on the internet
pondering getting involved in some threads, using this one to check if i'm b&
I'm from Jow Forums, r9k gets mentioned pretty frequently so figured I'd check it out
Because i like to meet other loners on a Yugoslavian Fishing board
this was a bad investment.
Jow Forumsolerant here but used to browse this a lot
nothing interesting over there, thought i'll pay r9k a visit
big mistake
fucknothing to do, am NEET but don't like anime and no good computer for vidya
Because I'm looking for good memes
this, also it's summer so at least before i had school but now i literally have nothing to do
to see if dormin was being fucken retarded again
to hide trap/hrt/pedo/gay/any sexual derivance threads and create my own perfect online experience
I came back to see if this place could be save
Every reason why I left is 10 times stronger
Fuck this I am out
>why are you at r9k right now
i was about to leave but i came across this thread
oh my god this is too real user
>mfw pepe paints his nails
Because I like lurking here
Seeing people argue about the age of consent is the most entertaining thing I've done today
Just scrolling this board one last time before I go to bed, hoping I find gold at the bottom of this shithole.
Chillin' and killin' time.
But originally.